12 Signs You’re Not Eating Well

Updated on November 16th, 2020
Signs Your Body Is Not Getting The Right Diet

The body tries to communicate with us in several ways. Having a balanced diet is of the highest importance as it is one of the most effective ways to feed our body with essential minerals and vitamins [1].

Our diet can tell a lot about our overall health. It’s crucial to watch out for some signs that our body is trying to give. Here are some ways in which your body is trying to tell that your diet is all wrong.

The proper foods in the appropriate amounts are critical to a healthy and long life, and our body’s requirements change as we get older [2].

For instance, we don’t require as many calories, but we need more of some nutrients like calcium and vitamin D. And as we age, our body might have trouble taking in and using vitamins found in foods, like B12 [3].

Because of this, senior adults don’t always get the nutrients they require. 

Signs Your Body Is Not Getting The Right Diet

1. Feeling Tired

If we lack energy all the time, it can be a sign that we don’t get enough of specific nutrients, like iron. Too scarce of that mineral can lead to anemia — when we don’t have adequate red blood cells to pump nutrients and oxygen to parts of the body [4].

Fatigue may be a symptom of some health conditions, like thyroid problems or heart disease.

2. Thinning Hair

Thinning of hair is generally to do with less intake of iron. Iron plays a vital role in the body as it produces red blood cells, which then carries oxygen in the blood. However, the lack of iron can lead to thinning of hair. Adding pulses and green leafy vegetables to your diet could possibly help you get rid of this problem.

3. Spoon-Shaped or Ridged Nails

Poor nutrition can lead to several changes in your nails. Like our hair, our nails can get brittle and thin, but there may be other symptoms as well. One is nails that can curve like a spoon, particularly on your third finger or index finger. That may mean you are low on iron.

Your nails also can be ridged or begin to come apart from the nail bed. Apart from iron issues, nail problems may be caused by low levels of calcium, protein,  or vitamins B, A, 6, D, and C.

4. Dental Problems

Your mouth is one of the initial places where signs of poor nutrition can show up. A lack of vitamin C can cause irritated gums of gingivitis (gum disease), bleeding. In extreme instances, you may even lose your teeth.

If you have dentures or loose or missing teeth, that may change the food choices. Poor nutrition then turns into a double-edged sword: If the mouth hurts and has issues with the teeth, it’s even challenging to consume healthy foods. And that makes it tougher to keep your teeth healthy.

5. Bad Breath

Bad breath generally happens through a metabolic process called ketosis. When your body doesn’t have enough glucose for energy, it burns stored fats, which results in the building up of acids called ketones. Individuals who consume a low-carb diet get ketones on their breath.

6. Constipation

Not drinking sufficient water can lead to constipation. Both fiber and water are essential for a healthy bowel movement. Hence, it is always recommended to add nuts, whole grains, and fiber-rich foods to the diet.

7. Mental Health and Mood Issues

An unhealthy diet may play a role in depression. It may affect different mental tasks and make us lose interest in the things we used to enjoy. We also might feel disoriented and have memory loss.

8. Slow Healing and Easy Bruising 

If we bruise easily, mainly if there isn’t any apparent reason for it (like bumping into something or falling), your diet might be playing a part. Specifically, you may lack protein, vitamin K or vitamin C, all of which are required to heal wounds. Vitamin C supports tissue to repair itself, and vitamin K is critical for blood clotting.

9. Cracks At The Corners Of The Mouth

Cracks and cuts that usually occur at the corners of the mouth are due to iron deficiency. Bacterial and fungal infections could also lead to the same. Use your petroleum gel or lip balm to cure it.

10. Bad Skin

Our skin can indicate a lot about our health. A poor diet could lead to acne and pimples. White patches on the skin could possibly be due to the deficiency of calcium in our bodies.

11. Slow Immune Response

Without proper nutrition, our immune system might not be as robust as it needs to be to battle illness. Some of the most critical nutrients for a robust immune system are protein and zinc, along with vitamins A, C, and E.

12. You’re Constantly Cold

If you require a sweater in the summer, the chances are that your diet is off-balance. Research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition notes that a low-carb diet may harm your thyroid, regulating body temperature—a slow thyroid will make you always feel cold.

Instead of dumping all carbs, make sure you are eating complex ones that come from pasta, whole-grain bread, and other baked goods.

Bottom Line

The most acceptable way to prevent these kinds of issues is with a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, healthier oils, and low-fat dairy.

Choose an array of these foods at each meal to get the minerals and vitamins you need. And try to limit processed or packaged foods and baked goods that are high in trans and saturated fats. If you have issues eating well, talk with your physician about ways to make a healthy plan.

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