How to Stop Your Hairline from Receding

Updated on February 24th, 2020
how to stop receding hairline

A receding hairline is often hereditary, so have a look at your grandfather’s or father’s hairline for clues about bald spots and thinning of hair. However, there are several ways to fix and prevent thinning hairline. Perhaps a poor lifestyle habit is causing you to lose your hair. Although healthy living can help, you may also want to consider natural home remedies and treatments.

If you’ve noticed your hairline beginning to thin, then you have to read this article! From ways to regrow a receding hairline to what causes hair loss, we’ll explain how to keep your hair strong and healthy.

Want to know how to stop losing your hair, then it may help to remove yourself from a stressful condition. There are many levels to this, as shock can contribute to hair loss as well. Again, look at what’s going on with your life, and see what you can do to alter things that are causing you to feel anxious or stressed as this may tell you how to stop your hairline from thinning.

How to Stop Receding Hairline?

There are many ways to fix a receding hairline. Dietary change is the best way to do that.

CURE 1: Foods

1. Carrots

We all know that carrots are a rare vegetable liked across all age groups, and it will gain more fans when the effect of carrot on hair will be revealed to you.


Carrots are known to enhance hair thickness and boost hair growth because they are packed with essential vitamins. Vitamin C raises blood flow to the scalp, which gives better hair growth. Vitamin A helps to produce natural oil, make your hair stronger. Vitamin E protects against hair damage.

How To Use

You may eat raw carrots in salads or consume carrot juice.

How Much

Drinking 3-4 ounces of carrot juice every day can stimulate hair growth.

how to stop receding hairline

[ Read: Natural Remedies for Hair Loss ]

2. Prunes

A prune is basically a dried plum which is full of dietary fibre and vitamins that keep the hair healthy and lush and help with hair loss.


Prunes are full of vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, along with fibre, potassium, and iron. Minerals play an important role in providing nourishment to the hair. Vitamin B and C help with hair growth and iron helps the hair become stronger.

How To Use

If you have trouble eating raw prunes because of the texture, you can consider drinking prune juice. You can consume prunes as a healthy snack by making a trail mix of prunes, muesli, seeds, and nuts.

How Much

One serving of three to four prunes is enough for a day.

[ Read: Benefits of Prunes ]

3. Peas

Raw Peas

Every fridge has a little bag full of peas(1). This fabulous little vegetable is really essential for hair.


Not many people know that peas are full of unique phytonutrients, fibre, starch, and protein. Pea protein keeps your hair hydrated, reduces breakage, and strengthens and adds volume to hair.

How To Use

You can add raw peas to your diet or put them in your soup, stew, and salad. A pea broth can also be a healthy option to include in your diet.

How Much

Two servings of peas per day are enough.

[ Read: Home Remedies for Hair Growth ]

4. Oats

Start your day with oatmeal to protect your hair from damage.


Oatmeal can make the hair more elastic. It contains vitamin B, which makes the hair soft. Oats are full of protein, vitamins, and minerals which are useful in treating dandruff. Oats have lots of omega-6 fatty acids and can be used to fix damaged hair.

How To Use

Blend 3 tsp of oats, ½ cup milk,1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of yogurt and apply the paste on your scalp. This mixture will help your hair gain elasticity, so it does not snap easily.

How Much

Eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning to stop a receding hairline.

[ Read: Foods for Hair Growth ]

CURE 2: Supplements

1. Vitamin A

Vitamins For Liver vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential antioxidant micronutrient. There are two types of Vitamin A – retinol and beta-carotene.


Vitamin A nourishes and protects the hair, and also reduces hair damage by making it stronger. Vitamin A also boosts skin glands in making an oily material called sebum that moisturizes the scalp and nourishes hair.

How To Use

Cod liver oil, spinach, peaches, carrots, etc. contain a lot of vitamin A. Eat leafy vegetables in the form of salad or a meal.

How much

Research showed the average adult male needs around 0.7 mg of vitamin A per day, while the average female adult needs 0.6 mg.

[ Read: Vitamins for Hair Growth ]

2. Fish oil

Fish oil is common among diet conscious people. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and believed to improve health.


Studies revealed that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil could significantly improve your hair’s health. It can decrease your hair loss and improve its density, and also restore the hair cycle balance. The fatty acids in fish oil ensure healthy skin and hair, whereas the nutrients and proteins of the oil strengthen the hair roots.

How To Use

One of the best ways to include fish oil in your diet is by consuming omega-3 rich fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, etc. If you do not mind the foul odour, you can also apply fish oil directly on your scalp and massage.

How Much

Using fish oil at least 2 to 3 times a week in your diet will reduce the risk of hair fall.

[ Read: Benefits of Fish Oil ]

3. Iron

Benefits of Iron

Iron is a pretty common element in our food supplement. It is a trace mineral that has the most concentration in our body.


Some researchers showed that iron deficiency could be related to the hair loss of a person. The scarcity of iron can lead to severe effects on your health, which will affect your skin and hair. When your body doesn’t get the required iron, it can’t produce haemoglobin, which is needed in the blood to carry oxygen.

How To Use

Make iron-rich foods such as dark leafy greens, red meat, turkey, whole grains, beans, egg yolks, and oysters a part of your diet.

How much

Do not take iron supplements unless prescribed by a doctor. Generally, adult women need 18 mg of iron daily, while men only need 8 mg.

4. Zinc

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that you need to stay healthy.


Research(2) showed people who are suffering from hair loss are also suffering from zinc deficiencies. The relation between zinc and hair can be explained by its role in the division and growth of cells and wound healing. Zinc is also involved in processing carbohydrates, fat, and protein in food.

How To Use

You should consume food rich in zinc such as lamb, oyster, cheese, milk, peanuts, etc.

How much

According to research, men should take 9.5mg of zinc per day, while women need to take 7mg.

Loss of hair is common; an average person loses 50 to 100 hairs per day. But when it turns to balding, then it is cause for concern. If you see the symptoms of hair receding, don’t panic.

Just remember that simple lifestyle changes can do the trick. Avoid smoking and eat healthily. Refrain from going overboard with styling your hair, as it can do long term damage to your hair. And stop thinking about hair loss, because stress will only make it worse.

The treatments listed in this article are available for purchase online


1. Can a receding hairline grow back?

Yes, in some cases, the changes in diet and taking the necessary supplement is enough for a receding hairline to grow back. But in other cases, you may need to consult a hair fall expert.

2. Does an uneven hairline mean you are balding?

Not necessarily. Uneven hairline typically starts in an M-shaped pattern with less hair around the head. But if untreated, the uneven hairline can become baldness.

3. Can stress cause receding hairline?

Yes, it can. So relax and bring down your anxiety levels to save your precious hair.

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