8 Sensational Essential Oils For Hot Flashes

Updated on March 12th, 2020
essential oils for hot flashes

Hot flashes are sudden, brief but intense feelings of warmth felt in upper body parts, mainly neck and face. These brief flashes can cause one to sweat profusely. Women mostly face these during the onset of menopause. A person seems to appear as if sunburned on the start of these flashes. Typically ranging from 30 seconds to few minutes, they often tend to send a chill down the spine as they retreat.

Since these intermittent flashes have no definite reason as to their cause, it is but natural to take the natural course of action that is to use essential oils for Hot flashes. These brief flashes can be certainly harrowing to experience thus adapting the remedy of essential oils can help a lot.

Also Read: Essential Oils for Menopause

Types, Symptoms And Causes

The abrupt, intermittent spikes in temperature that often cause stress, anxiety and rapid heartbeat signal towards hot flashes or flushes.


According to the statistics, more than 80 percent of women face hot flashes at different points in their life and under different circumstances. According to the timing of its onset, it can be:

  1. Early Onset:- It begins years before menopause and continues after it.
  2. Late Onset:- It begins in the later years close to menopause.


  • Intense and rapid feelings of warmth
  • Anxiety
  • Profuse Sweating
  • Rapid heartbeats
  • Reddening of the face, as if sunburnt
  • A string of cold as it finishes


There is no specific medical condition behind hot flashes in men and women. It is most common amongst women during their menopause(1). Researchers have indicated an early onset in women prone to depression and stress. Also, it is more likely amongst heavy abusers of alcohol and other victims of substance abuse. Other reasons might be caffeine, spicy foods, warm drinks, pregnancy, obesity, hyperthyroidism, etc.

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Essential Oils For Hot Flashes

Many women have to face hot flashes during the end of their menstrual cycle. It often is tiresome and when these flashes become persistent and, they may lead to weariness which results in a general lack of interest and everything seems like drudgery. At a more severe note, it can also cause insomnia. Hot flashes medications are rendered ineffective, and this is where these best essential oils come to relieve and revitalize your life.

These natural extracts allow the nature to work upon its magic and help to alleviate and extinguish the pain. Using essential oils are an organic way of dealing with hot flashes, with best results. Some of the essential oils useful for hot flashes are Evening Primrose Oil, Peppermint oil, Clary Sage Oil, Neroli Oil, Cypress Oil, Basil Oil and more, the details of which are provided below.

How To Use Essential Oils For Hot Flashes

1. Evening Primrose Oil For Hot Flashes

primrose oil for hot flashes

Evening primrose oil has rich medicinal properties, and they are often used to fight skin diseases.

Why One Should Use Evening Primrose Oil For Hot Flashes?

Native to North America, the rich ingredients in them have resulted in lessening the menopause hot flashes over the time of their use.

How To Use Evening Primrose Oil?

For the natural extracts to bring in useful results, experts suggest an oral intake of EPO. Besides, orally it can also be applied directly over the affected area. The ideal time to use the oil to get maximum benefits is during the evening. The healing components of this oil provide the necessary fatty acids, such as omega three fatty acids and omega6 fatty acids, thereby maintaining the balance of the body.

[ Read: Supplements for Hot Flashes ]

2. Peppermint Oil For Hot Flashes

This elixir needs no introduction, a cross between water mint and spearmint; it takes significant care of your gut and skin. Peppermint along with its oil has found usage in many cures and is an excellent remedy for dietary problems and irritable bowel syndrome.

Why One Should Use Peppermint Oil For Hot Flashes?

Peppermint oil tackles the problems of hot flashes effectively. Flavor components of this oil alleviate the pain over the course of time of their usage. It is effective against dysmenorrheal, a common problem for women going through menopause.

How To Use Peppermint Oil?

To reduce the discomfort felt owing to warm sensation during the hot flashes, peppermint oil should be applied typically by misting it on the face using water spritzer or portable inhalers.

3. Clary Sage Oil For Hot Flashes

clary sage oil for hot flashes

This magical concoction is famous for its various usages, and its fame knows no bounds. Besides its physical health benefits, this elixir of life is used for aromatherapy as well as to fight stress and depression.

Why One Should Use Clary Sage Oil For Hot Flashes?

It assuages hot and cold flashes experienced by women in their menopause and helps in achieving hormonal balance.

How To Use Clary Sage Oil?

To minimize the anxiety and stress caused by profuse sweating and hot flashes, the healthcare experts suggest using 6 to 8 drops in water and enjoy a long relaxing, invigorating bath which relieves the stress and normalizes the body temperature.

[ Read: Herbs for Hot Flashes ]

4. Lavender Oil For Hot Flashes

The answer to your question of how to reduce hot flashes(2) is one of the most used oils in today’s world, lavender oil. Its calming and soothing properties are used to fight many problems. Its usage date as back as 2500 years ago when Egyptians used it for mummification. Lavender Oil is an excellent remedy to induce sleep and cure insomnia, and it is known to be a stress buster.

Why One Should Use Lavender Oil For Hot Flashes?

It acts as a powerful stimulant to induce sleep and thereby lessening the anxiety because of hot flashes. Also, it alleviates the symptoms of menopause such as unusually increased heart rates as well as headaches to a great extent, such as abnormally increased heart rates as well as headaches.

