9 Ultimate Essential Oils For Cellulite That You Need To Know

Updated on February 7th, 2020
essential oils for cellulite

Often people find their skin sagging and dimpled in areas like thighs, bellies, and bottoms but do not know that it is. It is called the orange peel skin condition is caused due to cellulite. The condition is the consequence of cells pushing upward through the connective tissue against the skin.

Both men and women are prone to cellulite, but 80-90% of women get it because of their varied distribution of fats, muscles and connective tissues. However, there are certain essential oils for cellulite that can help to reduce the condition and its appearance

Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention Of Cellulite

Causes of Cellulite

The reasons for cellulite are still unknown, but many researchers have discovered some most common causes which can contribute towards it.

  • It is the result of friction or abrasion of connective tissues present in the dermatological area under the skin and the fatty layer that is situated just above it.
  • Cellulite fat is also speculated to be transferable through genetic inheritance.
  • Lymphatic system which is a type of drainage system can also be the reason for the retention of cellulite because of unhealthy life and lack of exercise.
  • With age, estrogen decreases and so does the blood circulation under the connective tissues; this causes the fat cells to enlarge which therefore results in greater visibility of the cellulite.
  • People with a diet constituting a considerable amount of dairy, carbohydrates, and salt are likely to get an increased rate of cellulite.

Symptoms of Cellulite

Some very elemental symptoms of cellulite include:

  • Bumpy, drape-like and sagging appearance on the skin.
  • Located in hips, bottoms, thighs and sometimes on breasts, upper arms and legs.
  • Area of the skin can be more sensitive to cuts and bruises.

Recommended Read: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bruises

Prevention of Cellulite

Who does not like smooth skin? So, it is necessary to keep certain things in mind to prevent this cottage cheese like contours on your body and to keep away the cellulite butt by making use of the following:

  • Cut down and avoid processed foods that contain artificial sugar and flavoring.
  • Be involved in more physical activities and avoid dieting.
  • Brush skin with a body brush or loofah for better blood circulation.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.

What Essential Oils Are Good For Cellulite?

Essential oils come from plants in concentrated forms. The word “essential” does not indicate its virtue of being indispensable but focuses on the fact that it is the “essence” of a plant’s aroma. These are volatile and are widely used in aromatherapy for relaxation and relief from stress. These are the perfect answers to how to reduce cellulite in your body.

Essential Oils have always been a part of traditional medicine, and it is only now when there is a notable hike in its number of users. In the age where almost every commodity even drugs are being contaminated with harmful and inferior substances, people are becoming more informed about their detrimental effect on their bodies.

Therefore, a more natural form of remedy is becoming famous for our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

How To Use Essential Oils For Cellulite?

These are some of the top essential oils used for the treatment of cellulite if you are wondering how to remove cellulite:

1. Fennel Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Fennel Essential Oils For Cellulite Treatment?

Fennel oil(1) has many healing properties that can help in cellulite treatment. It helps in metabolism preventing problems like cramps and indigestion. It helps in detoxifying the body preventing water retention.

How To Use Fennel Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

You can apply fennel oil directly on the affected areas of your skin. You can also opt to blend fennel oil with other essential oils to numerous benefits.

2. Geranium Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Geranium Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

geranium oil for cellulite treatment

The geranium oil is known to reduce swelling of the skin, hence helping in cellulite removal. It also has healing properties that stimulate blood circulations through the body and also reduces water retention.

How To Use Geranium Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Geranium oil must be massaged on to your skin for the skin to absorb it to eliminate toxins, better blood circulation and in turn for removing cellulite.

3. Juniper Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Juniper Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Juniper oil comes from the needles of Juniperus osteosperma. It was used in ancient times to ward off witches and a benefactor of both physical and mental health. It decreases fluid retention and constitutes of detoxifying effects. It is known as one of the most effective essential oils for cellulite.

How To Use Juniper Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Cellulite legs and other such affected body parts can be massaged with juniper oil directly, or a few drops of it can also be added to a natural, healthy and daily regimen to heal internally.

4. Rosemary Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Rosemary Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

rosemary oil for cellulite treatment

Apart from being a great flavoring ingredient in cooking, the rosemary oil(2) is a strong astringent that can help in cellulite treatment. It enhances blood circulation which in turn leads to the glowing and less saggy skin. It also blocks lymphatic flow as well.

How To Use Rosemary Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

The rosemary oil can be mixed with other essential oils or it can be applied directly on the skin separately.

Read More: Health Benefits of Rosemary Tea

5. Tangerine Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Tangerine Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Tangerine oil originates from the skin of tangerines of the mandarin family. It has a sweet citrusy smell which makes it appropriate for calming rituals. Tangerine oil improves digestive processes and blood circulation to get rid of stagnant and harmful toxins(3).

The oil should be stored in a dark place because specific chemical reactions take place when exposed to UV rays. Pregnant mothers can use tangerine oil to prevent stretch marks only after consulting their healthcare experts.

How To Use Tangerine Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

It can either be consumed orally on a daily basis for best results, or it can be mixed with a few drops of olive oil and then applied on the skin.

6. Birch Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Birch Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

birch oil for cellulite treatment

Birch oil contains methyl salicylates and has a long history to heal muscle soreness. It has also been used as an astringent for skin tightening issue. Regular massage of birch oil helps the skin to appear healthy, smooth and free of cellulite. It also increases elasticity.

