
How much protein do you need

Nutrition by Age: Protein You Should Eat In Your 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppIt’s a time tested question in the world of nutrition and health: How much protein should I be taking? Not only is the answer completely personal (we…

Why Diets Don't Work

Top Reasons Why Diets Don’t Work

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppWeight loss and weight management are two trendy topics among American citizens. Just look at any Social media feed right before the summer season or after the…

Feeling Hungry After Eating

Are You Always Hungry After Eating? Here Are the Real Reasons

1share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppBeing a food lover is different, and a constant urge to eat something is a different feeling altogether. Anyone can have this constant desire to try something…

Junk Food And Early Ageing

Eating Junk, Processed Food Regularly Can Lead To Early Ageing

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppLet’s admit it- we love soft drinks, pizzas,  fries, and all the decedent and yummy foods. But we avoid incorporating them into our diet regularly. Why do…

gut-brain connection

The Guide to the Basics of the Gut-Brain Connection

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe brain-gut connection is no joke; it can link anxiety to stomach troubles and vice versa. Have you ever gone through “butterflies” in the stomach? Do certain…

How To Boost Stamina Naturally

Natural Ways To Boost Your Stamina Post Lockdown

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsApp‘Stay at home’ and ‘COVID-19’ are some of the most trending words for the last few months. The ongoing crisis has made extreme changes to our lifestyle,…

How to Become a Morning Person

The Practical Guide to Becoming a Morning Person

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppOur natural wake/sleep cycles are known as our circadian rhythm, and they can vary a lot from individual to individual. People fall into different chronotypes or groups,…

Slow-Wave Sleep

Slow-Wave Sleep: How Does It Affect Your Body?

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThroughout the night, you go through 4 stages of sleep that each have their own function. Stage three, also called “deep sleep” or “slow-wave sleep,” is one…

How Many Calories Do You Burn Walking 10,000 Steps

How Many Calories Can We Burn Walking 10,000 Steps?

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppWalking regularly has several benefits. It’s a cost-effective and easy form of physical activity; moreover, taking adequate steps each day could benefit the health by reducing the…

Healthy sleep tips

The Best Sleep Advice for Parents We Have Heard All Year

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppAs we enter a new year, many people take the time to reflect and consider ways to improve the quality of their family’s health and wellness. Although…