5 remarkable essential oils for joint pain for long-lasting relief

Updated on February 10th, 2020
essential oils joint-pain

Acutely distressing pain in joints of your shoulder, knee, elbow or hips could be an indication of some tormenting joint pain. Many times, such tribulations are caused by these joint pains which get the better of us throwing our lives in disarray. You may try all tricks up your sleeves before realizing that it isn’t easy to free yourself from the painful grip of such joint pains. It is high time that you realized the essence of essential oils for Joint Pain which mitigates joint pains, fight off inflammations and get you up and running.

Types, Symptoms, And Causes Of Joint Pain

Joints are those areas in your body where two bones meet. Joint pain refers to a condition where a person experiences extreme ache, soreness or discomfort in one or more joints in the body. It is scientifically called arthralgia and is a common problem these days.


There are mainly two types of Joint Pain that cause severe ache, soreness and swelling around the joint:

Short-Term or Temporary: This usually occurs when a person suffers from some physical injury or trauma like thumb joint pain or temporary knee joint pain.

Long-term or Permanent: This happens in old-age when the joints become weak and are no longer capable of functioning correctly like arthritis joint pain or permanent Sacroiliac Joint Pain.


Commonly seen symptoms associated with Joint Pain include: –

  • Inflammation of the joint
  • Redness
  • Severe pain
  • A warm feeling inside the knee
  • Fluid retention
  • Permanent or Partial Paralysis


There are numerous causes for Joint Pains to occur in the body: –

  • Physical Injury (due to a fall or accident)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Inflammation of the cushioning pads around joints
  • Drug-induced joint pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout
  • Overuse of a joint
  • Caused by infectious diseases, like  influenza, mumps, and hepatitis
  • Lyme Disease

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What Essential Oils Are Good For Joint Pain?

Essential oils are extracted from different plants offer plenty of health benefits from curing stress and pain to imparting relaxation and peace of mind to people with just a few drops of them. Therefore, essential oils are crucial to alleviate joint pain and stimulate regular blood circulation.

Essential oils possess such properties which are instrumental in providing relief and alleviating the symptoms of joint pains. Many of us come under the sway of pretentious advertisements of certain medications which falsely claim to cure joint pains. These hollow claims fall short of the promises they make and on top of that burden you with potentially dangerous side effects.

This is where natural Essential oils for joint pain come into your rescue as they help cure the problem taking the nature’s course. Some of the top essential oils for relieving joint pains are cinnamon, lavender, CBD, peppermint, turmeric, eucalyptus and Evening primrose oil.

How To Use Essential Oils For Joint Pain?

Given below are some best essential oils for joint pain that offer prominent pain relief to treat any joint pain from its roots-

1. Cinnamon Oil For Joint Pain

cinnamon oil for joint pain

Cinnamon(1) is one of the best spices in the world for famous for its medicinal as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Not only does it act as a powerful replacement to over-the-counter medications and synthetic drugs but also is a more natural and convenient way to cure joint pains and sprains.

Why One Should Use Cinnamon Oil For Joint Pain?

Owing to its unique and wholesome healing properties, it works perfectly to curb the irritating pain caused by Joints. Moreover, it acts as one of the best home remedies that lead to reduced pain in joints and swelling.

How To Use Cinnamon Oil For Joint Pain?

Intake of a few drops of cinnamon oil in a glass of lukewarm water by adding some honey acts as a magic drink. Also, you can apply cinnamon oil mixed with some coconut oil for immediate pain relief. It is considered a healthy oil for external massage and is terrific massage oil.

Also Read: Natural remedies For Inflammation and Pain

2. CBD Oil For Joint Pain

CBD oil for joint pain

Found naturally in marijuana and hemp plants, CBD is referred to as cannabinoids and is mainly essential for curing overall discomfort caused by the chronic pain in joints. It is best to treat patients suffering from Arthritis joint pain with CBD oil(2) for excellent results.

Why One Should Use CBD Oil For Joint Pain?

CBD oil is rich in anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties and holds prominent features to tackle joint pains to a significant level. Not only does it boost the metabolism but also suppresses the aches and swelling that occur to patients suffering from chronic pain.

How To Cure Joint Pain Using CBD Oil?

Intake of a CBD oil capsule by mouth or adding CBD oil to food or water are some easy ways for curing pain. You may also mix a few drops of CBD oil with your lotion and apply it gently over the affected area.

Also Read: Incredible Hemp Seed Oil Benefits

3. Peppermint Oil For Joint Pain

peppermint oil for joint pain

Besides having a healthy and pungent smell, peppermint oil has naturally cured many types of joint pain to get faster relief and help in the movement of joints. It works well for people suffering from pain in general muscle and joint pain in addition to a headache and nerve pain.

Why One Should Use Peppermint Oil For Joint Pain?

Peppermint oil is enriched with natural anesthetic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory attributes which are beneficial in alleviating joint pain and stiffness in joints.

How To Cure Joint Pain Using Peppermint Oil?

You may add a few drops of peppermint oil to your green tea and let it work its wonder. You may also, use it with lavender oil over the aching joint to avoid the bad smell.

4. Lavender Oil For Joint Pain

lavender oil for joint pain

Lavender oil is commonly used to fight stress and relax your mind with its useful analgesic properties. However, its anti-inflammatory properties also work wonders in handling the discomfort caused due to Knee joint pain or hip joint pain.

Why One Should Use Lavender Oil For Joint Pain?

Lavender oil is rich in anti-microbial and sedative attributes that contribute to reducing muscle tension and joint pain to a significant extent.

How To Use Lavender Oil For Joint Pain?

