Treat Your Fatty Liver with Exercises Effectively

Updated on March 24th, 2020
Best exercise for fatty liver

Initially, there are often no symptoms of fatty liver. Extended fat buildup in the liver can lead to inflammation, resulting in cirrhosis (body scarring). It can have increasingly damaging effects on health.

The best exercise for fatty liver is cardio. Cardiovascular exercise can assist in faster weight loss, and muscle mass can be increased by weight training.

This muscle mass not only improves metabolism and encourage weight loss, but it also helps to sensitize the cells to insulin and decreases insulin resistance. Patients and physicians should work together to formulate a plan involving adjustments in lifestyle.

Additionally, physical activity can be an efficient means of reducing liver fat. (1) Studies have shown that several times a week, engaging in endurance exercise or resistance training can considerably decrease the quantity of fat stored in liver cells, irrespective of whether weight loss happens. In four-week research, eighteen obese fatty liver patients who exercised five days a week for thirty to sixty minutes. They encountered a ten percent reduction in liver fat, although their body weight stayed stable(2).

What is the best exercise for fatty liver?

1. Walking

Walking is one of the most significant weight loss activities. For beginners, it is convenient and an easy way to begin exercising without feeling overwhelmed or having to buy equipment. For those who may find it difficult to walk in an open area, a treadmill can be highly useful. For corporate offices, treadmills can be placed on the sides of office rooms to allow for indoor walking.

Why does it work?

It is a well-known fact that in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. And, walking will help you burn more calories. Depending on your age, gender, height, and weight, walking a mile (1.6 km) daily will help you burn 90 to 100 calories. Also, one of the major benefits of walking is that it will help in retaining your muscle weight when you lose your body weight.

How to perform it?

  • You can walk in the morning or evening or both times.
  • Walk for at least 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • You can use fitness trackers to track how many calories you lost.

[Read: Super Foods That Can Heal a Fatty Liver]

2. Jogging/running

Jogging and running are great exercises to lose weight and cut down fat from the liver. Right from base runs and long runs to interval runs and hill runs, you can do any type of running or jogging you want.

Why does it work?

Actually, jogging or running is more effective than walking as you would be covering more distance in less time. According to a study, running or jogging 1 mile burned more 33 to 35 calories when compared to walking the same distance(3).

How to perform it?

  • For jogging/running, early morning would be best as you’d see less traffic.
  • You can run or jog daily for at least 3o to 45 minutes.
  • Also, make sure you wear comfortable shoes otherwise, your feet hurt while running.

[Read: Herbs to Cure Your Fatty Liver]

3. Cycling

Cycling is a joint exercise that can assist you in losing weight and improve your fitness. While cycling is traditionally performed outdoors, there are many gyms and fitness centers with stationary bicycles that enable you to cycle while staying indoors. It can also strengthen your muscles, leading to greater metabolism and fat reduction.

Why does it work?

Being a low-impact exercise, cycling will help you burn calories by increasing your heart rate. In general, cycling will help improve your health in general.

[Read: Fatty Liver Home Remedies]

How to perform it?

  • You can either choose to stay indoors and use a stationary bicycle or go outdoors taking a regular one.
  • Depending on the speed, you can burn 65 to 300 calories in 20 to 30 minutes.

4. Swimming and Zumba

Swimming also helps to lose obesity and gain stamina. It helps to cut your extra fat from the body. And, Zumba is also an excellent way to enhance your fitness and to integrate exercise effectively into your daily routine. Zumba’s all about losing weight and calorie burning.

Why does it work?

Swimming and Zumba are equally effective as they both involve a lot of strenuous physical movements. Also, both these exercises use all of your muscles and hence will keep your whole body in motion.

How to perform it?

  • For Zumba or swimming, the best time would be morning as it will increase energy levels and keep you active throughout the day.
  • You can do these exercises 45 minutes to 1 hour.

[Read:  Best Natural Remedies To Treat Fatty Liver]

Side effects/warnings

Eating a healthy diet and reducing the consumption of alcohol are all regarded as suitable preventive measures. (4) However, sometimes, rapid weight loss on the stomach, arms, and legs often leaves loose skin. While obesity is frequently associated with fatty liver disease, fast weight loss is a risk factor for the development of liver damage. The growth of gallstones (hardened deposits of cholesterol that form in the gallbladder) is a common side effect of fast weight loss. So make sure to visit your doctor before taking any risks.

Fatty liver can prove to be a very harmful disease. It can have multiple damaging effects on your body. As there is no medication invented yet for this disease, the best treatment for fatty liver is exercise.

[Read: Supplements for Fatty Liver]

Weight loss and physical activity are the most significant instruments for lowering the risk of fatty liver. Performing certain exercises can help improve the situation. If your doctor gives you a green signal for regular exercise, it can work like a charm to reduce fat in your liver.


1. Can Fatty Liver Kill You?

The disease may vary from natural fatty liver fibrosis and life-threatening cirrhosis and eventually hepatic cancer. There’s no cure there.

2. How Long Does It Take to Cure Fatty Liver?

Since the liver regenerates cells, it can recover from fatty liver if the cause is alcohol. You must stop drinking, and within six weeks, the fat around your liver will be gone.

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