Top 5 miraculous feta cheese health benefits

Updated on April 21st, 2020
feta cheese health benefits

Feta cheese is synonymous with health and happiness. If you want to indulge in cheese without affecting your health and body weight, then read on to find out about the amazing assortment of feta cheese health benefits and beauty secrets.

What is Feta Cheese?

Feta cheese is a variety of creamy and rich cheese whose origin lies in ancient Greece. Authentic feta cheese is obtained from processing the milk of sheep. Today, feta cheese gets prepared from processing a mixture of the milk of goats & sheep.

The feta cheese(1) taste is delicious, rich, and replete with nutrients and a host of health benefits. It is recommended to have raw and original feta cheese instead of the processed feta cheese obtained from processing pasteurized milk.

Nutrition profile

Feta cheese calories: 74 calories in 28 grams of feta cheese.



Sodium 260mg
Carbohydrates 1.2g
Proteins 4g
Sugar 1g


Riboflavin 0.2mg
Vitamin B12 0.5mg
Vitamin B6 0.1mg


Calcium 140mg
Sodium 312mg
Phosphorus 94mg
Selenium 4.2mg

Top 5 Proven and Nourishing Feta Cheese Health Benefits

1. Prevents Cancer

prevents cancer (1)
Image: Shutterstock
One of the most significant feta cheese health benefits is the protection of cancer. The rich content of calcium present in feta cheese helps in fortifying the body against cancer.

Vegan feta cheese is rich in alpha-lactalbumin which is essential for the enhancement of zinc and calcium absorption. The protein possesses powerful anti-tumor and anti-carcinogenic properties which helps in apoptosis(2), prevention of metastasis and shrinking of tumor growths.

2. Strengthens The Bones And Teeth

The feta cheese health benefits for the strength of bones and teeth is due to the rich content of calcium and phosphorus. Regular consumption of feta cheese is highly essential for an increase in the strength and mineral density of bones. It can also prevent osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and weakness of bones and teeth.

3. Boosts Body Immunity

Image: Shutterstock
The feta cheese protein histidine makes provision for feta cheese health benefits for the enhancement of the immune system. Histidine combines with the vitamin B-complex of feta cheese and produces anti-inflammatory compounds to protect the body against internal and external inflammation thereby boosting body immunity.

4. For A Healthy Gut

digestive system
Image: Shutterstock
One of the most crucial feta cheese health benefits is the preservation of the digestive system due to the rich content of probiotics in feta cheese. The consumption of feta cheese preserves the survival of healthy gut bacteria and prevents and cures many intestinal and digestive disorders like stomach flu, acid reflux, cramps, constipation, and flatulence.

5. Improves Eye Health

The feta cheese health benefits for the eyes include the protection of the ocular health against macular degeneration, glaucoma, keratoconus, cataracts, and impairment of vision. The high level of riboflavin contained in homemade feta cheese preserves the health of the eyes and the strength of vision.

Feta cheese Recipes

Baked feta cheese

Baked feta cheese
Image: Shutterstock


  • 400-450g of feta cheese
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil
  • 4-5 tomatoes
  • One fresh shallot
  • Eight pitted olives
  • Four pickled and marinated red pepperoncini
  • One teaspoon of oregano
  • One teaspoon of chili flakes
  • One teaspoon of dried herbs
  • One teaspoon of salt
  • One teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper


  • Slice the chunk of feta cheese into four cubes and then place the cubes in an aluminum foil
  • Drizzle the feta cheese cubes with the olive oil
  • Rinse the tomatoes and chop them into slices. Sprinkle the feta cheese cubes with the tomato slices
  • Rinse and peel the fresh shallot. Slice the shallot in the shape of rings and add the rings over the feta cheese cubes
  • Slice the pitted olives in halves and then spread the halves on the feta cheese cubes
  • Season the feta cheese cubes with oregano, dried herbs, salt, and freshly ground black pepper
  • Place the pickled and marinated red pepperoncini on the feta cheese cubes
  • Sprinkle the cheese cubes with olive oil and then wrap them entirely in the aluminum foil.
  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Place the tightly wrapped feta cheese cubes in a greased baking tray and bake the cubes for about 15-20 minutes
  • Garnish the roasted cheese cubes with a teaspoon of herbs and serve warm with toast.

Mushroom stuffed feta cheese

Mushroom stuffed feta cheese
Image: Shutterstock


  • 100g of feta cheese
  • 24 fresh button mushrooms
  • 200g of spinach finely chopped
  • 50g of fresh cream cheese
  • 5-6 tablespoons of shredded parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 a cup of chopped onions
  • One teaspoon of oregano
  • One teaspoon of chili flakes
  • One teaspoon of dried herbs
  • One teaspoon of salt
  • One teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper


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