10 Miraculous Essential Oils for Thyroid that offer Excellent Benefits

Updated on February 10th, 2020
essential oils for thyroid

Are you suffering from an overactive thyroid? While Thyroid gland plays a vital role in performing active body functions which include metabolic processes such as cell growth by emitting necessary hormones to allow your body to function appropriately, sometimes, the thyroid suffers from inappropriate TSH level and causes pain in our body. To find answers to your “How to cure thyroid?” here is a list of some of the best essential oils for thyroid.

Thyroid itself is not a disease; however, there are many diseases associated with the thyroid.People nowadays tend to move towards essential oils for curing thyroid in natural ways. Their significant role in healing low thyroid has been in vogue.

Types & Symptoms of Thyroid

Thyroid disorders are conditions that disturb the thyroid gland and form the shape of a butterfly in the gland visible in the front of the neck.


Different types of thyroid disorders affect either its structure or function. There are specific kinds of thyroid disorders that include:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Goiter
  • Thyroid Nodules 
  • Thyroid cancer

[Also Read: Natural Treatments For Hypothyroidism]

Symptoms of thyroid include

  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Muscle weakness, unexplained weight loss or gain

But preserving a balance is problematic for thyroid as many health conditions result in the  enhanced or reduced emission of thyroid hormones.

What essential oils are good for Thyroid?

Essential oils have extensive application in dealing with several maladies from many periods. They have been established as a helpful hand in improving resistance, speeding the recovery from illness, skin care, and modern application. Stability of hormones is a significant advantage of these oils; this is the reason why they are measured as the best handling methods for curing thyroid conditions.

How to use essential oils for Thyroid?

With these top and beneficial oils offering a natural and easy way of balancing thyroid hormone, they are considered as the best choice for maintaining proper thyroid health.

1. Rosemary Oil for Thyroid

rosemary oil for thyroid

This oil supports in the treatment of joint discomfort, lethargy, and hair loss and weight gain of the unexplained cause.

Why use Rosemary Oil for Thyroid?

It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in boosting growth and energy levels. Rosemary Oil can help by solving this disease by increasing your energy and stimulating hair growth. And hair fall is the typical symptoms due to hypothyroidism.

How to use Rosemary Oil for Thyroid?

  • Wash your hands clean.
  • Take five drops of rosemary oil and mix it with geranium oil.
  • Now rub it over your neck to cure underactive thyroid.

[Read More: Health Benefits of Rosemary Tea]

2. Cedar Wood Oil for Thyroid

Cedar wood oil has excellent medicinal properties to help combat the problem of Thyroid(1).

Why use Cedar wood Oil for Thyroid?

This oil is also most beneficial for the cure of thyroid cancer help, and lowering of sweating in the body lifts immunity and has a sedative effect. When used with the almond oil as a carrier and applied on the neck and chest helps in induce relaxation and sleep.

How to use Cedar Wood Oil for Thyroid?

Use this oil as a massage therapy which is useful for you.

  • Add 1-2 drop to your facial toner or moisturiser for added clarifying properties.
  • Enjoy its calming effect and the grounding during massage over your neck region.

3. Geranium Oil for Thyroid

geranium oil for thyroid

Geranium supports adrenals and lifts energy.

Why use Geranium Oil for Thyroid?

This is the most needed oil to precisely stimulate the emission of hormones, boost the resistant system as they encourage the movement of the blood. The deficiency of thyroid hormone helps in reducing gut, neural and blood vessel inflammation.

How to use Geranium Oil for Thyroid?

Use in aromatherapy facial to beautify the skin.

  • Add a drop of the oil to the moisturiser to help with firmness.
  • The pairing properties of Geranium make it great for both dry and oily skin.
  • Massage gently around the neck region.

[Read More: Coconut Oil for Thyroid]

4. Lemon Balm Oil for Thyroid

This oil is so invigorating and refreshing. It is also great for notifying the nerves and nervous system and heard that it is one of the best home remedies for those who often experience nervousness.