A gentle massage with lavender oil over your joint pain will feel like bliss to your body and boost the healing process. Even you can add 10 to 15 drops of lavender oil into the bath before you take your shower.

Also Read: Excellent Benefits of Lavender Oil

5. Turmeric Essential Oil For Joint Paint

Turmeric Essential Oil has been one of the most reliable herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Its potent anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties have proven to cure and prevent almost all types of severe health disorders.

Why One Should Use Turmeric Essential Oil For Joint Pain?

Turmeric essential oil has necessary elements that play an indispensable role in getting you healed from any joint pain in no time.

How To Use Turmeric Essential Oil For Joint Pain?

Applying Turmeric Essential oil by adding its few drops in some other oil like coconut oil can quickly soothe your pain and lead to a reduction in pain immediately. Also, massaging for about two times a day can bring you the best results.

Other oils for Joint Pain

1. Castor Oil For Joint Pain

Castor oil is an excellent source of several minerals and proteins and is useful for curing joint pain(3) owing to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Why One Should Use Castor Oil For Joint Pain?

Castor oil is an extraordinary remedy that stimulates the immune system with antibodies that fight against inflammation in joints besides helping in getting quick relief from the sore joint pain.

How To Get Rid Of Joint Pain Using Castor Oil?

Applying warm castor oil and massaging the paining joint with it shall help to alleviate the inflammation immediately. Also, you can apply a cotton ball soaked in castor oil overnight over the affected joint for better results.

Also Read: Essential Oils for Back Pain

2. Fish Oil For Joint Pain

Fish Oil offers a wide range of health benefits from reducing you’re supplementing your body with a robust immune system to help you get naturally rid of joint pains.

Why One Should Use Fish Oil For Joint Pain?

The two types of omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) that act as a powerful weapon to reduce inflammation that paves a way to swelling and acute pain. Also, these are beneficial in the development of a robust immune system.

How To Treat Joint Pain Using Fish Oil?

To help with your joint pain, you increase the intake of fish oil in your regular diet and is also said to a relatively safer alternative than other oils like cod liver oil.

3. Coconut Oil For Joint Pain

coconut oil for joint pain

Coconut oil is renowned for its use in reducing any pain from a severe headache to joint ache. It is well-known for its substantial impact on any pain and helps to cure it of its ground level.

Why One Should Use Coconut Oil For Joint Pain?

In comparison with other oils, coconut oil not only adds strength to the bones in the body but also works faster to relieve any joint pain especially, arthritis joint pain. In addition to this, Coconut oil supplements the affected area with the supply of healthy blood and aids in providing a warming effect that ultimately, leads to healing the joint pain.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Joint Pain?

After a hot shower or bath, take a coconut oil massage either yourself or from a specialist who can help in providing a soothing experience. Adding some camphor to the coconut oil will benefit in the form of a more powerful massage as it would cure the joint pain by greasing the joints and imparting them with the required mobility.

4. Krill Oil For Joint Pain

Krill Oil is an edible oil that comes from krill, is useful in lessening the joint pain(7) to a large extent as it has the necessary omega-3 fats that work against inflammation that causes the joint pain.

Why One Should Use Krill Oil For Joint Pain?

Krill oil has the essential inflammation-fighting omega-3 fats and a powerful antioxidant called astaxanthin. It comes works in synergy with fish oil to curb this menace from its root level.

How To Use Krill Oil For Joint Pain?

Just an intake of 300mg of Krill oil a day is sufficient to neutralize the pro-inflammatory activity that helps to mitigate joint pains.

5. Olive Oil For Joint Pain

olive oil for joint pain

Olive oil is a perfect edible oil that plays a pivotal role in curbing arthritis joint pain. Olive oil has a natural compound called oleocanthal that works tantamount to any other prescribed joint pain medication.

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Why One Should Use Olive Oil For Joint Pain?

Olive Oil suits the dietary needs of everyone. Replacing your cooking oil with olive oil will keep several serious diseases away along with working on the joint pain.

How To Use Olive Oil For Joint Pain?

Including Extra Virgin Olive oil in your diet is crucial to impart several health benefits apart from treating joint pains. Olive oil has been seen as more powerful when combined with fish oil, a rich source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

Risks And Precautions

While massaging with essential oils for joint pain can be a blissful experience as you enjoy the pain leaving your body, but you should pay close attention to the consumption of certain essential oils. Make sure you know which essential oil for the joint pain your body is allergic to. You must not continue its use as it may result in side-effects.

Other Home Remedies For Joint Pain

Besides using essential oils, several home remedies must also be taken into consideration for best results:

1. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation

This is the best way to take control of the aching knee joint pain. Start by applying a bag of ice to the joint, now wrap your joint with a bandage to impart compression and keep your knee in an elevated position while you rest.

2. The Magic of Ginger

According to a recent study, ginger has shown a tremendous rise in reducing the pain caused due to arthritis. Taking raw ginger regularly with water in the morning empty stomach heals a plethora of body problems and illnesses.

There is nothing that cannot be tackled by maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet along with regular exercise or yoga. Old age joint pains can lead to a severe loss in the movement of joints, therefore engaging in natural home remedies, and using essential oils for joint pain can ease your struggle to diminish the pain manifolds.


1. How to cure joint pain without any medicine?

While you must undergo a proper check up your healthcare expert to understand the severity of your problem and its type, later, you may choose to heal the pain by medication or adopting these simple home remedies and essential oils for joint pain relief.

2. How to treat a joint pain that has incurred permanent paralysis?

Regular consultation with your healthcare expert along with following a rich diet in omega-3 fats and other necessary vital minerals will benefit you to build a good immune system. In addition to this, following treatments and massage with essential oils that have no side effect on your body will effectively heal your joint pain.

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