How To Use Birch Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Massage the oil with a blend of other essential oils after taking a warm bath for better absorption in combination with derma rolling. You can even opt for adding a few drops of birch oil in your daily cleaning and moisturizing routines. Do not consume birch oil internally and it is a potent oil, so that needs dilution before direct application.

7. Cypress Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Cypress Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Cypress(4) is a strong astringent which helps in skin tightening and fluid retaining. Cypress oil is extracted from the regions of evergreen and coniferous forest from the plant Cupressus sempervirens. The oil is known for its antiseptic, antispasmodic and ant rheumatic properties.

How To Use Cypress Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Cypress oil should be diluted with other carrier oils like coconut and olive oil and then applied or massaged on the skin to treat cellulite.

8. Lemongrass Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Lemongrass Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

lemongrass oil for cellulite treatment

It is extracted by the process of steam distillation from dried lemongrass. Lemongrass oil has stimulant properties which improve blood circulation and fat metabolism.

How To Use Lemongrass Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Massage some lemongrass oil on the affected area before going to bed to reduce cellulite. It is best when it is added with cypress oil and then applied.

Read More: Lemongrass Tea Benefits

9. Patchouli Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Patchouli Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Patchouli oil(5) is derived from the process of distillation from the plant named Patchouli. It is famous for its anti-water retention qualities. It has a beautiful fragrance and also helps to curb food cravings.

How To Use Patchouli Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

The oil can result in significant improvements if appropriately applied three times daily. A vegetable brush can also be used after massaging the area for better enhancement.

Other Oils For Cellulite

There are some other oils in addition to the essential oils for cellulite that you can use for this condition.

1. Castor Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Castor Essential Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

castor essential oil for cellulite

Castor oil is pale yellow oil extracted from the castor plant generally used as an industrial lubricant and as a laxative. Castor oil has been used as an age-old formula to enhance the skin‘s well being. The interaction of castor oil with the body cells helps in catalyzing and better working of the lymphatic system which is a drainage system known for its capability to drain excess and unwanted fluids from the body.

How To Use Castor Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

You can apply castor oil directly on the affected areas of your skin. You can also opt to blend castor oil with other essential oils to cut back on the peculiar smell of castor oil. Areas affected can also be massaged with some heated up castor oil. This is known as one of the best essential oils for cellulite.

2. Coconut Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Coconut Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

It is imperative for the patient to use pure or virgin coconut oil and not the hydrogenated form of the coconut oil because the latter contains many other chemical compositions which might have adverse effects. Coconut oil improves metabolism and claims that the fatty acids in it burn up quickly.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

Coconut oil(6) can be consumed either directly by filling two tablespoons of it or can be used in cooking. It enhances the body’s natural burning procedure of fats. You can also massage coconut oil directly on to your skin for the skin to absorb it.

Another very effective method is to brush your body with a natural vegetable brush after a massage to eliminate toxins, better blood circulation and in turn for cellulite removal.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Coconut

3. Olive Oil For Cellulite

Why One Should Use Olive Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

olive oil for cellulite

Apart from being cooking oil, a great moisturizer and promoter for healthy skin and hair, olive oil is also used to get rid of cellulite and stretch marks. It sinks into the skin to loosen up enlarged and fatty connective tissues.

How To Use Olive Oil For Cellulite Treatment?

It can be mixed with other essential oils like juniper oil and then massaged into the skin, or it can also be applied directly. The massage is suggested to conduct especially after a bath. It is also usable for cooking every day and extra virgin olive oil for dressing salads, but it is necessary to use not too much oil in food.

Risks and Precaution:

As already mentioned above, essential oils are concentrated extracts from plants and herbs, and they should never really be applied directly except some like coconut oil which is a type of carrier oil. The blend with essential oils with carrier oils not only dilutes the formula but also enhances the quality of it with a broader perspective of benefit.

Essential oils for cellulite should not be used in a vast quantity. Some oils are also hazardous. Studies have found them to cause hallucinations and seizures. So, it is best also advised to consult your respective healthcare expert before using it. Keep away from eyes.

Other Natural Remedies For Cellulite:

If you are wondering how to get rid of cellulite, here are some classic natural remedies:

  • Include foods in your diet that have high water content like cucumber, melons, etc. The water content not only helps in improving digestion but also helps to control fat stores.
  • For getting rid of at least the appearance of cellulite, apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey, and water and then rinse with warm water.
  • Try dry brushing especially after scrubbing (coffee preferred) to get rid of cellulite.
  • Get detox baths and opt for natural moisturizing.

[Read: Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite]


Although cellulite does not have a particular cause, a proper diet, some exercise may help to control its further degradation. Natural remedies like those of essential oils are used to hinder its growth through the breaking of fatty tissues and relieving water retention in the body.

The thing about essential oils is that a single oil has many benefits, so they not only focus on the problematic area of the system but also helps in relieving other concealed and minor issues.


1. Are stretch marks and cellulite the same thing?

Response: No, stretch marks are marks that occur due to rapid change in body shape, i.e. during sudden weight gain/loss or pregnancy. Men and women both can get it. Whereas cellulite is the dimpled and drape-like appearance of the skin, to which women are prone to than men.

2. Is cellulite permanent?

Response: No promised treatment has been found yet for total cellulite reduction but it can positively be controlled and can be made to improve its unpleasant appearance.

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