Top 10 Essential Oils for Anxiety

Updated on January 20th, 2020
essential oils for anxiety

Anxiety can be explained as the fear or a feeling of worry by a person about something which causes him/her to get nervous and apprehensive. These disorders cause changes in behavior and physicality.

The mild anxiety attack or disorder causes an unsettling behavior while high anxiety disorder can severely affect the daily routine of a person. Around 40 million people are under anxiety medication in the United States.

Essential Oils List for Anxiety

Essential oils are concentrates of hydrophobic acid which is volatile and has aroma elements extracted from plants.

You will find a lot of essential oils on the market. Thus, choosing the best essential oils is vital. Essential oils are used widely to overcome anxiety. The essential oils for anxiety are listed below.

How to Use Essential Oils for Anxiety?

Essential oils can give much relief from anxiety to the people suffering from it. Numerous home remedies are possible with the use of essential oils for anxiety.

Essential oils for anxiety are beneficial as their aroma tends to produce emotions which calm down our body and regulate our heartbeat.  It can be an effective treatment at home. Their regular application in different ways helps to soothe and calm down the mind.

1. Lavender Oil

get rid of anxiety with lavender oil

Lavender oil(1) tends to generate a calming and relaxing effect on the body. It restores the nervous system’s peace. Lavender oil will help you get rid of panic attacks, tension, sleeplessness, irritability, restlessness, and nervous stomach.

How to and How Much to Use?

  • You can mix a few drops of lavender essential oil in warm water and inhale it with the steam.
  • You can consume the supplements of lavender oil as well.

2. Frankincense oil

frankincense oil to reduce anxiety

Frankincense oil is a great help in providing tranquil energy which produces a calming effect on the mind of the patient

How to and How Much to Use?

Frankincense oil is usually consumed in aromatherapy as its aromatic effect tends to work the most in treating anxiety disorders. It could also be added into your steam inhaler/humidifier for a large spread presence of the oil

3. Peppermint oil

peppermint oil to reduce anxiety

Peppermint oil has a soothing effect on people suffering from anxiety or depression, it tends to calm the nerves and helps in relaxation and reduced blood flow to the brain.

How to and How Much to Use?

  • You can mix the oil in your daily bathing water, but the water has to be warm, as this helps in the dissipation of the oil and helps in the diffusion of the particles into the water.
  • You can also pump the oil bottle into an oil diffuser at home.

[Also Read: Surprising Benefits of Peppermint Oil]

4. CBD oil for anxiety

CBD stands for cannabidiol. The main effect of this oil is noticed for people who get anxious while public speaking. The oil holds several anti-depression and anti-anxiety properties. Thus, people suffering from social anxiety will benefit the most from the CBD oils.

How to and How Much to Use?

  • You can consume CBD oils in the form of supplements, i.e., capsules of CBD oil or capsules containing the elements of CBD oil.
  • CBD oil is also added to eatables as the oil is edible. While cooking, instead of regular oil, CBD oil is used in its replacement.

5. Rose oil

treat anxiety with rose oil

Rose oil helps in settling the sentiments of an emotional heart and helps cope up from the anxiety and panic attacks. The inhaling of the rose oil essence or feeling of its warmth tends to reduce the anxiety attack(2).

How to and How Much to Use?

You can use the rose oil while you take a warm bath. An inhalation process during steam along with rose oil also helps. You can also use rose oil during aromatherapy. A warm footbath for about ten minutes also helps.

6. Vetiver Oil

Vetiver oil offers a reassuring, tranquil and grounding energy. People who are suffering from any trauma can use this oil to bring them to awareness and make them feel calm and stabilized. It is tonic for the nervous system. The oil tends to reduce hypersensitivity and jitteriness and minimizes the effect of shock or panic of the attack on oneself.

How to and How Much to Use?

You can use the vetiver oil during aromatherapy to make yourself feel calm and reduce the panic attacks.

[Also Read: Relieving Herbs For Stress]

7. Ylang Ylang oil

Ylang Ylang oil to treat anxiety

The oil is believed to have uplifting effects as well as calming effects on the body of the person suffering from anxiety. It brings in a person a feeling of courage, cheerfulness, optimism and blows away fear.

It calms down the agitation of the heart and the nervous palpitations. Although, it contains sedative elements that usually helps people suffering from sleeplessness. The oil is found to reduce psychological stress and controls the level of serum cortisol.

How to and How Much to Use?

You can include the oil in your aromatherapy sessions or add a few drops in your warm bathing water. Avoid large dosages of this oil as they can be harmful.

8. Bergamot Oil

bergamot oil to get rid of anxiety

Earl Grey Tea is a rich source of this essential oil. Bergamot oil has a unique floral aroma and taste. The oil brings in a lot of energy and makes the anxiety feel go away.

It is believed to be helping if you are suffering from agitation, insomnia and provides relaxation. If you blend this oil with some other essential oil like Lavender or Rose, the blended solution helps to treat and reduce blood pressure.

How to Use?

The oil can be inhaled during steam or used in aromatherapy.

9. Chamomile Oil

The calming aroma and the peaceful scent of the oil help in creating inner harmony and decreases anxiety, worry, overthinking and irritability. It works as an anti-depressant and is safe to use and apply. There is very less scope of allergy from this oil.

How to and How Much to Use?

Consume the capsules of Chamomile oil as they are easily edible and act the most effective. You can also use the oil in aromatherapy or during the steam bath. Chamomile tea is also recommendable.

10. Lime Essential Oil

lime essential oil for anxiety

The oil has a very fresh aroma which tends to create a powerful uplift in the mood of the person. People suffering from fatigue, stress, grief and irregular heartbeat can improve themselves with this essential oil(3).

How to and How Much to Use?

You can use this essential oil by applying it directly to yourself mainly on your head and nose. You can also make use of it by an oil diffuser.

Risks of Consuming Essential Oils

All the different essential oils are required to be consumed in a definite quantity and in a particular way. Thus, consultation with a doctor is necessary. You must consult a specialist in this field to be sure of the oil.

Usually, it is better if you take a patch test in case of any allergic reactions to be sure of using the oil on the body. Children and pregnant women might feel indifferent to these oils, and proper care must be taken to keep the oils away from them.

Side Effects

The oils might have allergic reactions, cancerogenic effects, phototoxic effects, narcotic effects, necrotic effects and much more. Misuse or overuse of essential oils can cause toxic effects in the body.

Precautions To Be Taken

  1. Keep the essential oils away from children as they can be harmful to them.
  2. During pregnancy, use the oil only after proper tests and prescriptions.
  3. Avoid eye contacts with the essential oils. Only if your doctor permits, the use of essential oils must be continued.
  4. In case of any discomfort, contact your doctor immediately. If the oils are too pungent, you can dilute them with carrier oils.


1. Which Essential Oil Is Best for Reviving Stress?

Response: There are several oils for relieving stress from your mind and body. The most recommended are lavender oil and peppermint oil. Their aromatic feature is proven to have reduced tension.

2. Are CBD Oils Addictive?

Response:  No, CBD oils are not addictive. If taken in proper quantity and under supervision in the right manner, CBD oils reduce anxiety. Take mild precautions as misuse of the oils can be harmful.

Before turning yourself to medication for anxiety, take a minute to follow up with these essential oils and natural remedies. Essential oils have cures for anxiety disorders; take your time with them.

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