Are Muscle Pains Giving You a Tough Time? Opt for Magnesium Intake

Updated on December 31st, 2019
Magnesium for muscle pain

Using magnesium for muscle pain has multiple benefits. Magnesium is a body requirement that helps regulate muscle contractions. Adequate levels of magnesium work as a calcium block therm that allows muscles to relax.

Thus, if there are low levels of magnesium, muscles may contract too much, causing severe pain. At the same time, calcium attaches itself to proteins in the bodies such as troponin C and myosin.

These proteins are forced to change shape, causing muscle pain. Magnesium intake can also reduce this effect of calcium.

Bizarre Facts

Did you know that magnesium is the 11th most found element in the human body: some of it is present in every cell?

Intense body workouts causing severe pain can damage your body permanently. So watch those moves!

Magnesium also reduces the symptoms of neuromyotonia and motor neuron disease. One of these symptoms is severe muscle aches. People who have pain in legs, especially pregnant women, can use magnesium as a natural remedy for the pain.

Most importantly, magnesium has an antinociceptive effect on the inner senses of the body. These senses pick signals of peripheral tissue injury and make a person experience pain. Magnesium inhibits these sensory cells(1).

[Also Read: Magnesium to Treat Anxiety ]

How to Use Magnesium for Muscle Pain?


1. Magnesium-Rich Foods

There are several ways to increase your intake of magnesium for muscle pain. You may add magnesium-rich foods to your diet. Here is a list of such foods.

  1. Green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium. For example, spinach and kale are rich sources of magnesium. These vegetables can be cooked separately. This practice is common in south-east Asia. They may also be used in salads.  Additionally, you may add these vegetables to regular dishes to improve the taste. A combination can be made with seafood.
  2. Seafood, especially fatty fish, are rich in magnesium, for example, salmon, mackerel or tuna. Adding these fish to a regular diet can increase your magnesium intake.
  3. Magnesium is abundant in seeds, nuts, and certain fruits. Banana, figs, avocado, and raspberries are rich in magnesium. You may use them separately, or make a fruit cocktail.
  4. Beans and legumes are rich in magnesium. You can try using black beans, chickpeas, and kidney beans. These beans are usually eaten as a side dish or in salads. Another form of consumption is baked beans.
  5. Raw cacao and dark chocolate are magnesium-rich foods.
  6. You may opt for whole grains for your cooking requirements. Brown rice and oats are rich sources of magnesium too.

[Also Read: Foods to Relieve Muscle Cramps]

2. Magnesium Sprays

Patients may also opt for magnesium oil as an effective alternative to magnesium-rich foods. You may make these products at home using the following recipe.

  1. You may purchase half a cup of magnesium chloride flakes from any pharmacy near you. Also, you may even opt for the milk of magnesia.
  2. Take half a cup of distilled water.
  3. Boil the distilled water and pour it on the flakes.
  4. Stir vigorously until the flakes are completely dissolved.
  5. After the water cools down, transfer the mixture to a spray bottle.
  6. You may use the oil for up to six months. You may directly spray the oil on the sore muscle area. The oil gets absorbed by the skin and relieves the pain.

3. Magnesium Baths

You may use an Epsom salt bath as an alternative. Epsom salt breaks down into magnesium and sulfate. When you soak in an Epsom salt bath, these get into your body through your skin. Soaking in warm water can help relax muscles and loosen stiff joints. The procedure is as follows.

  1. You may mix equal amounts of hot water and Epsom salt. You may heat the solution until the salt completely dissolves in water.
  2. After the mixture cools down, transfer it to a spray bottle.
  3. Spray it on the aching area for relief.

[Also Read: Epsom Salt for Sore Muscles]

4. Magnesium Cream

An effective magnesium cream for muscle pain treatment can be made using coconut oil body butter.

  1. You need ¼ cup of extra virgin coconut oil.
  2. Mix the coconut oil with either unrefined cocoa, mango or shea butter. You may use a mixture of these three as well.
  3. Heat the mixture until the components completely meltdown. Use low heat to avoid the butter from burning.
  4. Let the mixture cool down until it starts to become opaque. Start whipping and adding magnesium oil to the mix. You may add any essential oils to the mix too.
  5. Cool the mixture in the fridge until it becomes a semi-solid paste.
  6. The paste can be applied to the sore muscle for almost instant relief.

[Also Read: Heat or Cold Therapy to Get Relief]

However, magnesium may cause a tingling sensation when applied directly. It may also result in the aggravation of some diseases. A high dosage may result in muscle paralysis. It is recommended to consult your physician before initiating regular treatment.

Patients may use magnesium(2) both orally and through direct application to reduce muscle pain. The remedy is highly effective. At the same time, it is natural. This natural goodness prevents any side effects of artificial compounds. Magnesium indeed provides an efficient remedy for most patients to reduce muscle pain.

[Also Read: Vitamins That Work on Muscle Pain]


1. What Is the Recommended Daily Dosage of Magnesium?

For adults, the recommended daily dosage is 310 to 320 milligrams. However, for pregnant or breastfeeding women, this can go up to 350 to 360 milligrams. A more reliable estimate on the dosage can be derived from your doctor.

2. Is Magnesium Intake Safe?

Although magnesium may cause tingling upon direct application, it is generally considered safe if the daily dosage limit is not exceeded.

3. Which Magnesium Oil Is Best for Muscle Pain?

Oil extracted at home is the purest and most effective. If you are opting for over-the-counter lubricants, then use extra virgin magnesium oil.

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