Best Natural Remedies To Treat Fatty Liver

Updated on March 23rd, 2020
How To Get Rid Of Fatty Liver

What Is Fatty Liver?

Also known as hepatic steatosis, fatty liver is the deposition of fat in the liver. It is normal to have less than 5% fat in your liver but more than 5% of it can be harmful. Too much fat in the liver can cause severe liver inflammation and also affect the functioning of the body because it is the liver that processes nutrients from the food and drinks we consume and also filters harmful substances from the bloodstream.

   According to the US National Library of Medicine(1), fatty liver is one of the most prevalent causes of chronic liver illness globally. In India, the generality of this condition is estimated to be around 9-32% with higher probability in obese and diabetic patients. Statistics also reveal that more women complained of fatty liver pain than men.

How To Get Rid Of Fatty Liver Using Natural Remedies

What Are The Causes Of Fatty Liver?

There are two types of fatty liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcohol-related fatty liver disease (ALD). As the name suggests, ALD is caused due to excess alcohol consumption and is hence preventable. NAFLD, whereas, is caused due to metabolic syndrome.

NAFLD is further of two types, simple fatty liver and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). A majority of people with NAFLD have a simple fatty liver which is caused due to inflammation. NASH causes more complex problems like fibrosis, liver cancer, cirrhosis, etc. 

Some other causes of fatty liver are diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglycerides, obesity, etc. Medical News Today states that 40 and 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes have NAFLD. There are also some less common causes of fatty liver like pregnancy, fast weight loss, hepatitis C, contact with toxins, and medicinal side effects.

Did You Know!

Alcohol-related liver disease accounts for 60% of all liver disease.

CURE 1:  Lifestyle Changes

Are you struggling with the question of how to reduce fatty liver? Mentioned below are some remedies stating what to do for fatty liver, what is good for fatty liver, what to eat for fatty liver etc.

1. Plenty of water

Why does this work?

Plenty of water improves your metabolism which then breaks the fat faster and prevents fat deposits from accumulating in the liver.

How to use?

Drink water whenever possible throughout the day. However, make sure that you do not drink in between meals or immediately half an hour after a meal.

How much to use?

Try to drink 3-4 liters of water every day.

2.  Lose weight

Weight Loss tips

Why does this work?

Excess weight causes inflammation which then promotes liver fat storage. Fatty liver also develops in people who have too much fat in the belly.

How to do and how much?

Engage in moderate exercise every day for 30-40 minutes. Calculate what your ideal weight should be according to the BMI and then try to reach the goal. Some of the best exercises for fatty liver are jogging, yoga, aerobics, cycling, etc(2).

3.  Control Diabetes

Why does this work?

Diabetes raises the risk of NAFLD by adding to the fat deposition in the liver. By controlling diabetes, fat deposition can also be controlled.

How to do it?

Some ways to control sugar level are exercising regularly, controlling sugar and carb intake, drinking plenty of water, controlling stress levels, implementing portion control, etc.

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CURE 2: Herbs for Fatty Liver

1. Turmeric


Why does this work?

Curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-microbial properties that regulate fatty liver.

How to use?

Put a pinch of turmeric in a glass of milk, heat it, strain it, and consume hot.

How much to use?

Drink this every day before going to bed to reduce fatty liver.

2. Amla

Why does this work?

Also known as the Indian gooseberry, it is the richest source of vitamin C. It optimizes the functioning of the liver and keeps it healthy.

How to use?

The ideal way to consume it is raw, but it can also be added in a salad and to curd.

How much to use?

Try to eat one amla every day to reverse fatty liver.

[Read: Gooseberry(Amla) Benefits for Health ]

3. Cinnamon


Why does this work?

Cinnamon stabilizes the level of liver enzymes, blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammation which is very beneficial for the liver.

How to use?

You can add cinnamon powder in the vegetables you cook or sprinkle it in your coffee.

How much to use?

Try to consume 1 tablespoon of cinnamon a day.

4. Green Tea

Why does this work?

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that control the symptoms of fatty liver and also prevent liver infections.

How to use?

Green tea can be consumed by boiling some green tea leaves in water, straining it, and drinking it hot.

How much to use?

You can drink this tea every day in the morning or before going to bed.

5. Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle

Why does this work?

Milk Thistle for fatty liver is the best herbal remedy because it has liver-protecting properties. It reduces insulin resistance, inflammation, and liver damage.

How to use?

It is easily available in supplement form at herbal medicinal stores and can be consumed directly through mouth. The leaves of milk thistle can be added to salads.

How much to use?

Around 250-376 mg of milk thistle should be consumed per day.

6. Flax Seeds

Why does this work?

Flaxseed improves liver and kidney functioning and also manages hypertension.

How to use?

Flaxseeds can be consumed directly by mouth to cure fatty liver.

How much to use?

30 grams of flaxseeds in a day is one of the best natural treatments for fatty liver.

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CURE 3. Essential oils for fatty liver

1. Olive oil

olivee oill

Why does this work?

Olive oil reverses the effects of a high-fat diet and also reduces inflammation in the liver due to fat deposition.

How to use?

You can incorporate olive oil into your diet by using it for a majority of cooking purposes.

How much to use?

