Fatty Liver Bothering You? Try 5 Diet Foods That Works like Magic

Updated on January 10th, 2020
diet for fatty liver

Fatty liver is a common medical condition that occurs due to excess fat accumulation in the liver. The state doesn’t cause any symptoms in specific but can stimulate tremendous weight loss, fatigue, or abdominal pain.

Fatty liver usually occurs due to overconsumption of alcohol and is known as alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD).  Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a fatty liver condition in an average person.

The liver is the second largest of all the organs in the body. It filters the toxins and process nutrients. When an excess amount of fat begins accumulating in the liver, it leads to inflammation or scarring.

In worse cases, it also leads to liver failure. Diagnosis is the only treatment known to treat fatty liver. No medications have been successful in curing fatty liver completely.

Changes in lifestyle can have a significant impact on curing fatty liver disease. Exercising and diet for fatty liver are recommended by the doctors to help heal quickly. What is a good diet plan for fatty liver? Read more to find out!


  • According to the American Liver Foundation, approximately 100 million (25%) individuals in the USA suffer from NAFLD. This condition is most common in children(1).
  • According to recent studies, 90% of the patients that undergo bariatric surgery are found to be victims of NAFLD(2).

Diet for Fatty Liver

Below are some of the diets that treat fatty liver.

1. Coffee

Image: ShutterStock

According to the European Association for the Study of the Liver, consumption of coffee as a regular diet source works well in reversing the condition in people suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(3).

Along with caffeine, nearly 1000 chemicals present in coffee helps fight alcohol-related cirrhosis, liver cancer, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and type C-hepatitis by lowering the abnormal enzymes. Doctors believe that coffee is the best diet for fatty liver reversal. Drinking coffee reduces the risk of liver cancer by 40% when compared to the no-java diet.

Coffee is everyone’s favorite mug filler. Green coffee bean extract supplements are effective in treating fatty liver. These supplements are usually available online.

According to studies, those who consumed 4 or more than 4 cups of coffee every day could experience significant changes in their condition. Check the label of the supplements to know more about précised dosage. Although studies have shown several results of coffee being successful in treating fatty liver, excess consumption can increase the risk of various other conditions.

[Read: Excercise for Fatty Liver]

2. Soy

According to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, soy protein has the potential to reduce triglycerides and fat accumulation in the liver(4). Soy protein such as tofu and yogurt are effective in alleviating the stress on fatty livers.

According to the observations of the studies, soy protein had a much better impact on obese people. Thus, soy is one of the best diets for fatty liver caused due to obesity. Soy or whey protein is well known to treat the side effects of carbohydrates consumption. Soy protein is significantly known to reduce blood sugar levels and retain muscle mass.

  • Use Soy milk diet for fatty liver as it is said to reduce the cause of the condition.
  • Soy protein such as soybean oil, tofu, and yogurt can be included in regular dietary meals.
  • You can try Soy protein, and supplements are also available online.

Check the label on the supplements for prescribed dosage. Inculcate healthy diet with soy to combat fatty liver.

[Also Read: Milk Thistle For Your Fatty Liver]

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

omega 3 rich food
Source: ShutterStock

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the body and brain. Consuming omega-3 fatty acid in regular dietary meals along with exercising can help get rid of fatty liver. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements help reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Supplements or nutritional meals are more effective when you change your lifestyle and habits. According to studies, consuming omega-3 fatty acid stimulates liver health in both adults and children(5).

  • There are various effective omega-3 fatty acid supplements like salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel available online and in pharmaceuticals.
  • You can also include the following dietary sources rich in omega-3 fatty acid in your regular meals:
  • Mackerel (4107mg)
  • Cod Liver Oil (2664mg)
  • Salmon (4023mg)
  • Anchovies (951mg)
  • Herring (3181mg)
  • Oysters (565mg)
  • Sardines (2205mg)
  • Caviar (1086mg)

Refer the label on the supplements for apt dosage. Practice healthy diet with food mentioned above sources and dosage. Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the best diets for the fatty liver!

[ Read: Best Natural Remedies To Treat Fatty Liver ]

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a whole grain; several studies show that consumption of whole grains reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes, heart disease, blood cholesterol, obesity, and blood sugar. According to various research, obesity and weight loss are the primary cause of fatty liver.

Consumption of Oatmeal also promotes healthy bacteria, manage weight, and provides vitamins and proteins. Oatmeal also contains antioxidants that alleviate inflammation and scarring in the liver. Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining liver health, the ideal diet for fatty liver is soluble fibers, and one such excellent remedy is Oatmeal.

  • Oatmeal can be consumed in several different varieties:
  • Oat groat
  • Oatmeal crush
  • Steel-cut Oatmeal
  • Oatmeal roll
  • Oats with milk diet for fatty liver
  • There are various oatmeal supplements available online that stimulate liver health.

Oatmeal is more effective when consumed regularly as breakfast. If you choose to take supplements, check on the label for prescribed dosage.

[Read: Vitamins for Liver]

5. Avocado

Image: ShutterStock

Avocado is rich in healthy fats that help prevent any damage in the liver. The fiber content in avocado also helps in weight loss conditions. Avocado contains nutrients that help improve the functionality of liver and overall liver health.

It contains monounsaturated fats that are considered as good fats, consuming it reduces bad cholesterol in the body and helps ease the condition of obesity and fatty liver. Avocado also contains various proteins and vitamins that prevent cirrhosis.

Avocado can be consumed in various ways as a dietary source:

  • Try the refreshing salad recipe of mushroom and avocado fruits for fatty liver diet
  • Avocado milkshake.
  • Chew raw avocado fruit.
  • You can use avocado oil in diet meals.
  • There are several avocado recipes available online.
  • Avocado supplements are also available online.

Consume the natural fruit along with your diet meals regularly and get rid of fatty liver and its uncomfortable symptoms.

No medications are approved to cure fatty liver disease. The condition can be reversed by merely making lifestyle changes. Regularly exercising and diet for fatty liver can help prevent further scarring and other damages in the liver.

Potentially irreversible inflammation and scarring might cause fatal diseases like liver cancer or liver failure. If you can sense any uncomfortable symptoms due to the liver, immediately consult your doctor. To get rid of the fatty liver disease, follow the doctor’s treatment along with leading a healthy lifestyle.


1. What Home Remedies Are Useful for Fatty Liver?

There are various effective remedies available for fatty liver. Doctors recommend following a healthy diet and lifestyle along with treatment for effective results. You can pursue these home remedies to treat your fatty liver:

  • Greens
  • Fish
  • Walnuts
  • Exercise
  • Lemon
  • Green tea
  • Dandelion
  • Turmeric
  • Papaya
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

2. What Are the Best Foods for a Fatty Liver?

Nutrition is one of the significant factors that affect our health. Improper nutrition not only drains you down but also leads to several medical conditions down the line. Especially for fatty liver, you must control your diet along with diagnosis and other treatments. Here are a few food sources that are proven ideal for fatty liver treatment:

  • Banana
  • Ginger
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Milk thistle
  • Black seed oil
  • Raw veggies
  • Vitamin E
  • Liver meat

3. What Are the Benefits of Oatmeal for Fatty Liver?

6 Significant oatmeal benefits for fatty liver:

  • Oatmeal is immensely nutritious.
  • Oatmeal fills your stomach quickly and thus helps reduce weight and prevents obesity.
  • Oats contains antioxidants that reduce scarring and inflammation in the liver.
  • Oatmeal prevents diabetes by controlling the blood sugar level, which further prevents fatty liver condition.
  • Oatmeal contains soluble fibers that help in better digestion.
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