How to Get Rid of Herpes in 5 Incredible Ways Naturally?

Updated on February 17th, 2020
how to get rid of herpes

Do you happen to know someone who has herpes simplex? Or is it bothering you? Just the word ‘herpes’ sends people into panic mode. The discomfort and pain that comes with it are not at all pleasant. Not to forget, the visible outbreaks it causes on your skin and face. There is no need to get disheartened. There are a few natural remedies that will help you treat herpes. Read on to find out how to get rid of herpes naturally.

What is Herpes?

Herpes refers to an infection which is caused by a virus called- Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV. When the Herpes virus comes in contact with your skin, it enters the lower layers of your skin and then your bloodstream. It tends to cause further infection. Oral herpes leads to sores on the face or mouth, and genital herpes leads to infection in anal areas and genitals.

What are the Symptoms of Herpes in Men and Women?

Many of the herpes symptoms in women and men are alike. They are-

  • Blisters
  • Pain and itching
  • Pain while urinating
  • Enlarged and tender lymph nodes
  • Red blisters
  • Herpes labialis or Cold sores around the mouth
  • Fever
  • Vaginal discharge (women)
  • Ulceration or blisters on the cervix (women)

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Blisters Naturally

What causes Herpes?

  • HSV 1or HSV 2
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse
  • Genital contact with an infected person

How to Get Rid of Herpes Naturally?

How to Treat Ocular Herpes with an Herbal Treatment?

1. Use green tea to get rid of herpes rash

green tea to get rid of herpes

Green tea has an excellent amount of health benefits and is a superb herpes treatment remedy(1).

How to use?

  • Brew the green tea bag in a cup of hot water
  • You can add honey or lemon to enhance the taste of the tea
  • Drink around four cups each day

Benefits of using green tea

It is rich in antioxidants and helps in the prevention of outbreaks due to herpes. Green tea also has antiviral properties which help in overcoming the condition of herpes in the sufferers.


Make sure you are not allergic to green tea before using it for herpes.

Also Read: Unbelievable Side Effects of Green Tea

2. Use licorice root for genital herpes in men

Licorice root is one of the best home remedies for herpes. If you are looking for how to get rid of herpes with licorice root, then read on(2)!

How to use?

  • All you need is licoricey root in powdered form and water
  • Add water to the cornice root powder and mix well to form a thick paste
  • apply the paste on the affected areas of the body and let it dry on its own
  • Leave it to rest for about thirty minutes
  • Wash off as it dries up with water
  • Do the same process two times a day

Benefits of using licorice root

Licorice root is extremely helpful in curing herpes as it has antiviral properties along with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


If the powder causes stinginess, wash off immediately.

3. Use Aloe Vera Gel for genital herpes in women

Aloe Vera Gel has active components which help in enhancing the health of the skin.

How to use?

  • Bring out a spoon to scoop out the fresh gel from the leaf of the plant
  • Apply the gel on the affected areas of the body
  • Let it stay for as long as you can
  • You can even let it rest overnight
  • Repeat the process as many times as you can in a day till the conation gets cured entirely

Benefits of using Aloe Vera Gel

Application of this gel reduces the inflammation of the affected areas of the body with herpes and also moisturizes and soothes down the skin with its antiseptic and antiviral properties. It also improves and speeds up the healing process of herpes in the body.


Make sure you use only freshly scooped Aloe Vera Gel and not a chemically processed gel.

[ Read: How to treat herpes with the Help of Natural Remedies? ]

How to Get Rid of Herpes on Lips with Essential oil for Herpes?

1. Use tea tree essential oil for mouth herpes

tea tree essential oil for mouth herpes

Tea tree essential oil(3) with its multiple benefits is like a boon for the body for treating herpes.

How to use?

  • Add a carrier oil to a few drops of tea tree essential oil and mix well
  • Apply the blend of oils on the affected areas of the body with a cotton ball
  • Let it stay
  • Repeat the same three times a day

Benefits of using tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is a solution to numerous skin problems and helps in alleviating the pain on the affected areas of the body. It reduces the appearance and itching of the herpes sores and is also an antiviral agent and helps in killing off the virus causing herpes in the body.

Also Read: Home Remedies for itching in private parts


Always dilute the essential oil before using it on your skin. If the blend causes itching, wash off immediately. Make sure you take a patch test at the back of your hand before applying it on sensitive areas of the body.

How to Prevent Herpes on the Face with Home Remedies?

1. Use olive oil to treat herpes on penis

olive oil to treat herpes

Olive oil is an incredible pain reliever and helps in reducing the itching that accompanies the sores of herpes. If you want to know how to get rid of herpes with olive oil, swipe up.

How to use?

  • Apply the olive oil on the affected areas of the body and massage gently
  • Let the oil absorb in the skin on its own
  • Let it stay as there is no need to wash it off
  • Repeat the same as many times as you can in a day

Benefits of using olive oil

It has antimicrobial and antiviral properties which reduce the accumulation of virus causing herpes on the body. It is also good for cardiac health and treats the infection of herpes.


Do not rub the oil on the affected areas harshly as it may cause it to get red and itchy.

2. Use corn-starch to get rid of vaginal herpes

Corn-starch is hugely beneficial in treating the sores which come in a package with herpes. If you want to know how to get rid of herpes with corn-starch, then this is the right place!

How to use?

  • Add water to the corn-starch powder to form a thick paste
  • Apply the paste on the affected areas of the body with a cotton ball
  • Let it stay for about twenty minutes
  • wash off with cold water
  • Repeat the same two times a day

Benefits of using corn-starch

It reduces the inflammation of the sores and gives relief to the consistent itching and redness that is caused by herpes on the affected areas of the body.


If the solution of water and corn-starch causes itching, wash off immediately.

How to cure herpes on the tongue with natural treatments?

1. Use Epsom salt for anal herpes

epsom salt for anal herpes

Wondering how to get rid of herpes naturally with Epsom salt? Well, Epsom salt is one of the best home remedies for herpes.

How to use?

  • Add Epsom salt to your bathtub water and mix it well
  • Soak yourself in the tub for about fifteen minutes
  • Shower like usual and pat dry
  • Repeat the same two times a day

Benefits of using Epsom salt

Epsom salt works the best with oral as well as genital herpes. The salt soothes the pain, inflammation, and itching caused by the condition of herpes in the body due to herpes sores. It also helps in drying out the sores.


Make sure you moisturize after your bath in Epsom salt, or it may cause excessive dryness on the skin. Do not use it for sensitive areas like eye herpes, etc.

Also Read: Essential oils for Dry Skin

How to get rid of herpes with supplements?

1. Use lysine supplement capsules for herpes treatment

lysine supplement capsules for herpes treatment

The lysine capsules treatment is one of the best ways to go if you want to know how to get rid of herpes.

How to use?

  • Take a 500 milligram of lysine capsule three times a day
  • After herpes gets cured, take one tablet each day to ensure the infection does not return

Benefits of using lysine supplement capsules

It reduces the accumulation and entrance of HSV in the body and defenses your cells from getting infected by them. It reduces the severity of the condition and also enhances the healing speed of herpes.


It is important to note that lysine does not work for genital herpes.


Herpes can be annoying and irritating. However, with a few natural remedies and home remedies, it is easy to turn a herpes infection backside. It is essential for you to maintain a follow up with these remedies to ensure that the infection and its symptoms get reduce to the least possible extent and also do not forget to look for the necessary precautions to ensure that the remedies do not go wrong.

Hope your search ends here!

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