5 Easy Natural Ways To Get Rid of Keloids

Updated on February 18th, 2020
how to get rid of keloids

Irrespective of their origin and type, scars can mar your look. Keloids are one those scars which can ruin your look and make you lose your confidence. Below are a few remedies listed which will help you get rid of these persistent keloids and make you gain your confidence back again. Read on to find out how to get rid of keloids at home naturally.

What are Keloids?

Keloids(1) are scars which get enlarged due to the abnormal growth of fibrous tissues. They have no regular shape and can range from being pink to brown in the shade.


  • Cuts
  • Chickenpox
  • Burns
  • Acne
  • Insect Bites
  • Vaccination
  • Piercing like navel piercing or ear piercing


  • Tender to touch
  • Ridged or lumpy skin
  • Itchiness at the affected area
  • Easily irritated by cosmetics or clothing or skin care products
  • Scar gets pink or flesh-colored, sometimes even red to brown

However, there is nothing to worry about as these keloids can be treated easily with a few natural remedies to make it easy for you to manage them without the use of over the counter medications. Read on to find out how to get rid of keloids at home.

How to Get Rid of Keloids Naturally?

CURE 1: Foods


gooseberry to get rid of keloids

Gooseberries are abundant in vitamin C which inhibit the formation of keloids on the face and ears. It helps in lighting the marks of keloids and prevent the new ones from forming.

How to use?

  • Add olive oil to the gooseberry powder and mix to form a thick paste
  • Apply the paste on the affected area and let it stay for fifteen minutes
  • Rinse off with warm water
  • You can use this pack every alternate day


Make sure the gooseberry powder does not get in contact with your eyes.

Foods to eat

These foods help to fasten the treatment time.

  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Beans

Foods to avoid

Eating such foods in excess quantities have detrimental effects on the body. Hence, it is good to avoid it.

  • Spicy foods
  • Sweetened foods
  • Margarine rich foods

CURE 2: Herbal Treatment

Aloe Vera gel

aloe vera gel for treating keloids

Aloe Vera Gel reduces the irritation of the skin caused due to the keloids. It removes keloids and encourages the generation of new and healthy cells on the affected areas of the body. It also reduces the chance of the accumulation of bacteria on the keloids. Aloe Vera Gel also helps to get rid of keloids on the nose.

How to use?

  • Take freshly scooped Aloe Vera Gel from the leaf of the plant
  • Massage it on the affected areas thoroughly
  • Let it stay for as long as you can
  • There is no need to rinse off
  • Repeat the same three times a day


Use only freshly scooped gel and not the one which has been chemically processed.

[Read: Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin ]

CURE 3: Essential Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree essential oil improves the blood circulation of the body and contains phytochemicals. These phytochemicals reduce keloids gradually. It also enhances the defense system of the body to defend itself against infections.

How to use?

  • Add a few drops of tea tree oil to one tablespoon of olive oil
  • Mix well to form an oil blend
  • Apply the blend on the scars
  • Massage for some time
  • Let it stay overnight
  • There is no need to wash it off
  • Repeat the same every night before going off to bed


Make sure you always dilute the essential oil before using it on your skin. If the oil stings or causes irritation, wash off immediately. Take a patch test before applying anything on your face and other body parts.

[Read: Benefits of Tea Tree Oil ]

Other essential oils

  • Frankincense essential oil
  • Geranium essential oil
  • Rosehip seed essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Helichrysum essential oil

CURE 4: Home Remedies

1. Lemon Juice and Honey

lemon juice and honey to get rid of keloids
Image: shutterstock

Lemon helps in removing the accumulation of dead skin cells on the keloids and acts as a natural bleach to reduce the appearance of the keloids. It helps in lighting the marks of the keloids and getting rid of them over time. If you are looking for how to get rid of keloids, lemon juice with honey is a perfect choice. Honey works to nourish and rejuvenate the skin and speeds up the healing process of the affected area.

How to use?

  • Take out the juice from the lemon
  • Add honey to it
  • Mix well to form a blend
  • Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply to the affected area
  • Let it stay for about fifteen minutes
  • Wash off with regular water
  • Repeat the same three times a day


Make sure you do not apply lemon juice on open cuts and wounds. If you go out in the sun, always put on your sunscreen after washing off lemon juice from your face.

2. Sandalwood and Rose Water

sandalwood and rose water for keloids
Image: shutterstock

sandalwood has excellent skin healing and enhancement properties. It helps in the regeneration of new cells and enables you to get rid of the old ones. This property of sandalwood benefits in the generation of new skin instead of the skin scarred with keloids. on the other hand, Rosewater is an excellent toner which helps in toning the skin and even the scarred appearances on the face due to keloids.

How to use?

  • Add rose water to sandalwood powder and mix well
  • Mix to form a thick paste
  • Apply the paste on the affected areas of the body
  • Let it dry on its own
  • Wash off with cold water
  • Repeat the same every night before going to bed


If you feel allergic or itchy due to this remedy, wash off immediately.

3. Aspirin

Aspirin is a standard medication for headaches and fever. However, it has its own set of benefits for treating keloids. Aspiring is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and is an excellent exfoliator. It is proven to show effects on how to get rid of keloids by reducing their appearance and preventing them from forming in the future.

How to use?

  • Crush a few tablets of aspirin in a glass bowl
  • Add a few drops of water to make a thick paste of the same
  • Apply the paste of aspirin and water on the affected areas of the body
  • Let it stay for a while
  • Make sure you allow it to dry out on its own
  • Wash off and apply a clean moisturizer


Do not forget to moisturize your skin efficiently after you remove the paste of aspirin. Do not use this remedy to open cuts and wounds. If you feel itchy due to this paste, wash off immediately.

CURE 5: Natural Treatment

1. Baking Soda Bath

baking soda bath helps in treating keloids
Image: shutterstock

Baking soda helps in the removal of dead skin cells from the body and makes the skin smooth and healthy. If you want to know more on how to get rid of keloids with baking soda bath, then read further! Baking soda is an excellent exfoliator and reduces the appearance of keloids on the body.

How to use?

  • Add hot water to your bathtub
  • Add baking soda to the tub
  • Soak yourself in the tub for about fifteen minutes
  • Pat dry


Make sure the temperature of the water is according to the suitability of your body. If baking soda stings or causes burning, wash yourself off immediately.

[Read: Benefits of Baking Soda ]

Other Home Remedies to Get Rid of Keloids

  • Apply apple cider vinegar on the keloids every day
  • Apply garlic paste and onion juice to get rid of keloids
  • Apply lemon juice with honey to get rid of keloids
  • Grapefruit seed extract with water helps in the reduction of keloids on the body
  • You can also go for petroleum jelly. Massage a petroleum jelly on your keloids on the body regularly and let it stay for as long as you can for useful results.
  • A coconut oil and olive oil massage are also helpful in treating keloids

Bottom Line

Getting rid of keloids brings back your lost determination and confidence to embrace the world. If you follow the methods as mentioned above, then surely you will get rid of keloids easily. Try these methods and get ready to bid goodbye to these keloids forever. Hope your search for how to get rid of keloids ends here!

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