Top 5 Potent Herbs to Ease Menstrual Cramps Quickly

Updated on January 13th, 2020
Herbs For Menstrual Cramps

Women, during menstruation, usually feel discomfort near the abdomen, thighs, and lower back. Mostly, women experience menstrual cramps, though they do not have an underlying health condition.

These cramps and pain are deemed normal and are definitely treatable. Here you can have a look at a few herbs for menstruation cramps, which are sometimes prescribed instead of medicinal drugs by health practitioners.


Approximately 80% of females experience pain during their menstruation at some stage of their life.

Herbs for Menstrual Cramps

1. Cinnamon


Three active chemical compounds (cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl alcohol, and cinnamyl acetate) are present in cinnamon and due to these chemical compounds has unique healing abilities.

It has antioxidants. The tea prepared from cinnamon can improve the ability of the body to fight against bacteria, keep you healthy, and also protect you from various diseases.

The cinnamon tea also helps in alleviating painful menstrual cramps(1) as well as PMS symptoms. It assists in reducing bleeding, vomiting, and nausea during menstruation.

There are different ways to take cinnamon, such as sprinkling it on various foods like porridge, smoothies, etc. You can also prepare cinnamon herbal tea for menstrual cramps by adding cinnamon in water and boiling it for 15 minutes and then adding milk or honey to it.

Drinking cinnamon tea daily, especially before the menstruation cycle offers relief from pain. There is no specific dose of cinnamon for menstrual cramps. Generally, it is safe to consume 6gms in a day for about six weeks.

[Read:  Foods for Menstrual Cramps]

2. Ginger for Menstrual Cramps

According to research, the compounds present in ginger help in protecting against the growth in inflammation, by restricting the body’s production of prostaglandins.

You can consume ginger for menstrual cramps as a dietary supplement or have it in the form of tea; both will help in reducing menstrual pain. For preparing ginger tea, you can add the ginger roots or add small slices in water and boil it.

Ginger shows effective results for cramps. It helps in reducing the bleeding when you take one-eighth of the ginger powder teaspoon three times a day during the menstrual period. If you suffer from peptic ulcer, you need to keep yourself away from it because it shows an adverse effect.

3. Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds work effectively in getting rid of pain during menstrual, just like drugs such as ibuprofen(2). These seeds are full of anti-inflammatory properties. The seeds are useful because they help to relieve water retention, and it also helps in regulating the hormones.

Soak some fennel seeds in a glass of water overnight and drink it early in the morning. This drink enables the uterus to shrink, control the bleeding, and lessen the pain. You can drink fennel tea. For preparing it, add fennel seeds in the water and boil it for 5 minutes then add milk or honey it.

You can drink fennel tea two times a day to get relief from pain. However, always consult a gynecologist before doing any major changes in the diet.

4. Corydalis

Corydalis ambigua or corydalis belongs to a poppy family. It is one of the perfect herbs for Premenstrual Syndrome. The corydalis root is a traditional Chinese medicine or TCM staple and is helpful in reducing the inflammatory pain caused due to menstrual cramps and can invigorate the blood and regulate it.

You can consume corydalis in different ways. The different forms of corydalis include powdered, liquid, root, or capsule.

Corydalis is useful as an alternative to the hypnotic drugs; there is still a risk of developing a dependence on this herb. Thus, you should stick to the prescribed dosage in a day.

[Read: Magnesium for Menstrual Cramps]

5. Myrrh


Myrrh essential oil is a trusted remedy to treat dysmenorrhea, arthritis, menstrual problems, anemia, asthma, obesity, bronchitis, mouth ulcers, gum diseases, cough, digestive problems, and rheumatism.

T herb is useful in preparing folklore medicine to make rheumatic plasters, and also, it helps in treating muscular pains. Myrrh resin is a crucial ingredient in various Rasayana formulas that are deemed useful in Ayurvedic treatment.

Myrrh oil also comprises of toxic effects if utilized in excess quantity. It is recommended to have it in moderate proportions

Underlying health conditions like uterine fibroids or endometriosis are responsible for menstrual cramps. When you treat its cause, eventually it can reduce pain. Menstrual cramps, which do not occur as a result of an underlying condition, may tend to decrease with age or may subside after child-birth.

But in cases of such pain, you can take herbs for menstrual cramps. These herbs do not show any adverse effects on health. For severe cramps, you must contact the doctor.

[Read: Essential Oils for Menstrual Cramps]


1. What Other Home Remedies Can You Use for Menstrual Cramps?

Numerous things that you can try at home to reduce the menstruation pain include Exercise, Heat treatment, Dietary supplements, Avoiding alcohol & tobacco, and Reducing Stress. Some alternative methods to reduce menstrual cramps include Acupuncture, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), Herbal medicine, and Acupressure.

2. What Can Essential Oils Be Used for Menstrual Cramps?

If the menstruation pain is due to fluctuation in hormone levels or a crampy uterus, you can try some of the essential oils for easing the period pains. Essential oils like Lavender essential oil, Rose essential oil, Clove essential oil, Ylang-ylang essential oil, or Peppermint essential oil for reducing the pain. Either massage with essential oil on the affected area or sniff it to feel better.

3. What Foods Are Effective for Menstrual Cramps?

A balanced diet can decrease menstrual pain. You can add Papaya (rich in vitamins), Brown rice (vitamin B-6, reduce bloating), Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds (rich in manganese), Olive oil, Chicken and green leafy vegetables (iron), and Flaxseed (omega-3s with antioxidant properties), etc. all these help in reducing the swelling as well as pain due to menstrual cramps.

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