Why use Lemon Balm Oil for Thyroid?

It is also great for pacifying and comforting the mind, relieving tension, and releasing unease. Many of the people with hyperthyroidism complain of restiveness and sleeplessness. So, lemongrass is one of the ideal oils and the best remedy to help in promoting peaceful sleep.

How to treat Thyroid with Lemon Balm Oil?

  • If you are looking for an answer on how to treat thyroid, then try this. Add 25 drops of Lemongrass, Lavender and Clove oil with ten drops of Frankincense oil and mix it in a 5ml roller bottle and shake it gently.
  • Apply on the top over thyroid area at the base of the neck and massage points (big toe).
  • Massage three times daily.

5. Jasmine Oil for Thyroid

jasmine oil for thyroid

Those with main hyperthyroidism and many other will have value mainly from the spread on this oil as it helps in fight tiredness, uneasiness and keeps you relaxed and helps to fight despair. This is known as one of the most effective answers to the question of “How to control my thyroid?”

Why use Jasmine Oil for Thyroid?

It brings down your stress level, improves the body metabolism, and help those who are suffering from the problems like depression, and low concentration during overactive thyroid.

How to use Jasmine Oil for Thyroid?

  • To support muscles and joints, circulatory system, and respiratory function uses the indirect inhaling technique.
  • Hold the bottle of oil a few inches from the nose and breathe in the aroma.
  • For Hot water vapours, add 1-2 drops of this oil, and heat the water.
  • Place a towel on the head then inhale the steam.

[Read more: Herbs for Thyroid]

6. Anise Oil for Thyroid

The utility of this essential oil of anise can be credited to many other soporific properties.

Why use Anise Oil for Thyroid?

With the use of this essential oil, you can expect to minimise almost all the problems associated with little thyroid function. It’s capability to balance the hormones, relieve hassle and unhappiness, reduce irritation and annoyance during low thyroid, improve skin health, and improve blood flow too.

How to use Anise Oil for Thyroid?

You always enjoy the flavour of anise in many desserts and sweet beverages. It helps in relieving cramps.

  • Add a few drops of anise oil to almond oil and massage onto the abdomen.
  • You can also add a few drops of anise oil to warm water and use as a gargle to treat for bad breath.

7. Clove Oil for Thyroid

clove oil for thyroid

The use of clove oil in excess may be toxic, so be careful when using clove as a home remedy.

Why use Clove Oil for Thyroid?

The anti-bacterial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties of clove oil make it highly useful as a complementary therapy when a person is going through various levels of medical treatments for low thyroid.

How to use Clove Oil for Thyroid?

  • Add 25 drops Clove, 10 drops Frankincense and 25 drops of Lavender in a 5ml roller bottle and mix it gently.
  • Apply on the top over thyroid area at the base of the neck and massage points (big toe).
  • Massage two times daily.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Thyroid]

8. Primrose Oil for Thyroid

Primrose oil(2) offers extensive benefits to patients suffering from thyroid.

Why use Clove Oil for Thyroid?

This oil helps to eradicate the problems allied with hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid and produces the proper occupied of the thyroid gland. To stand the effects take 1 table to serve of primrose oil daily.

How to use Primrose Oil for Thyroid?

Whenever you can, you must coat a drop of Frankincense with the clove oil. Frankincense will help the other EOs along and tranquil irritation.

  • Add one-part Geranium, one-part Primrose oil with Frankincense oil and mix it in in a five ml roller bottle.
  • Apply on the top over thyroid area at the base of the neck and massage points (big toe)
  • Massage for 3x daily.

9. Liquorice Oil for Thyroid

liquorice oil for thyroid

One of the best essential oil you can use for pressure related problem in hypothyroidism and thyroid goitre.

Why use Licorice Oil for Thyroid?

