Can Hypnosis for Anxiety Help You in Real Life?

Updated on February 25th, 2020
Hypnosis for Anxiety

Anxiety is everywhere! If you think you are a very calm person then what happens when your favorite top goes missing, or your car keys aren’t at the place? Yes, anxiety affects you too. These might be very simple instances, but this condition isn’t. Around 40 million people in the US suffer from anxiety disorders(1) that makes it the most frequent mental illness cause. Hence, it is very essential to keep your calm and for that hypnosis for anxiety is the best solution that you can find.

Hypnosis is a therapy that controls our thoughts and subconscious mind to treat anxiety from its roots. Read ahead to know what exactly happens when you undertake hypnosis treatment and all the related factors that define its efficacy.

    1. How Does it Work
    2. Benefits
    3. Important Points
    4. Self-Hypnosis

Is Hypnosis Beneficial to Treat Anxiety?

Hypnosis to Treat Anxiety

Research reveals that hypnosis can help soothe anxiety, mental pressure, fears, and stress. It can help to cope with panic breakdowns. In the hypnotized state, an individual with anxiety issues is guided to help him focus on adapting symptoms and overcome the restrictive behavioral pattern.

Hypnosis for anxiety is excellent for the cure of agoraphobia, a typical condition for individuals who suffer from sudden panic attacks. Hypnotherapy can enable an individual to figure out how to stay calm while confronting these feelings of anxiety and fear.

Hypnosis for anxiety can assist an individual with anxiety issue by improving confidence, defeat negative thoughts, and deal with other mental troubles. Moreover, Hypnosis for stress and anxiety can help with treating common disorders including wretchedness, migraine and headache, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

[Also Read: Get Rid of Anxiety with Natural Remedies]

How Does Hypnosis Work for Treating Anxiety Issues?

Hypnosis works wonders in the natural treatment of anxiety disorders. It induces a state of calmness and composure which works to soothe the ruffled mind and get rid of stress and worry. Hypnotherapy is also suitable for treating anxiety attacks and panic breakdowns. Suppose you are afraid of flying. Amid the session of hypnotherapy(2), the specialist will provide you posthypnotic proposals while you’re in a condition of a daze.

In this hypnotized state of mind, the psyche turns out to be more receptive to suggestions and proposals. This submissiveness enables the hypnotherapist to convince you of confidence.

Due to the dazed state of mind, it may be simpler to abstain from heightening any nervousness manifestations you feel, for example, a feeling of looming fate, breathlessness, an increase in the rate of the pulse, increase in muscular tension, touchiness, stomach troubles, etc. Hypnotherapy is remarkably effective as a complementary cure to cognitive pattern therapy.

The administration of hypnosis for panic attacks could have an impact like that of long and deep meditation. An induction of hypnosis for anxiety can help to place you into a tranquil state, much the same as deep meditation. You would then be able to utilize this calmness of mind to confront your anxiety issues and deal with your phobia.

In this way, when you’re endeavoring to treat a fear of flying, you can picture yourself in that very first occasion when you felt the fear of flying. You can utilize a procedure called Hypno projectives in which you need to imagine your past occasions where you felt that fear. Later on, you will see yourself feeling quiet and serene while on a plane at that point.

[Read: Treat Anxiety with Meditation]

How Does Hypnotherapy Work for Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

Hypnotherapy Work for Anxiety

Panic attack symbolizes fear of the unknown. At the onset of an attack or anxiety breakdown, the technique of hypnotherapy enables a customer to relapse back to the age where the sensory system started to initially encounter these attacks and breakdowns but did not have the strength and capacity to overcome the same with a characteristic response. With the use of the age relapse, the patient can visualize in his mind the moments of dread, fears, disgrace, sadness, and so forth to procure a remedial experience.

Hypnotherapy is special since it helps to come in contact with the patient’s physical as well as emotional experience and utilizing both to find the source of the fears and anxiety for healing the disorder accordingly.

The association between the mind and the body enables the patient to start taking note of the feelings that are caught in the physical body. Opposing or battling the signs of a fit of anxiety or panic can make the condition even worse. If the patient is living exclusively out of the zone of his cognizant personality, a fit of anxiety rattles him off the balance because there is no ‘sound’ explanation behind this experience to happen.

This is the place where hypnotherapy successfully ventures in. Hypnotherapy forges a domain for the client to analyze the entrapped issues of the mind and seek resolution of the anxiety and fears.

[ Read:  Grounding Techniques for Anxiety ]

What Benefits Can You Reap Through Practicing Hypnosis for Anxiety?

Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment of anxiety. It may not be as popular as psychiatric treatment or psychotherapy and medicine for treating anxiety and depression. But, specialists and researchers have been assessing the impact of hypnosis for anxiety on psychological conditions, for example, nervousness, anxiety, PTSD, and more. Hypnotherapists focus on soothing the mind and calming the nerves to induce composure and cure of mental troubles like anxiety, depression, etc.

In research of 2016, the scientists focused on the cerebrum of individuals upon their subjection to guided sessions of hypnosis for social anxiety. The researchers discovered that the mind in the state of hypnosis encounters transformations in the cerebrum that render an individual with the following psychological health conditions.

  • More attentive power and heightened focus
  • Enhanced composure along with emotional and physical control
  • A decrease in anxiety and groundless hesitation.

Hypnosis for anxiety is not only beneficial for the natural cure of anxiety and stress but is incredibly effective for addressing other mental health issues like depression, insomnia, phobias, stress, panic attacks, and excessive tension. The treatment approach seeks to calm the mind and get rid of the cause so that the problem can never recur.

The other benefits of hypnosis for anxiety and depression treatment include the natural alleviation of the following symptoms.

  • Nervousness
  • Tension
  • Irritability
  • Panic attacks
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath, and more.

Points to Keep in Mind Before Opting for Hypnosis for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Points Hypnosis for Anxiety
  • The following points are of utmost importance if you are thinking to bring into play the hypnosis for anxiety and depression treatment. The treatment will be successful and effective only if you remember the following points.
  • The first and most significant point to remember before beginning the treatment of hypnosis for anxiety is to visit a licensed and authorized hypnotherapist. Only a certified hypnotherapist or specialist can administer safe and secure hypnotherapy.
  • While selecting a hypnotherapy specialist to perform hypnotherapy for anxiety and panic attacks, you need to check and considerthe professional’s capabilities. Search for an authorized mental health doctor or therapeutic specialist who is likewise a hypnosis specialist.
  • A viable and holistic plan of hypnosis for stress and anxiety ought to incorporate a few methodologies, and hypnotherapy is one of the numerous clinical apparatuses for the treatment of anxiety that does the same.
  • You can inquire as to whether the therapist works in partnership with any expert affiliations.
  • It is possible that the hypnosis specialist discovers a trauma while practicing hypnotherapy on you. It is important for her/ him to know more about the trauma and treat the condition accordingly with the administration of hypnotherapy for anxiety and panic attacks. Thus, education and instruction are extremely important for a hypnotherapist and only a licensed therapist possesses such knowledge, cures the problems with anxiety from the very root of it.

[Read: Essential Oil for Anxiety]

How can you use Self-Hypnosis for Anxiety Relief?

During a fit of anxiety, your personality is under attack and hard to get to. Again, if you wind up experiencing panic attacks, you can take a shot at self-hypnosis. Hypnosis for anxiety works at the subconscious level of mind. Self-hypnosis is a technique that you can practice all by yourself to induce a sense of calmness and composure. Listed below are some steps which you must follow for performing hypnotherapy:

Step1: Comprehend self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is the point at which the individual drifts off into a hypnotic stupor all by himself by focusing on a solitary idea or object to relax the mind and control the panic attack.

Step 2: Form the I-statements

Inject a positive, honest, simple, and genuine note into your thoughts with statements like “I am brave”, “I am strong”, etc.

Step 3: Relax and get comfy

Begin with the technique of progressive self-relaxation. Tighten and relax your muscles in every five seconds while playing a score of soft and soothing music in the background.

Step 4: Focus on a particular object

Tilt your head slightly upwards and start focusing your attention on a particular object like a clock pendulum that is steadily oscillating in your mind. Breathe slowly and deeply, and keep concentrating on the oscillation.

Step 5: Come back now

Repeat the positive declarations and pinch the back of your hand to come back to reality.

Step 6: Go reverse

Reverse the process to complete the treatment.

[Also Read : Daith Piercing and Anxiety]

Bottom Line

Hypnosis for anxiety is a treatment that is now gaining popularity because of the holistic and natural approach that it takes towards the treatment of the problem from the very root of it. Hypnotherapy for anxiety and panic attacks penetrates to the subconscious strata of the brain and cures the problem by uprooting the cause from this level of the mind.

Hypnosis for stress and anxiety is not only an excellent way for the natural alleviation of anxiety disorders but is also helpful for inducing calmness and relaxation in the mind and body. With the administration of hypnosis, you can not only attain a healthy and stable mind but can also sleep well at night and perform better at work. Embrace the wonderful treatment to inject positivism into your mind and lead a happy and healthy life.

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