Nine incredible essential oils for mosquito bites that you must use

Updated on January 6th, 2020
essential oils for mosquito bites

Mosquitoes have been the bane of a good time with their ceaseless buzzing and resulting mosquito bites. Their bites introduce foreign saliva in our skin which it rejects, leading to the swelling and redness.

The human body has a natural response to foreign mosquito saliva and creates histamine; this results in the skin around bite and itching. Which sometimes also causes itching, swelling, or if the blood of mosquito spreads then it can cause an allergy. Essential oils for mosquito bites will either help to keep mosquitoes away from skin or help in skin generation around mosquito bites.

Symptoms And Causes Of Mosquito Bites

When a mosquito bites, the reaction of bite differs person to person it may be only itchy mosquito bites in some cases while it may result in mosquito bites swelling, mosquito bites blister or many times mosquito bites swelling. Mosquito bites immediately show the effect as swelling on the skin with redness and soreness. This reaction is most commonly seen in children and is called skeeter syndrome.

Everyone is allergic to a mosquito bite but it some cases the reaction is more severe than in others it may spread on the skin with redness and a rash like structured mosquito bites allergy. Sometimes the reaction appears after an hour or so but a more significant swelling and itching or burning of skin which creates mosquito bites blister. Two very well known and severe diseases due to mosquito bites are malaria and dengue.


Common symptoms of mosquito bites are

  • Redness of skin
  • Swelling near bite
  • Itching
  • Blisters on skin
  • In more severe cases
  • High fever
  • Severe pain in joints
  • A headache


Mosquito bites can be caused due to:-

  • Roaming in areas having clusters of mosquitoes, like wet garbage, stagnant water, and dirty toilets.
  • Going in areas where a person has an infection or suffers from severe disease due to mosquito bites.

Only female mosquitoes bite, and they select victim depending on chemicals, oxygen intake in the human body. Once a mosquito bites an infected person and then bites a healthy person, the infection transfers from one person’s blood to another.

[Also Read: Treat Mosquito Bites]

What Essential Oils Are Good For Mosquito Bites?

No specific number will tell how many times a mosquito can bite if her abdomen is full and can continue after laying eggs. This biting causes not only redness of skin but also mosquito bites itching, and mosquito bites swelling on the skin. It is possible that body reacts to mosquito bite after hours or more in case of diseases like malaria and dengue it reacts after many hours and symptoms are reduced platelet count, high fever headache, and joints pain.

Essential oils for mosquito bites will help first to improve the immune system to fight adverse effects of the bites. Also, it will help to reduce itching, swelling of skin having menthol substances.

Essential oils for mosquito bites like tea tree oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, and eucalyptus oil has different properties to stop effects on skin and body.

How To Use Essential Oils For Mosquito Bites?

Following are the top essential oils for mosquito bites which have practical benefits to cure mosquito bites

1. Tea Tree Oil For Mosquito Bites

tea tree oil for mosquito bites

Why one should Use Tea Tree Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Tea tree oil has been serving multiple purposes since ancient times. Tea tree oil is beneficial for preventing and treating mosquito bites it will disinfect and bring down mosquito bites swelling(1).

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Tea tree oil is used alone on mosquito bites itching and mosquito bites swelling, which can be found slightly drying after some time. It is better if 3-4 drops of tea tree oil (depending on the size of swelling) is mixed with a carrier oil and applied on the bug bite.

2. Lavender Oil For Mosquito Bites

lavender essential oil for mosquito bites

Why Use Lavender Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Lavender oil has properties for soothing bites and preventing them. Lavender is an anti-inflammatory agent which is also known to stop bleeding. Thus, when the body creates histamine and thus causes mosquito bites itching and mosquito bites swelling using lavender oil will help to reduce inflammation and stops itching.

How To Use Lavender Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Two drops of lavender oil can be directly applied on the swollen part. Otherwise, take two drops of lavender oil to dilute it with carrier oils like coconut oil and sprinkle on your sheets to keep mosquitoes away while you are snoozing. Also, crush lavender flowers and apply oil on bite sensitive areas.

[Also Read: Lavender Oil Benefits]

3. Rosemary Oil For Mosquito Bites

rosemery oil for mosquito bites

Why Use Rosemary Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Rosemary oil has mild woody fragrance and many applications. Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory properties as it relieves the pain and swelling caused by mosquito bites.

Also, it is a natural insecticide.

How To Use Rosemary Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Rosemary oil in case of a mosquito bite acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. If directly applied on bitten portion it will help to reduce inflammation. Also, rosemary oil is usable as an insecticide that keeps mosquitoes away.

4. Camphor Essential Oil For A Mosquito Bite

Why Use Camphor Essential Oil For A Mosquito Bite?

Camphor oil is excellent for treating bites; it acts as an antiseptic, anesthetic, and anti-inflammatory. The mosquito bites swelling or mosquito bites blister causes itching, burning, and inflammation. Camphor will gently warm your skin.

How To Use Camphor Essential Oil For A Mosquito Bite?

Those who suffer from frequent mosquito bites frequently, using camphor will gently warm your skin and provide a shield to avoid mosquito bites. Add camphor oil with caution as it is sturdy and may cause burn or sting. So mix with a carrier oil and apply.

5. Cinnamon Essential Oil For Mosquito Bites

cinnamon oil for mosquito bites

Why Use Cinnamon Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Cinnamon oil also has mosquito repellent properties. Cinnamon oil can kill mosquito eggs(2) and act as a repellant against adult mosquitoes. You should be careful while applying cinnamon oil as a concentrated dose can irritate the skin.

