9 Incredible Okra Benefits for Health (with 5+ Recipes)

Updated on May 10th, 2019

It would be unfair to call Okra as just a vegetable because it is a ‘super’ vegetable. If you have always been underrating the potential of these tiny,finger-like pods, you need to know that they are a whole universe of minerals, vitamins, fiber and many health wonders tightly packed inside that flimsy green shape.

Okra was cultivated ecstatically by the peasants all across Egypt and the Northwestern part of Africa during the 12th century B.C, for its great taste and okra benefits, but still, ridiculously named as Okra which means ‘the lady’s finger.’ It has now become the hero of multiple cuisines across the world, cooked and eaten every day in all our homes and cherished by millions of people.

Okra Benefits

  1. Helps to Maintain Digestion
  2. Diabetic Control
  3. Controls Asthma
  4. Improves Immunity
  5. Healthy Hair and Skin
  6. Rich source of Vitamins
  7. Rich in Antioxidants
  8. Prevents Kidney Disorders
  9. Cholesterol control

Okra Recipes

  1. Okra Soup
  2. Fried Okra
  3. Pickled Okra
  4. Grilled Okra
  5. Roasted Okra Salad
  6. Okra juice

Okra Nutrition Facts

Okra is replete with nutrition. Learn how much you can have from just 100 grams of okra.

Fats 0.2 g
Potassium 299 mg
Sodium 7 mg
Protein 1.9 g
Carbohydrate 7 g
Calories 33
Vitamin A 14%
Calcium 8%
Vitamin C 38%
Vitamin B6 10%
Magnesium 14%

Top 9 Okra Benefits on Health

The super vegetable’s multifaceted health benefits were not discovered in recent times. It got used since antiquity for the treatment of many health ailments including stomach and kidney disorders, fever and headache, Diarrhea, etc. Here are listed the remarkable okra benefits and health welfares.

1. High okra fiber content helps to maintain digestion

Okra contains large amounts of soluble fiber which keeps the digestive system intact and in excellent condition. It regulates the various digestive processes, helps in proper bowel movement and prevents constipation. You can discover the okra benefits as a useful tool in the prevention of colon cancer.

2. Okra benefits in diabetic control

The Doctors widely recommend okra to people suffering from both type 1 and type 2 Diabetes. It keeps a check on the blood sugar level and regulates insulin secretion in the body.

okra benefits- infographic

3. Okra benefits in asthma control

If you have been struggling with this breathing disorder for a long time now, all you need is a little of Okra in your everyday diet. Doctors highly recommend the consumption of Okra for those diagnosed with asthma.

4. Okra improves immunity

Immunity is your body’s security control system. Lack of proper resistance will make you vulnerable to millions of harmful microbes leading to deadly diseases. Okra benefits in building up your white blood cells and blood platelets, thus strengthening your body’s immunity against the dangerous pathogens.

5. Healthy Hair and Skin

Who doesn’t want to flaunt their long locks and see that glow on their skins? Even after emptying your pockets on various products, your dream look is still a dream? All you need to do delight yourself with an Okra dish every day.

Okra is a powerhouse of various vitamins and minerals which play a vital role in hair nourishment, skin rejuvenation, and skin repair. It also helps to keep the skin younger, wrinkle-free and healthy for a long time. Not just that, it helps to make the hair bouncy and shiny and prevent them from dryness for a prolonged time. Sounds great right?

6. Rich source of Vitamins

Okra contains a whole universe of vitamins and minerals that play vital roles in many body systems. The vitamin C supplements in Okra help in skin repair and making the skin more vibrant. Vitamin K, whose presence is essential for blood clotting, is present abundantly in Okra. Vitamin A sources help in improving eye vision.

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7. Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential in the prevention of cancer, premature aging, and heart diseases. Okra has a lot of antioxidant compounds such as rutin, procyanidin, epicatechin, etc.that prevent a wide range of body issues including diabetes. Undoubtedly, it is a super vegetable.

8. Prevents Kidney Disorders

Okra helps in keeping a lot of kidney disorders such as kidney stones, kidney cancer, etc. at bay. Also, the kidney problems that get associated with type 2 Diabetes are resolved just by intaking Okra on a daily basis.

9. Cholesterol control

Okra benefits in removing the excess cholesterol from the blood and in turn save you from the risk of cardiovascular disorders and heart attacks.

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How to cook okra?

The best thing about Okra is that it offers a great pleasure to your taste buds alongside keeping your body systems in the ideal conditions. Even the most straightforward recipe prepared by just tossing okra in a little bit of oil and fenugreek gives you an elite culinary experience. You can also make dried okra to use it whenever you like.

Okra Recipes

Let us look at how we can prepare the most delicious okra recipe with the most honest effort.

