Wonderful Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hemorrhoid Treatment

Updated on December 19th, 2019
Apple Cider Vinegar for Hemorrhoids

Do you experience severe discomfort every morning while going through your morning ‘ritual’? Has sitting, walking or other movements become so difficult and painful that you have stopped going out altogether? Don’t be afraid as we tell you what it exactly is.

Hemorrhoids or piles develop inside the anus or around the rectum beneath the skin and can be very painful. A hemorrhoid is a condition that is characterized by the swelling of the veins in the lowermost part of the anus and rectum.

The walls and linings of the blood vessels in the rectum and anus stretch out to become so abnormally thin that the blood veins bulge out and get inflamed and irritated. The hemorrhoids tend to become particularly painful during defecation and urination. The swollen and painful hemorrhoids get commonly termed as piles.

Read on to find out more about the causes, symptoms and home remedies prepared by using apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids.

What Makes Apple Cider Vinegar so Miraculous?

Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing fresh green apples and then adding yeast to the crushed mess before subjecting it to the bacterial fermentation to prepare a cloudy and brownish liquid.

The second step of fermentation involves the conversion of alcohol into vinegar. It is of utmost importance to make use of raw, unpasteurized, and unfiltered apple cider vinegar for the preparation of home remedies for hemorrhoids.

The ACV because raw and pure vinegar is rich in proteins, pectin, and a host of essential enzymes and vitamins. The Apple Cider Veniger It is rich in malic acid and acetic acid which gives a distinct sour flavor.

[Also Read: Natural treatments to get rid of Hemorrhoids]

Apple Cider Vinegar For Hemorrhoids

Employing apple cider vinegar is excellent for the natural treatment of hemorrhoids. This vinegar is known for its powerful antiseptic, analgesic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory(1) properties that work together for combating against the painful signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids. Some of the reasons why this vinegar is good for the natural cure of hemorrhoids are-

1. Apple cider vinegar for irritation and itchiness

itchiness apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can alleviate the itchiness and irritation of the anus and rectum caused by the presence of hemorrhoids. This vinegar contains several organic acids like acetic acid, malic acid, succinic acid, and lactic acid that contribute to the antibacterial, astringent, and antifungal properties of the vinegar.

Organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains several vitamins and minerals like its astringent nature helps in the natural alleviation of burning sensation, itchiness, and irritation of the anus. It’s analgesic property helps in the cure of the pain felt in the anogenital region due to the formation of external hemorrhoids.

[Also Read: Top 9 Potent Essential Oils For Hemorrhoids]

2. Apple cider vinegar helps in the prevention of recurrence of hemorrhoid

prevention of hemorrhoid

Drinking diluted apple cider vinegar on a daily basis can maintain the health of the digestive tract and prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids. Due to the improvement in the health of the intestines from drinking this vinegar, hemorrhoids can no longer appear around the rectum.

How to Use

Raw and organic apple cider vinegar solution is an extraordinary home remedy for the natural alleviation of hemorrhoids. The administration of home remedies prepared by using natural ingredients mixed with apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids can provide relief from the pain, burning sensation, and other symptoms of hemorrhoids(2). Below listed are three DIY recipes you could try for instant relief.

1. Raw And Pure Apple Cider Vinegar

The topical application of raw apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is an exceedingly useful use employing apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids treatment at home without the intervention of toxic medicines and chemical drugs.


  • Fill a glass dish with a few tablespoons of raw and pure apple cider vinegar. Do not add any water to the vinegar.
  • Take a clean cotton ball and dip it in the apple cider vinegar. Make sure that the cotton ball gets completely soaked in it. You can also use sterile gauze or toilet paper as a substitute for cotton.
  • Apply the cotton ball soaked in raw apple cider vinegar directly to the parts affected with the hemorrhoids. The skin might tingle slightly but keep pressing the cotton ball against the affected area with gentle pressure.
  • Repeat this process twice or thrice a day for the natural treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • Follow through with this home remedy for a few weeks.

The application of raw and pure apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids is a remarkably effective natural treatment of hemorrhoids. It has been proven by extensive clinical research that applying this vinegar can successfully reduce the size of the hemorrhoids. It can alleviate the swelling of the hemorrhoids and cure the painful sensations.

The acidic nature of raw apple cider vinegar might produce a stinging sensation when applied to the skin, but that stinging pain only lasts for a minute and is immediately followed with relief from pain and soreness of the affected area. Using it directly to the skin with the help of cotton swabs is the most effective of all home remedies.


Conduct a patch test to make sure that your skin is not allergic to apple cider vinegar.

2. Sitz Bath

sitz bath with apple cider vinegar

Taking a sitz bath with apple cider in it is incredibly useful for the alleviation of pain, and burning sensations felt with the presence of hemorrhoids in the anus and rectum. This sitz bath is a fantastic use of apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids.


  • For the preparation of a sitz bath, it is essential to disinfect, scrub, and clean the bathtub because the hemorrhoids are very sensitive and can catch infections easily.
  • Fill the sitz bath with lukewarm water. Do not add any essential oils or salts to the bath as that might hinder the treatment process.
  • Pour half a cup of raw apple cider vinegar into the bath and stir gently so that the vinegar gets evenly dissolved in the bath water.
  • Soak in the bathing water of the sitz bath for about 15-20 minutes. Make sure that the water stays comfortably warm while you bathe the affected areas in it.
  • Part your legs and rest them on the sides of the bathtub so that the water can warm the vulva and rectum and soothe the pain and discomfort of the hemorrhoids.
  • Take the sitz bath twice a day on a daily basis for the natural cure of hemorrhoids.

Bathing in the sitz bath blended with apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids natural treatment(3) is brilliantly effective. It helps to cure the inflammation of the anogenital region. It helps in the cleanliness and maintenance of hygiene of the anus and rectum and promotes the regular flow of blood. The apple cider vinegar contained in the bath helps to make provision for relief from pain, swelling, irritation, and inflammation of the rectal region.


Make sure that the bathing water is not too hot otherwise your perineum might get scalded with it.

[Also Read: Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hemorrhoids]

3. A frozen cube of Apple cider vinegar

frozen cube of apple cider vinegar

Freezing apple cider vinegar is a weird but effective use of this remedy for hemorrhoids.


  • Mix six tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar with six tablespoons of water to prepare a solution.
  • Pour the solution of water and apple cider vinegar into an ice-tray and refrigerate for a few hours until the solution freezes completely.
  • Apply the frozen apple cider vinegar cube to the hemorrhoids thrice a day for the cure of the soreness and burning sensations.

The topical application of frozen cube made with apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids natural treatment is brilliantly effective. It helps to cure the pain and inflammation of the anogenital region. The compounds present in it provide relief from pain, swelling, irritation, and inflammation of the rectal area.


Dilute the apple cider vinegar before refrigerating it.

The remedy comprising apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids is immensely practical. Follow through with the home remedies prepared by using apple cider vinegar for the natural treatment of the different signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids. If the pain and bleeding persists or becomes unbearable, then visit a physician immediately for medical treatment. Stick to daily exercising and adhere to a nutritious and balanced diet for the prevention and cure of hemorrhoids.

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