They are no prescribed dosages as to how much olive oil to consume in a day. Therefore, make sure that you eat at least one dish cooked in olive oil each day.

[ Read: Herbs to Cure Your Fatty Liver Naturally ]

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CURE 4. Foods for fatty liver

1. Lemon

Why does this work?

It helps in detoxification of the liver and produces a liver enzyme to stabilize the liver’s functioning.

How to use and how much?

Add chopped lemons in a jug and consume it repeatedly throughout the day. You can also take out the lemon juice and drink it twice a day.

2. Apple cider vinegar for fatty liver

Why does this work?

Apple Cider Vinegar for fatty liver promotes weight loss and also reduces fat accumulation around the liver.

How to use and how much?

Add one tablespoon of ACD in a glass of lukewarm water and consume it twice daily before meals. You can also add honey in it if desired.

3. Papaya

Use Papaya for hair problems

Why does this work?

Papaya also burns fat and helps in curing liver infections.

How to use and how much?

You can eat raw papaya or make a soup out of it. You can also consume dry papaya seeds. Consume papaya twice daily to reduce fatty liver.

4. Bitter Gourd

Why does this work?

Bitter gourd is anti-diabetic and also cuts down obesity.

How to use and how much?

You can cook bitter gourd-like other vegetables. It can be consumed once a day to reverse fatty liver.

5.  Nuts

Why does this work?

Beans, nuts, and seeds are rich in vitamin E, protein, and fiber, which maintain a healthy body and weight and eliminate the problems of fat deposits in the liver.

How to eat and how much?

Some nuts which can be eaten as snacks all day around are Chia seeds, Brazil nuts, Kidney beans, Walnuts, Lentils, etc. Try to eat them every day between meals or incorporate them into the meal itself.

6.  Fish

Fish Benefits

Why does this work?

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which reduces fat and inflammation.

How to use and how much?

You can include fish in your daily meals. If not, then you can take a fish oil supplement. Take the supplement once a day.

[Read: Fatty Liver Home Remedies]

7.  Legumes

Why does this work?

Legumes are the best way to promote liver health as they are high in protein. The protein levels stabilize the liver and cut down fat.

How to use and how much?

Legumes can be boiled in some water and consumed with spices. Try to eat 2-3 bowls of legumes every day.

8. Raw Garlic

Why does this work?

Garlic stimulates the liver and reduces the fat content in the body.

How to use and how much?

Garlic can be crushed and added to vegetables. It can also be consumed in raw form. Eat 2-3 pieces of garlic every day to treat fatty liver.

[ Read: 5 Diet Foods That Works like Magic ]

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CURE 5. Supplements for Fatty Liver

1. Omega 3 fatty acids

rich omega 3 fatty acids

Why does this work?

Omega 3 fatty acid helps reduce inflammation and also improves liver function.

How to take and how much?

It can be taken in the form of tablets and capsules which are easily obtainable. Also, try to eat seafood like fish, oysters, and flaxseeds, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acid. If you are taking supplements, one tablet every day is fine.

2. Vitamin E

Why does this work?

Vitamin E for fatty liver works as an antioxidant and produces several other enzymes to combat liver inflammation.

How to use?

Vitamin E is found in foods like almonds, wheat germ oil, green leafy vegetables, and sunflower seeds. It can also be consumed in the form of a supplement.

How much to use?

If you are taking supplements, then taking one tablet every day is enough. If not, try to consume vitamin E rich foods as much as possible in a day.

3. Selenium

Why does this work?

Selenium is an essential element for fighting fatty liver, but too much selenium can also prove to be harmful to the liver.

How to use?

Selenium is found in many food products like nuts, dairy products, meat, beans, etc.

How much to use?

The daily dose of selenium for an adult should be 55 mcg.

4. Potassium

Why does this work?

Potassium stabilizes the liver by keeping the enzyme production in the liver for breaking down of fats in check.

How to use and how much?

A high amount of potassium can be found in products like salmon, peas, milk, kiwi, yogurt, fish cod oil, etc. Try to consume one product rich in potassium each day.

When to see the doctor?

If you start feeling that the signs and symptoms are becoming severe then it is recommended to visit a doctor as soon as possible. It is possible that if your doctor suspects something then he/she may recommend a hepatologist, a liver specialist.

Try to write down the symptoms you have experienced to exactly tell them to your doctor. Take a family member or friend along to be sure about the information shared by the doctor. Also, don’t forget to carry your previous medical records as the doctor might need them to review your case.

Is fatty liver reversible? Fatty liver usually happens without any prominent symptoms and only gets caught after a blood test or at a very severe stage. However, that does not mean it cannot be treated. Some lifestyle changes and home remedies can control and reverse the effects of fatty liver and make your health normal again.

[ Read: Supplements to Treat Fatty Liver ]

  • A Healthy Liver Has The Amazing Ability To Grow Back, Or Regenerate When It Is Damaged.


1.     What Are The Essential Vitamins For Fatty Liver?

The most essential vitamin to treat fatty liver is vitamin E.

2. Is Fatty Liver Contagious?

No fatty liver is not contagious and does not spread through person to person.

3. What Are The Initial Symptoms Of Fatty Liver?

The first signs of fatty liver include nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, and diarrhea.

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