9 Outstanding Essential Oils for a Sore Throat

Updated on January 23rd, 2020

Essential oils offer ample health benefits with their natural properties. One of the most beneficial aspects of their disciplined usage is the answer to how to get rid of a sore throat, all the causes of throat infections can be helped and treated with the use of essential oils for a sore throat.

With their battle with your immune system and other microorganisms, it is perfectly reasonable for us you as a healthy human. Even after trying a lot of medication, sometimes it is just not possible to solve the situations.

Then how to cure a sore throat? Medications do show results in case if a sore throat and fever, but they vanish after the duration of medication has passed. You might lose faith about getting it back under control. This is where you need to understand the benefits of using essential oils for a sore throat.

Types, Symptoms, and Causes


Following are the various types of sore throat infections:-

  • Strep throat:– Due to bacterial infections
  • Pharyngitis:– It affects the area just behind the mouth
  • Tonsillitis:– The swelling and redness of tonsil
  • Laryngitis:– The swelling of the voice box or say larynx


Here are the primary symptoms of a sore throat and cough:-

  • Scratchy throat
  • Burning sensation
  • Rawness feeling
  • Dryness
  • Tenderness
  • Irritation
  • Redness
  • Pain


Following are the various causes of a sore throat and infections:-

  • Common cold
  • Influenza
  • Measles
  • Chickenpox
  • Mumps
  • Dry air
  • Polluted air
  • Cigarette and other tobacco smoke
  • Chemicals
  • Tumour or cancer

Also Read: Health Benefits of Honey for Cold

What essential oils are good for a sore throat?

Although with proper care and precautions the problem of a sore throat can be controlled. You have to add something to your rescue for controlling and bringing back the situation to the average count. The missing piece is the essential oils for a sore throat.

Essential oils are a great source of natural remedies taking care of a sore throat and solve the problems arising due to its causes. These oils do not have any side effects or after use demands and give useful results with regular and proper use. Listed below is the list and information about what essential oils are good for a sore throat and How to use essential oils for a sore throat.

Following are the best essential oils for a sore throat, which helps you control a sore throat and bring the situation back under control for you, by offering the answer to the problem as to how to fix a sore throat.

1. Tea tree oil for a sore throat

tea tree oil for a sore throat

Tea tree oil is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory and cures almost all the causes of a sore throat(1).

Why use tea tree oil for a sore throat?

  • It kills fungus
  • Tea tree oil has many therapeutic benefits
  • It can even kill nail fungus
  • It will kill the infection causing sore throat and headache that accompanies it

How to use tea tree oil for a sore throat?

  • Boil a cup of water
  • Put a few drops of this tea tree essential oil
  • Mix it
  • Pour it in a towel
  • Place it over your head
  • Breathe in for 10 – 15 minute

2. Peppermint oil for a sore throat

Peppermint oil is antimicrobial and gives you fighting power against many reasons of a sore throat.

Why use peppermint oil for a sore throat?

  • Peppermint oil gives a soothing feeling to the infected throat
  • It helps with synthetic infection

How to use peppermint oil for a sore throat?

  • Take a bucket of boiling water
  • Add a few drops of this oil
  • Mix it
  • Take the steam with long and slow breathing

3. Oregano oil for a sore throat

oregano oil for a sore throat

Oregano oil is beneficial in situations like this. As it is rich, concentrated phenols and you must know that they prevent fungal infections.

Why use oregano oil for a sore throat?

  • Oregano oil helps in fighting against viral sore throat infections
  • Strep throat rash can be very quickly taken care of with this oil

How to use oregano oil for a sore throat?

  • Take a glass of fresh and running lukewarm water
  • Add 20 drops of this oil in it
  • Mix it properly
  • Gargle with it
  • Repeat every six hours

[ Read: Natural Remedies for Sore Throat ]

4. Lemon essential oil for a sore throat

Lemon essential oil being anti-infection can help you with numerous infections causes and not only with their causes, but lemon essential oil can easily prevent infections from reoccurring(2).

Why use lemon essential oil for a sore throat?

  • It is antiseptic
  • Lemon essential oil is disinfectant
  • It has antifungal properties which protect your throat from many kinds of fungus attracts

How to use lemon essential oil for a sore throat?

  • Boil a glass of water
  • Add a few drops of this oil
  • Mix it thoroughly
  • Gargle with this oil mixture
  • Repeat

5. Ginger oil for a sore throat

ginger oil for a sore throat

Ginger oil heals infections. As by the time you also know what an infection can do to your throat and how much trouble it is to go through any infection.

Why use ginger oil for a sore throat?

  • Ginger oil has anti-inflammatory properties
  • It can help you in case of swelling of any region near a sore throat
  • It cleans the track for you

How to use ginger oil for a sore throat?

  • Take a fresh cotton ball
  • Pour a few drops of this oil onto it
  • Inhale directly through the soaked cotton ball
  • Repeat this thrice a day
  • Practice daily

Also Read: Lemon Ginger Tea Benefits

6. Thyme oil for a sore throat

Thyme oil is one of the most potent known antioxidants and is used for medical aids since ancient time.

Why use thyme oil for a sore throat?

