How to Get Rid of Closed Comedones in 5 Natural Ways?

Updated on January 27th, 2020
how to get rid of closed comedones

Clear skin is hard to achieve. It takes a lot of determination and time to make your skin free from any disgraces and keep it healthy and radiant. And, with problems like closed comedones, the accomplishment of a healthy skin becomes a long and stressful journey.

However, a few natural remedies can make this journey more comfortable. Learn how to get rid of closed comedones naturally. Swipe up to read more.

What are Closed Comedones?

Closed comedones are a variant of whiteheads and blackheads which pop on skin without notice and may make you look ugly by just sitting on it forever. They can appear on any part of your body including face, cheeks, forehead, chest, nose, etc.


Closed comedones are caused by the debris getting blocked by the sebaceous duct and the follicles of hair.

How To Get Rid Of Closed Comedones Naturally?

1. Foods

Egg White

egg white for closed comedone

If you are looking how to get rid of closed comedones(1), egg white face mask sorts it out. Using a face mask for getting rid of closed comedones is one of the easy ways to win against these persistent pop-ups. The egg white mask is most helpful for oil and combination skin. Here is how you can make it:

How to make an egg white mask for Closed Comedones on Cheeks?
  • One egg white
  • One teaspoon of honey
  • Mix the egg white and honey in a glass bowl
  • Apply it on your face
  • Allow it to dry for about fifteen minutes
  • Wash off the mask with warm water
  • Repeat the same twice a week for useful results

Egg white face mask not only prevents the occurring of closed comedones but protects your skin from getting excessively oily. It helps to remove the closed comedones and defenses your skin from encountering more. One of the critical ingredients in egg whites plays a vital role in tightening pores. Egg white mask has properties to make your skin glow.

[Also Read: Blackheads Removal with Charcoal Face Mask]

Foods to eat

  • Pomegranate
  • Sweet potato
  • Cucumber
  • Green tea

Foods to avoid

  • Milk
  • Sugary foods
  • Salty foods
  • Processed grains
  • Refined foods

2. Herbal Treatment

Aloe Vera Gel

aloe vera gel for closed comedones

Aloe Vera gel control oil secretion of the skin. It has antibacterial properties which reduce the growth of bacteria on the surface.

How to use Aloe Vera Gel for Closed Comedones?

You need freshly scooped Aloe Vera gel.

Procedure for Aloe Vera gel application:
  • Scoop out fresh Aloe Vera gel from the leak of Aloe Vera plant.
  • Apply the gel on your face.
  • Let it say for about ten minutes.
  • Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
  • Since Aloe Vera gel is quite soothing; you can continue the process on a daily basis.

Aloe Vera gel is an incredible cleanser. It soothes any inflammation caused due to closed comedones on the skin and cleans the pores of your skin to make them free of any potent toxins or impurities. It is an entirely natural treatment with no side effects and is suitable for all skin types.

[Also Read: How to Unclog Pores Naturally]


Always procure the aloe vera gel the same day that you pluck a leaf out. Aloe vera is practically safe and has no side-effect.

3. Essential oils

Tea Tree Essential oil

tea tree essential oil for closed comedones

Tea Tree essential oil(2) is an excellent essential oil which is quite harmless and has the least side effects. It is suitable for all skin types and has proven to show optimum results to remove closed comedones. If you are looking for how to get rid of closed comedones, tea tree essential oil is terrific.

[Also Read: Tea Tree Oil for Skin ]

How to use?

All you need is tea tree essential oil.

  • Wash your face with warm water
  • Pat dry
  • Massage a few drops of tea tree essential oil on the skin in circular motions for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes
  • Rinse your face with warm water again
  • You can use another excellent essential oil as well to it which is the tea tree oil
  • Continue the same twice a week

It reduces the sebum production on your skin and helps to decrease the proximity of your skin to have closed comedones.


If you feel an itch or any sensation while applying tea tree essential oil, you can also dilute it with a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil.

4. Home Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar for closed comedones

Apple cider vinegar is a potent essential for numerous skin issues. Accumulation of bacteria is one of the leading causes of closed comedones.

How to use?

  • A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • Cotton ball
  • Take apple cider vinegar in a bowl
  • Dip cotton in it
  • Apply it on affected areas
  • Rinse off with warm water
  • You can also add apple cider vinegar in your bathing water for it to work
  • You can continue to do this every day for all skin types

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties which dismantle the build-up of bacteria causing closed comedones and cleaning your pores. Brownie points on the easy availability and usage of apple cider vinegar for closed comedones. It also works on reducing the inflammation if any on the skin due to closed comedones.


It is recommended to check your skin’s sensitivity before applying ACV on the affected area by a patch test.

[Also Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin Tags]

5. Natural Treatment

Saltwater Bath

saltwater bath for treating closed comedones

Perching to cure closed comedones? Saltwater is again an easy and quick remedy to get over with your closed comedones.

[Also Read: Sea Salt for Acne ]

How to Use?

  • One tablespoon of salt
  • Water
  • Add water to one tablespoon of salt in a bowl
  • Mix it well
  • Apply it on your face or wash your face with saltwater
  • With light hands, rub the saltwater on your face. Do not be harsh with it as it may cause redness.
  • Wash your face with the same at least four times a day
  • Use a good moisturizer after usage if you have dry skin

[Also Read: Get Rid of Dry & Rough Skin]


The granules of salt help to exfoliate the skin naturally and open up the clogged pores which is one of the significant reasons for causing closed comedones. It works on making your skin free of the excessive oil secretion. The water works to hydrate your skin. Salt water also has antibacterial properties which reduce the accumulation of bacteria on the surface.

Precautions to Look for:
  • Dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before using
  • If your skin itches or burns wash off the product or oil immediately from your skin
  • Take a patch test before applying anything on your face

Bottom Line

Clear skin is a dream come true with an active focus on protecting your skin and taking good care of it regularly. Closed comedones are not that big a deal. You can always overcome this skin condition with the use of these natural remedies. Hope your search for how to get rid of closed comedones ends here.

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