Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Loss – Benefits and Uses

Updated on April 21st, 2020
Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Loss Cure

If you have a receding hairline that is clearly visible and yet you decide to keep living in denial that your hair and scalp are perfectly fine then it is high time to snap right out of your hairy reveries and face the harsh reality.

However, before you crash to the ground with the realization that your hair is gradually disappearing, we are here to provide a solution; Apple Cider Vinegar

Read on to find out the different ways, recipes, and methods of stemming hair fall prepared by using apple cider vinegar for hair loss and hair fall treatment at home.

About Hair Loss

Hair loss is a dermatological condition that affects the scalp. Normally referred to as Alopecia, medically. It is a common dermatological ailment that is only seen in males and manifests in the form of thinning of hair, hair shedding during combing, the appearance of bald patches of the scalp,  and blistering and flakiness of the scalp.

A little hair fall is okay and normal. However, the loss of hair on a larger scale needs urgent attention and administration of home remedies.

The factors may be attributed to genetics, excess use of cosmetics, scalp psoriasis, cancer, stress and anxiety, injury to the head, an infestation of lice and dandruff, and hormonal imbalance in the body.

The administration of apple cider vinegar can address the symptoms and could control your alopecia by hydrating the scalp and making the roots and follicles stronger and more firm.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar(1) is a variety of vinegar prepared from the fermentation of apple juice. It is extensively used in the culinary department for the preparation of salad dressings, preservatives, marinades, vinaigrettes, and pickles. Let’s see how it gets prepared.

The preparation of apple cider vinegar involves several different steps.

  • The first step consists of the crushing of fresh and ripe apples to extract the juice.
  • The fermentation process involves the addition of yeast and bacteria to the apple juice — this step of fermentation results in the conversion of sugar into alcohol.
  • In fermentation, the alcohol obtained gets converted into vinegar by the bacterial action of the Acetobacter species.
  • The vinegar obtained from fermentation is known as apple cider vinegar. It contains acetic acid, malic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, and succinic acid which lend the vinegar its tart and sour flavor.

Types of Apple Cider Vinegar

There are two particular forms of apple cider vinegar and this includes the filtered apple cider vinegar and the unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

1. Filtered apple cider vinegar

It is the one that gets diluted with water. The process of screening the apple cider vinegar involves the removal of the strands and sediments from the vinegar leaving a brownish and clear liquid. It is further refined and sterilized to produce a clear and distilled solution.

2. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar

It has low water content and is rich in residues and strands which is the “mother” of apple cider vinegar. The mother present in unfiltered and unpasteurized vinegar is a mess of acetic acid Acetobacter bacterium and cellulose. It is this mess that is responsible for the transformation of alcohol into apple cider vinegar. The use of this apple cider vinegar is the most beneficial for the preparation of home remedies and medicines.

Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar can Aptly Reverse Hair Loss

Apple cider vinegar for hair loss

Apple cider vinegar is useful for the natural treatment of alopecia or hair loss. The administration of this solution can cure every kind of scalp and hair issues such as split ends, hair breakage, hair damage, hair fall.

1. Regulation of pH value

Apple cider vinegar possesses a host of different organic acids like malic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, and succinic acid which contribute to the maintenance of the pH level of the scalp. The preservation of pH balance(2) is essential for the prevention of hair fall and the cure of dandruff and lice.

2. Elimination of Chemical Buildup

Modern aftercare products for your hair tends to cause accumulation of chemical residue on the scalp. This residue combines with sebum secreted by the scalp and causes hair fall and hair damage.

The topical application of apple cider vinegar on the scalp helps in the elimination of this residue without causing no loss to the natural oils and sebum and thus preventing the dryness of the scalp and hair fall.

3. Hydration of the scalp

The topical application of diluted apple cider vinegar helps hydrate the scalp, treat any dry blisters, and dandruff that cause hair loss. Regular hydration of the scalp helps make the hair shiny and glossy.

DIYs to Use ACV for Hair Loss

1. Rosemary essential oil and apple cider vinegar

Rosemary essential oil and apple cider vinegar for hair loss

Rosemary essential oil is like a boon for the hair as it helps promote natural hair growth. The addition of apple cider vinegar makes this remedy the most beneficial.

How to use?