  • Thyme oil is considered best for killing throat infections
  • Thyme oil increases circulation which then by default helps with swelling
  • As it helps with swelling, hence it eases the pain caused by swelling too

How to use thyme oil for a sore throat?

  • Take 2 cups of water
  • Add one teaspoon of salt
  • Add two drops of thyme essential oil in it
  • Mix it properly
  • Gargle with it
  • Repeat it twice a day
  • Practice daily

7. Lavender oil for a sore throat

lavender oil for a sore throat

Lavender oil is known for its excellent aroma and bacteria fighting properties which indeed you need while having a sore throat

Why use lavender oil for a sore throat?

  • It fights bacteria
  • It is anti-microbial too
  • Lavender essential oil helps in speeding up the process of healing

How to use lavender oil for a sore throat?

  • Take a fresh piece of cotton ball
  • Pour a few drops of this oil in It
  • Place it near your nose
  • You can keep in your chest pocket
  • Let it be there until aroma vanishes
  • Repeat this at least once daily

Read More: Lavender Oil Benefits

8. Eucalyptus oil for a sore throat

This oil is helpful to you in two ways, and the first way this oil is helpful is that it is an antiseptic and the second way this oil is useful is as antibacterial.

Why use eucalyptus oil for a sore throat?

  • It fights pain
  • Eucalyptus oil prevents cancer cell developments
  • It helps you in treating tumors

How to use eucalyptus oil for a sore throat?

  • Take a glass of lukewarm water
  • Add a few drops of this oil into
  • Mix properly
  • Drink it
  • Repeat at least once a day

Read More: Eucalyptus Oil Benefits

9. Echinacea oil for a sore throat

essential oils for a sore throat

This oil is one of the most famous remedies for treating cold. As you might know, that cold is one of the biggest and most frequent reasons for a sore throat(8).

Why use Echinacea oil for a sore throat?

  • It kills germs causing cold and deals with prevention of their return
  • It fights against bacteria and infections
  • It is known to cure any flu symptoms too

How to use Echinacea oil for a sore throat?

  • Take any antifungal cream
  • Add a few drops of this oil
  • Mix them well properly
  • Apply near throat
  • Repeat it once a day

Best carrier oil for a sore throat:

Coconut oil for a sore throat

Coconut oil is antioxidant and is rich in saturated fats which helps you in this condition of a sore throat(3).

Why use coconut oil for a sore throat?

  • Coconut oil is helpful for swelling near throat areas
  • It soothes the scratching urges
  • Increases your immunity for catching infections

How to use coconut oil for a sore throat?

  • Take 3 tbsp of fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ cup local raw honey
  • Add two tablespoons coconut oil
  • Mix these
  • Warm with low heat
  • Drink it

Risk and precautions

Before using any of the above-mentioned essential oils for a sore throat, you must consult it with a healthcare expert so that you do not form any allergic reactions because of use. Everybody reacts to different essential oils in various manners, and that is why you must try before using anything on a long run.

The proper application must be made on a regular basis for desired results. Problems like a sore throat and strep throat can otherwise get worse and cause some severe damages.

Other home remedies for a sore throat

In addition to the essential oils for a sore throat mentioned above, here are some home remedies for a sore throat that you can try:-

  • Gargle:- Take a glass of lukewarm water, add a pinch of common salt and gargle twice every day for long-lasting relief.
  • Chamomile Tea:- Take a few leaves of chamomile tea, let them soak in the water for a few minutes to make chamomile tea. Drink the chamomile tea, twice every day, without any milk or sugar.
  • Honey:- Lick one spoon of honey in the night before sleeping for a good night’s sleep. It is a beneficial remedy for sore throat allergies.

Essential oils for a sore throat are readily available, but you must make the best out of available options, or else you might end up making the situation even worse. Suggestion us to create quick tests with the oils which are supposed to be used before using them in the long run to check any negative signs that your body might show.

With patience it can be brought back under control and living a healthy life is always worth the needed efforts. Don’t ever leave the medication process in middle and always complete the process of complete treatment because a sore throat can be deadly if return frequently.

[Read: Home Remedies to Cure Sore Throat]


1. When should you seek medical help?

Response: If your sore throat lasts longer than a week, have difficulty in swallowing or if in breathing, a body temperature of more than 100.4 F, too many rashes on the body, pus on the back of the throat, bleeding inside the sore throat and dehydration, under these circumstances you must seek sore throat medication from a health expert.

2. What increases the risk of a sore throat?

Response: Exposing yourself to someone who is already suffering from a sore throat or anyone who is infected with any infection that might cause a sore throat. A sudden change in weather. If you have a weak immune system. Smoking regularly, post-nasal drips can quickly turn into a painful sore throat.

How long will it take to treat a sore throat?

It will depend upon your causes an infection that has caused your throat to get sore.  In typical cases, it could take a couple of day or max. Five days to completely cure a sore throat. In severe cases, it might take quite an amount of time as it is not an easy task to cure infections and diseases that have made their place. To treat them and cure completely it will take 10 – 20 day at earliest and might take more than these number of days.

The ways and remedies that you are using to treat a sore throat will determine the duration of treatment to a very great extent. Some will get the job done with a few days, and some will take at least one month to treat a sore throat.

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