10 Ways Probiotics Can Benefit The Overall Health of Men

Updated on February 17th, 2020
probiotics for men

Probiotics are the latest fad among health freaks today. The growth in the number of probiotic products in the market is a clear indication of how hugely popular these “live microbes” are.

According to a 2017 report cited in the Harvard Health Publishing(1), the global annual sales of probiotic supplements in the year 2016 was estimated to be at 3.7 billion dollars and is expected to rise to 17.4 billion dollars by the year 2027.

The benefits of taking probiotics are indisputable. They promise impressive health benefits such as improved heart health, strengthened immune system, reduced gastrointestinal problems, and more.

After vitamins and minerals, probiotics and prebiotics are the third most commonly used dietary supplement among adults.

Health Benefits of Probiotics for Men

1. Improve Cardiovascular Health

Turmeric Heart Health

Heart disease is one of the top health concerns for most men. A growing body of evidence has been demonstrating that probiotics can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol, lowering triglyceride levels, and normalizing lipid levels. Additionally, probiotics can also help lower inflammation, which is the primary cause of heart attacks and strokes.

[ Read: Best Multivitamin For Men’s Health ]

2. Provide Immune Support

Has prolonged stress, a sedentary lifestyle, illness, or smoking and drinking been weakening your body’s defenses? Then probiotics may help! It is believed that probiotics help build immunity and ward off infections.

Specific strains of these beneficial bacteria, such as Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces, and Bifidobacterium, have been closely associated with strengthening the immune system and alleviating symptoms of cold and viral infections. Some studies also suggest that it can improve allergies or allergic rhinitis.

3. Reduce Gastrointestinal Problems

Advocates of probiotics have always hailed it as the solution to most gastrointestinal problems. Probiotics have been found to effectively manage a host of digestive issues such as constipation, acid reflux, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and stomach ulcers and inflammation that is triggered by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

Few studies also suggest that yogurt is one of the best probiotics for men to prevent diarrhea, which is a common side effect of antibiotics.

4. Improves Lung Health


The number of men being diagnosed with lung disease is on the rise. Exposure to cigarette smoke and increasing outdoor and indoor air pollutants have been triggering cases of respiratory illnesses such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The good news, however, is that a variety of probiotic microorganisms such as bifidobacteria and Lactic acid bacteria can help prevent infections of the upper respiratory tract.

5. Boosts Bone Health

Another surprising benefit of probiotics for men is that it can support a man’s bone health. As men age, the strength of their bones can deteriorate. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease, especially, are at an increased risk for fractures and loss of bone density.

Probiotics can help in the absorption of essential minerals that are needed to maintain healthy bones and increase bone density. They also play a proactive role in rebuilding bones.

[ Read: Signs Why You Need Probiotics ]

6. Improve Oral Health

A lot of research articles frequently advertise ‘Improved Oral Health’ as one of the top benefits of taking probiotics for men. While the most effective strains of beneficial bacteria are yet to be identified, it is believed that probiotics can prevent common dental problems such as halitosis (bad breath), cavities or dental caries, and periodontal gum disease.

7. Provides Mental Health

Mental Health issues are on the rise among men today. Certain men’s probiotic supplements, however, have been found to improve mental conditions such as anxiety, stress, and depression. A study conducted by researchers from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine also found improved health effects for psychiatric diseases such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and mania.

8. Boosts Weight Management and Appetite Control

Obesity is a growing health concern today. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)(2), the prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled over the last 40 years. Studies, however, show that consuming probiotics can help with maintaining a healthy weight and regulating appetite.

Probiotics alter the composition of gut bacteria in the body, which in turn can affect appetite, food intake, and body weight. In a randomized study that was conducted, it was found that there was a decrease in the total body fat mass of 87 overweight adults who were given two yogurt supplemented with Lactobacillus gasseri every day.

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9. Prostate Health

Prostate Health
Image: ShutterStock

If we haven’t given you enough reasons to try out probiotics, then here are another-probiotics that may help with prostatitis too! Prostatitis is a health issue that is unique to men, and the American Prostatitis Association(3) has recently reported that taking probiotics regularly can decrease your chances of developing chronic and acute bacterial prostatitis as the body can fight inflammation and possible infections better.

Probiotics can improve your symptoms and make them more manageable.

[ Read: Prostate Massage Benefits ]

 10. Improved Skin Conditions

Probiotics benefit the skin in three necessary ways- it acts as a protective shield, it combats harmful bacteria, and it effectively deals with external damaging factors such as pollution, sun, and free radicals. So, if you are trying to get that flawless glow and fight off skin problems such as acne, eczema, atopic dermatitis, or skin inflammations, apply some probiotics generously over the affected area.

How Much Probiotics is Ideal for You?

You can opt for fermented dairy products such as yogurts and milk drinks. Fermented foods like pickled vegetables, sauerkraut, and soy products may also contain some lactic acid bacteria. You can also take probiotics as tablets, capsules, and powders that contain the bacteria in dried form.

Most of the studies on probiotics suggest a dosage of 1 billion to 100 billion live organisms or colony-forming units (CFU) per day.

Bottom Line

There is no doubt that probiotics(4) can confer numerous health benefits when consumed in appropriate amounts. If you seek to add probiotics to your daily diet, then you can start by consuming a variety of probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, tempeh, sauerkraut, miso, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, fermented milk or soy beverages.


1. Can you take probiotics every day?

Take just one dose of probiotics per day. Though some people have reported experiencing loose stools in the first few days of taking probiotics, this fades away. Taking probiotics at the end of a meal may help to reduce the symptoms.

2. What happens when you take probiotics?

When you start taking probiotics, a host of beneficial bacteria is introduced into your digestive tract. This detoxifying process can cause some temporary discomforts such as bloating and gas in a few people, while others may start experiencing positive improvements from the get-go.

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