  • Fill a bowl with 3/4th a cup of plain water followed by 1/8th a cup of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of fragrant rosemary essential oil. Stir the contents of the bowl to prepare an evenly mixed oil pack.
  • Massage your scalp with the oil pack. Massage every strand of hair from the roots to the tips with the mixture of rosemary essential oil and apple cider vinegar.
  • Leave the pack on your scalp for about 10 minutes. Put on a shower cap to prevent the contamination of the scalp with external pollutants.
  • Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo. It is recommended to use herbal shampoos for the prevention of hair loss.
  • Do this twice a week for the best results


Rubbing the hair with this mixture is excellent for the prevention and cure of alopecia and balding. It aids in the prevention of hair loss by the stimulation of cell division in the scalp and by the dilation of blood vessels in the scalp which helps to induce the hair follicles to produce new strands of hair.

The pack also helps enhance blood circulation in the scalp and aids in the hydration which is crucial for the prevention and cure of hair loss.

2. Powdered cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar

Powdered Cayenne Pepper And ACV For Hair Loss

Massaging the scalp with the tonic of cayenne pepper powder and raw apple cider vinegar is a good way of using apple cider vinegar for hair loss.

How to use?

  • Fill a bowl with 2-3 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar and add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder to it. Stir it well to prepare a paste.
  • Massage your scalp and hair with the paste.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for about an hour. Put on a shower cap to preserve the mask.
  • Rinse your hair with plain water to remove the cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar mask.
  • Administer this home remedy once a day for a couple of months to cure loss and balding.


Massaging your hair and scalp with cayenne pepper powder is the best way to get rid of lice and mites from the scalp. The mask helps in the exfoliation of scalp thereby removing dandruff and dry flakes. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin that stimulates the hair follicles to generate new hair. The pack also helps to enhance the blood flow in the scalp.

[Read: Cayenne Pepper for Hair Loss]

3. Jojoba oil, peppermint oil, and rosemary ACV shampoo

Jojoba for hair

You already know the benefits of rosemary but did you know that on combining some other ingredients into it you can make a DIY shampoo at home? Read ahead and find out.

How to use?

  • Take a cup of water and add a bunch of rosemary into it, let it boil for 5-10 minutes then turn off the heat
  • Let the rosemary steep into it till the water reaches room temperature. Later, pour the water into your shampoo container and add ¼ cup of jojoba oil, 1 cup of ACV and 10-12 drops of peppermint oil and mix it well
  • When using this DIY shampoo, after massaging it over your hair, keep for 3-5 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly.


This homemade shampoo is a perfect combination of a moisturizer as well as a soothing agent that works wonders for the health of the hair follicles.

Jojoba oil helps to hydrate the scalp and moisturizes the hair to the root. Peppermint oil works towards balancing the pH level of the scalp and aids in better hair growth.

Rosemary and ACV help reduce the inflammation and irritation of the scalp and helps to cleanse the excess build-up of the waste material without harming the essential oils and nutrition.

4. Apple cider vinegar hair rinse

Apple cider vinegar hair rinse

This is the simplest of all remedies but works wonders towards benefiting your hair health.

How to use ?

  • Take apple cider vinegar and an equal amount of water and mix it in a bottle thoroughly. The proportion should be 1:1, you can adjust the quantity as per your choice.
  • While using, wet your hair and smear this liquid all over your head and scalp. Massage thoroughly so that it reaches all over the scalp and deep into the roots too.
  • Keep it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly with water
  • You can use it twice a week


This apple cider vinegar hair mask locks in the moisture and nourishment present in your hair. It helps clear off your scalp from sediments and also removes the impurities and irritants present in your hair. It gives your hair a natural shine as it conditions the roots as well.

A Word Of Caution

  • Conduct a patch test to make sure that your scalp is not allergic to apple cider vinegar and rosemary essential oil.
  • Take care that these do not get into your eyes.

Follow through with the home remedies for hair loss and reverse your receding hairline. The application of these home remedies will make your hair appear rich, thick, healthy, and gorgeous. If your hair loss problems persist then consult a dermatologist. The home remedies prepared by using apple cider vinegar are brilliant. Nourish and take care of your hair and scalp and brace yourself for amazing results.


1. Does apple cider vinegar clean hair follicles?

Apple cider vinegar is known to keep the scalp dry and helps in hydrating the scalp as well. Hence it is well known that it helps the hair follicles stay clean and dry.

2. Does vinegar make hair white?

No there hasn’t been any recorded evidence that vinegar makes hair white. However, it is recommended that you dilute acv before using it on your skin.

3. Can I leave apple cider vinegar on my hair overnight?

It is recommended that you don’t use ACV overnight, as there is a chance it could change the pH of your scalp due to overexposure.

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