How To Use Lavender Oil?

A drop of diluted lavender oil can be applied on the compress to tackle perineal discomfort. Also, the healthcare experts suggest that smelling lavender for twenty minutes twice a day can bring relief from hot flashes.

Also Read: Excellent Lavender Oil Benefits

5. Rose Oil For Hot Flashes

rose oil for hot flashes

Known for its antidepressant and antiseptic properties, rose essential oil has significant cosmetic benefits. Extracted from Rosa damascena, the therapeutic properties of this oil have wonderful healing effects.

Why One Should Use Rose Essential Oil For Hot Flashes?

Owing to its antidepressant and healing properties, rose oil diminishes the effects of hot flashes and promotes peaceful sleep. It reduces the burning feeling and regulates hormones.

How To Use Rose Essential Oil?

To bring back, the lost vitality rose oil massage is the way to go forward. Healthcare experts mention that to achieve tranquility; the rose oil must be used in aromatherapy massages.

6. Neroli Oil For Hot Flashes

Jam-packed with a beautiful fragrance this citrus oil has tremendous health benefits. Derived from Citrus Aurantium this pale-yellow oil helps cure depression(3) and treat acne scars and other skin infections. It is also useful in treating diseases like typhoid and cholera.

Why One Should Use Neroli Oil For Hot Flashes?

Healthcare experts have conjectured its ability to overcome stress and anxiety because of hormonal imbalances during menopause. Its use can counter the increased blood pressure and lower sex drive as resulted due to menopause.

How To Use Neroli Oil?

Healthcare expert’s advice is that to get positive results from its use this oil should be inhaled twice a day for a brief interval of a few minutes, say up to 5 minutes.

7. Cypress Oil For Hot Flashes

cypress oil for hot flashes

Obtained from the evergreen cypress trees Cypress oil has incredible detoxifying properties that ensure complete cleansing and are famous for cosmetic purposes. Besides, it is also used to tighten body muscles and cure muscle spasms.

Why One Should Use Cypress Oil For Hot Flashes?

It lessens the stress and anxiety arising from hormonal imbalances during menopause. It has a tranquil effect and invokes happy thoughts. Also, it controls excessive sweating because of hot flashes.

How To Use Cypress Oil?

This rejuvenating potion can be blended with other essential oils such as peppermint and clary sage ease off the symptoms. Also, it can be smelled to revitalize the body. It is used in aromatherapy.

8. Basil Oil For Hot Flashes

This bright green essential oil is among one of the most used essential oils due to its being a rich source of potassium, iron, magnesium, and calcium. People use it in their day to day life because of its effectiveness in treating constipation, improving digestion, respiratory problems and motion sickness.

Why One Should Use Basil Oil For Hot Flashes?

Basil oil can help to increase estrogen level which is unusually low in women during their menopause.  They prove an effective remedy against hot flashes during menopause.

How To Use Basil Oil?

Healthcare experts suggest including basil in aromatherapy to counterattack symptoms of hot flashes. Besides aromatherapy, it can be rubbed directly on the body, particularly neck, and feet.

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Other Oils

There are some more essential oils for hot flashes apart from those mentioned above, that offer significant relief.

  • Geranium oil
  • Vitex Agnus-Castus oil
  • Pine oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Vetiver oil
  • Cedarwood oil
  • Chamomile oil
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • Coconut Oil

 Risks And Precautions

As the excess of anything may lead you to your doom, same goes for essential oils for hot flashes. These natural extracts have a way of reacting to your body, and when taken in excess or taken without proper consultation from your health advisers, it can bring harm. Possible side effects may include- toxic results when swallowed, skin irritations, body aches and burning, complications in pregnancy, reaction to preexisting medical conditions, etc.

Other Home Remedies For Hot Flashes

If you are thinking as to how to cure the problem with some other alternative in addition to the essential oils for hot flashes mentioned above, then there are other home remedies also available that help in reducing the instances of hot flashes and offer significant relief.

    1. Black Cohosh:- Black Cohosh is used to tackle profuse sweating due to hot flashes, known as night sweats. It brings stability in hormonal levels mainly estrogen which sinks to a low level during menopause. Its side effects, particularly liver problems are being studied. It has been reported as a helpful aid by many women.
    2. Red Clover:- It is a herb species native to Europe, western Asia, and Northwest Africa. This herbal supplement is used orally for many causes such as indigestion, cancer prevention, and asthma. It is used to alleviate the pain arising because of hot flashes. It diminishes the frequency of hot flashes over the time.
    3. Sage:- Sage can be consumed in the form of sage tea to alleviate the anxiety resulting due to a hot flash. It is also useful in easing off the intensity of hot flashes.


Thus, essential oils can be very beneficial through thick and thin of one’s life provided its usage is consulted correctly with healthcare experts. It can act as a boon if well researched about its growing conditions, distillation, storage, etc. It can tackle the lethargy felt as a result of hot flashes and can have invigorating effects.


1. How long does a hot flash last?

These sudden intense feelings arrive instantly without any signs of warning and typically last from 30 seconds to few minutes and can even last if half an hour.

2. What triggers hot flashes?

Hot weather, smoking, heat, stress, eating a lot of sugar, etc. can trigger hot flashes.

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