General Health

Alternative and Complementary therapies have been an age-old method of treating several diseases that fall under the construct of general health conditions. Natural remedies have been used for treating a myriad of diseases such as earache, stomach ache, skin conditions, and several other conditions. There are several kitchen ingredients that one could use as natural home remedies to treat several common health conditions. It could be turmeric, herbs or any of the common household items that could cure critical health situations that cannot be cured by conventional medicine.

Benefits of a Reverse Crunch

The Amazing Benefits of Doing Reverse Crunches

1share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe reverse crunch is a demanding core exercise that primarily hits our rectus abdominis, the muscle in the abdomen that makes up our “6-pack.” It’s an easy…

bones and joints

Maintaining Bone & Joint Health In this Pandemic & at Any Time

8shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppEveryone wants Good Bone & Joint Health at any age! Needing to inhibit the activity of Osteoclasts, which is part of the remodeling process for more robust…

Symptoms of High Blood Sugar

13 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Out of Control

36shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppBlood sugar is the excessive buildup of sugar in the blood vessels. Cells need glucose to function, and insulin helps in that process so that cells generate energy…

sleep and immune system

How Quality Sleep Boosts Your Immune System

47shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppSleep is a big part of our life. Our body gets time to recharge and rejuvenate when we sleep accordingly. Immunity is the by-product of a well-balanced…

how to strengthen your lungs

Can’t Breathe In Your Mask? Here Are 4 Tips To Strengthen Your Lungs

34shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppRight or wrong, more businesses are requiring employees or customers to wear a mask while on their premises. And while flip-flopping health organizations and officials can’t make…

Why sleep is important

Why Proper Sleep Is Important for Healthy Living

36shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppMany people underestimate the power of sleep. There is both pressure and pride attached to being on the go, staying up late, and getting things done. For…

immunity support

Immune Support: Preparation is The First Step

48shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppWhile the worst of this coronavirus outbreak may be behind us, you can be sure it won’t be the last time we are called to deal with…

probiotics immunity-

How to Choose Probiotics for Immunity

190shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe microbiome is essential for immunity. The human body houses more than 100 trillion bacteria, which is more than ten times the number of human cells in…

Foods to Avoid While Building Immunity

1.5Kshares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCoronavirus or COVID – 19 was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. And while the world is grappling with imminent dangers that this…

Exercises for Boosting Immunity

Breathing Techniques For Boosting Immunity

295shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppStrong immunity is the result of an ongoing process of lifestyle and routine that we live daily. Breathing and pranayama add life to our lungs. It helps…