How To Use Cinnamon Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Cinnamon oil should be diluted before applying it. Take 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon oil and 4 ounces of water. This mixture can be used as a spray onto your skin or clothing, around your home, near plants where mosquitoes are expected.

6. Peppermint Oil For Mosquito Bites

Small bottle of essential mint oil

Why Use Peppermint Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Peppermint oil is a versatile oil used for reducing pain and swelling. It exerts cooling sensation due to the presence of menthol or mint in it. It stops burning, itching, also it is an antimicrobial agent that reduces the risk of a bite.

How To Use Peppermint Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Peppermint can speed up the healing process as in by reducing created histamine as a reaction to the saliva of mosquito. Peppermint oil is mainly used as an antimicrobial agent that reduces the risk of a bite. Also, two drops of peppermint oil with carrier oil will exert cooling sensation on inflammation region.

[Read: Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites]

7. Lemon Essential Oil For Mosquito Bites

Why Use Lemon Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Lemon essential oil will boost blood circulation and promote better mental relaxation. When histamine is created with an increase in blood circulation, it will help for faster relaxation.

How To Use Lemon Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Take one part of eucalyptus oil and an equal amount of lemon oil. Mix well and add this lemon eucalyptus oil to 10 parts of sunflower oil. This mixture will act as a mosquito repellant for 2-3 hours.

8. Eucalyptus Oil For Mosquito Bites

Why Use Eucalyptus Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Eucalyptus oil does not help to reduce or anything related to mosquito bites swelling and mosquito bites itching. But it helps to stop mosquitoes from biting, i.e., it acts as a mosquito repellant.

How to use eucalyptus oil for mosquito bites?

Take one part of eucalyptus oil and an equal amount of lemon oil. Mix well and add this lemon eucalyptus oil to 10 parts of sunflower oil. This mixture will act as a mosquito repellant for 2-3 hours.

[Read: Eucalyptus Oil Benefits]

9. Basil Oil For Mosquito Bites

basil oil for mosquito bites

Why Use Basil Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Basil oil is a gentle anti-inflammatory agent that will help with irritation(3). Antimicrobial properties in a plant help to prevent infection. This is great for mosquito bites. It promotes to relieve stress and itchy skin.

How To Use Basil Oil For Mosquito Bites?

Basil oil is mixed with a carrier oil. Basil oil and carrier oil is mixed in similar form, and this diluted form of liquid is applied directly on the skin. It is recommended to conduct a patch test before using. Start slowly applying on skin.

Read More: Holy Basil Benefits

Risks And Precautions Of Using Essential Oils For Mosquito Bites

If we went to a public place where there is a bunch of stored garbage, toilet, dirt, and stored water for weeks or months, then the chances of mosquito bites are higher. It is not always that swelling, or reaction appears on skin or body immediately, but if scratched over, again and again, there are chances that it may spread on the surface.

Also, mosquito bites cause severe diseases like malaria and dengue where natural or artificial treatments hardly helps. These diseases can cause death.

Other Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites

Natural remedies will help to give temporary relief from the discomfort of mosquito bites. There are various coolants available but along with that essential oil will provide a remedy to such temporary swellings.

Some home remedies are:-

1. Cooling

As soon as mosquito bites the human body creates histamine, hence as a reaction to mosquito saliva secreted on the skin layer creates swelling. This swelling is itchy and if scratched many times can cause burning. Therefore cooling agents should be applied to the affected area. These cooling agents may include ice, aloe vera which decreases the itching.

2. Vapor Rub

Vapor rub will not only help with the blocked nose but also helps in reducing itch in case of mosquito bites. Menthol based products like toothpaste, mixed with camphor oil and applied on the skin; this will help to cool the itchy part and swelling.

3. Banana peel

Though it sounds strange, it is useful in treating mosquito bites. Banana skin contains natural oils. How to use it? Rub the flesh side down, on the mosquito bite, this will relax itching and will fade away swelling after some time.

4. Apple cider vinegar and baking soda

Take 1-2 teaspoon of baking soda and add apple cider vinegar to it in such a way that the mixture formed will be in the form of a paste. Apply this paste on swelling; it will help to get rid of swelling faster.

Mosquito bites have different effects on skin and body. If bitten by mosquito causing diseases like dengue and malaria then immediate treatment is needed while in case of other cases it only causes redness, itching, and swelling on the skin. It is due to going out in public places where there is more population of mosquito-like stored water, garbage; toilets, etc.

Hence proper skin care should be taken to avoid mosquito bites, or home remedies should be applied to prevent it from spreading.  Essential oil helps to cure the swelling and blisters on the surface. They are natural remedies on such temporary swelling and allergies.

[ Read: Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Certain People ]


1. How many times can a mosquito bite?

It is uncertain as mosquitoes continue to bite until her abdomen is full. In case if we interrupt as a reflex then mosquito sits on other person and continues biting once her belly is full, she will take rest before laying eggs and continue to bite after that.

2. Can mosquitoes bite through clothes?

Yes, mosquitoes have different sizes of the proboscis, i.e. their mouth. Wearing long sleeves and full pants will avoid mosquito bites. But mosquitoes can bite through clothes if the size of the proboscis is longer than the thickness of the clothes. Also, mosquitoes sit more on dark garments.

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