1. Okra soup

Okra soup-min

What is better than a great, healthy start of a lavish meal with the super gumbo pod as the core ingredient right? It is a very easy-to-make soup recipe for the fitness conscious souls who do not prefer to see oil dripping from fried okra.


  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp
  • Onion- diced – 1
  • Garlic- minced- 1
  • Finely chopped flat leaf parsley- 2tbsp
  • Fresh thyme- 1 sprig
  • Salt- 1tsp
  • Black pepper- 1/2 tsp
  • Red pepper flakes- 1/2 tsp
  • Water- 3 cups
  • Fresh okra cut into small, thin pieces or frozen okra pieces- 2 cups


  • Heat olive oil in a pan
  • Add onion and parsley and stir gently until the onion gets translucent
  • Add garlic
  • Add thyme, salt, red pepper, and black pepper
  • Cook this mixture for a minute
  • Add water and cook for 20 minutes and serve

2. Fried Okra

Fried Okra-min

If you cannot keep away from fried food and exciting flavors then is the right recipe to linger your taste buds.


  • Okra- 200 grams
  • Eggs- 1
  • Salt- 1/4 Tsp
  • Cornmeal- 1 small cup
  • Pepper- 1/4 Tsp


  • Soak Okra in the eggs for 7 minutes
  • Add cornmeal, salt, and pepper
  • Heat oil in a pan
  • Fry the soaked Okra on a medium flame

3. Pickled Okra

Pickled Okra-min

If you are always doing a lot of work and you wish to enjoy Okra on your plate every day, you can prepare this pickle whenever you are free and enjoy the taste and health benefits of this super vegetable.


  • Okra- 1 1/2 pounds
  • Dried Red Chilli Peppers- 3
  • Dried Dill- 3 tsp
  • Water- 2 cups
  • Vinegar- 1 cup
  • Salt- 2 tbsp


  • Take three sterile jars
  • Distribute the cleaned Okra equally into the three jars
  • add one dried chili and one tsp of dried dill into each jar
  • In pan heat water and add salt and vinegar and heat till it boils
  • Pour the mixture into the jar and seal the bottles until the liquid gets wholly absorbed
  • Refrigerate the bottles

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4. Roasted Okra Salad

Okra also tastes excellent when served as a salad with other vegetables.


  • Potato – 1 cup diced
  • Spinach
  • Okra- 1 cup sliced
  • Mustard seeds – 10 grams
  • Olive oil- 2tbsp


  • Heat olive oil in a pan
  • Roast mustard seeds, potatoes, okra and Spinach in the oil
  • Toss nicely for 10 minutes until soft and serve

5. Grilled Okra

Grilled Okra-min
Image: Shutterstock

Okra can not only lift your modest home dishes, but it can also rock your party platter with some grilled/baked okra. Here is an easy-to-make recipe that you can serve at the parties and instantly set a great impression of your culinary skills amongst the guests.


  • Okra – 200 grams
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice


  • Prepare the charcoal grill
  • Trim the ends of the Okra
  • Cover it in olive oil
  • Cover it until the grill marks start to appear
  • After it is done sprinkle some salt and lemon juice and serves
  • You can also bake it at 220 degrees Fahrenheit after covering it in olive oil flipping it once in the middle

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6. Okra juice

You can also cherish Okra as a health drink after doing your early morning jog, yoga, cardio workout.


  • Okra – 1 cup, sliced
  • Ginger- 1 slice
  • Apples- 1 cup
  • Carrots- 1/2 cup
  • Spinach- 2 leaves
  • Milk (optional)


Blend all the ingredients in a juicer in a smooth paste. The Okra juice is ready to be served.


Rightly named as a super food and a super vegetable, this flimsy green pod works wonders in the realm of health and happiness. The okra benefits not only help in regularizing your body systems but also bestow immense pleasure to your taste buds by rocking every dish you put it in.

It definitely must have been crafted by the Lords of the heavens to serve as your companion in all your unplanned fitness regimes and the one-stop cure to all your health problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much of okra can get consumed in a day?

The ideal per day consumption limit of Okra per individual is 30 grams. The consequences of exceeding this limit are bad over a long period. The effects include stomach disorders, kidney stone formation, high blood pressure, etc. Hence it is better to stay within the safe consumption limit and seek better health benefits.

2. Does Okra cause any allergies?

Yes. Some people get diagnosed as allergic to Okra. The symptoms may be nasal congestion, dizziness, wheezing and tingling of the mouth. If you encounter any of these symptoms, then consult the doctor immediately and avoid the consumption of okra.

3. Can Okra be reactive with any other foods or medicines?

No. Okra is not reactive with any food or medicine and is entirely safe for consumption with any other item in the diet.

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