It can lessen the cortisol level in the body and helps in improve the intellectual function. In addition to that, with the use of this oil, you can expect to have your ingestion enhanced and hair loss reduced.

How to use Licorice Oil for Thyroid?

To keep the skin hydrated, you can add a few drops of coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, to it. Regular use of liquorice oil helps to fade blemishes and dark spots. Cool liquorice tea is known to aid in healing numbers of skin disorders.

10. Lavender Oil for Thyroid

Lavender oil is quite useful for the issues like insomnia, stress, hair loss, and anxiety. This is known as one of the most functional essential oils for thyroid(3).

Why use Lavender Oil for Thyroid?

If you suffer from any of these problems, rub a slight amount of lavender oil on your cushion massage the oil on your scalp with a shampoo or add a few drops of lavender to deep bath at the night which allows you to rest for a calming for time to bed ceremonial to get rid of various thyroid disorders.

How to use Lavender Oil essential oils for thyroid?

  • Mix 25 drops of Lavender oil mixed with lemongrass, clove and then in a 5 ml roller bottle.
  • Apply on the top over thyroid area at the base of the neck and massage points (big toe).
  • Massage 3x daily. You will be having fun and will love to apply it to the thyroid area of the feet.

[Read More: Vitamins for Thyroid]

One next term to the sensible, these two essential oils practices are not meant to substitute your overactive thyroid medication. The anticipation is that essential oils will help in assessing your hormones and helping you to live well in spite of your condition.

If you’re currently on medication for hypothyroid, don’t go off it without consulting with your healthcare expert first. Certain essential oils for thyroid are not recommended while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Precaution of using essential oils

Essential oils are not meant to treat severe thyroid imbalances. Though there is some evidence to support the use of essential oils for thyroid conditions, replacing a prescribed thyroid treatment with essential oils could lead to side effects such as weight gain, sluggishness, and organ damage. If you suspect that you have an under active thyroid condition, you should speak with your healthcare expert before you try using essential oils.

Other Homes remedies

Eating specific foods or taking compliments won’t help you regulate hypothyroidism. But they can make you feel healthier, lower your anxiety, and elude thyroid nodules.

Keep Up a Healthy Diet

There’s no particular meal plan for handling thyroid disease. Still, a well-proportioned diet can help you feel good and zone off ailment. Choose a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Eat vibrant ones like berries and grapes, which are high inhaled and hearty antioxidants. Limit foods with saturated fat, like red meat. Have seafood, which is high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, at least twice a week.

Kale, broccoli, spinach

These are also high in iodine, though not so high that you need to avoid them. But go easy. Too much can make your condition worse. Don’t use them in more considerable amount Kelp and seaweed.

You may have heard you should stop eating these because they’re great in iodine, which can inhibit with your overactive thyroid. But in another way, it can be useful take it in a smaller capacity.

Essential oils for thyroid have a substantial role in bringing about hormonal balance. They help in treating many of the symptoms present in the thyroid conditions such as wakefulness, weight gain, nervousness and more.

By using them as the only treatment choices for thyroid, goitre is not worthwhile. The essential oils with their generous benefits serve as an excellent aide to natural thyroid healing. This helps to maintain thyroid health and, in some cases, helps to bring about small balance corrections.


1. I Suffer from a Sugar Problem/ Addiction (Insulin Resistance). Does It Impact My Thyroid Health?

Response: Yes, your sugar levels are managed by insulin, which is excreted by the pancreas gland that is a part of the endocrine system. Many people don’t realise they have a problem with sugar. Symptoms are: feeling shaky, weak, unfocused, and moody when hungry. Feeling that you can still eat after a meal. There are many varieties of home remedies which you can use after checking you suffer from thyroid.

2. Do I Need More Iodine If I Have Hypothyroidism?

Response: Iodine is the precious mineral needed by the thyroid gland. If you’re suffering from this disease, it’s because of iodine deficiency. You can read the above-mentioned home remedies and find the best treatments for your disorder.

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