Why Try Almond Oil for Hair Growth?

Updated on April 21st, 2020
almond oil for hair growth

Almond oil is made from pressing the seed of the tree and extracting oil form its nuts. Sweet almond oil benefits for hair are plentiful. Almonds have been valued in ancient cultures for health and healing properties, including massive levels of omega-9 fatty acids, protein, and vitamin E. Such properties suggest almond oil improves the shine and vitality of the hair.

Sweet almond oil is most commonly sold and recommended for using as a hair product. Almond oil for hair growth is a multifaceted, non-toxic beauty treatment.

Derived from the seeds of the Prunus Dulcis tree(1), or the almond tree, this oil has plenty of value as a hair emollient and natural moisturizer. Refined almond oil is obtained from almonds using high-heat chemicals and processing. While the method results in less nutritious oil, it is more cost-effective, and it can withstand elevated temperatures.

Nutritional Facts of Almond Oil

While almond oil is not as nutritious as whole almonds, it has an impressive line up of minerals and micronutrients. Given below is the nutritional breakdown of 14 grams of almond oil or one tablespoon:

Vitamin E 26% of the RDI
Total Fat 13.5 grams
Saturated Fat 1.1 grams
Polyunsaturated Fat 2.3 grams
Phytosterols 35.9 mg
Monounsaturated Fat 9.4 grams
Calories 119

Almond oil for hair growth is enriched with vitamin E and small amounts of vitamin K. Most of the sweet almond oil benefits for hair stem from its rich lineup of vitamins. The health benefits of almond oil stem from healthy fats of a considerable amount.

[Read: Magnesium Oil For Hair Growth]

It has 70% of monosaturated fats, 20% of polyunsaturated fat, and 10% of saturated fat. A diet high in unsaturated fats has been associated with health benefits for the perfect hair care regimen.

Almond Oil for Hair Growth: Benefits

Shea butter for hair growth

Almond oil is a beautiful ingredient for natural beauty products. This soothing, mild oil is excellent for the skin and the hair. This is partly on account of emollient properties(2) that prevent water loss from the surface. This quality is the reason it is excellent for hair care, keeping the scalp soft and hydrated.

[Read: Magnesium Oil Benefits]

Almond oil as a moisturizer may be especially useful for those with dry or dull hair. It is packed with vitamin E, which safeguards the hair from sun damage. It functions as a natural hair moisturizer, serving as an emollient that fills gaps in the cellular level of the hair. This makes hair smoother and softer.

To improve your hair texture, opt for almond oil for natural hair.  Almond oil can enhance the resilience of the hair, to prevent damage and diminish split ends.

Almond oil is also a natural antioxidant containing a heavy concentration of vitamin E, excellent for combating environmental stress. Almond oil can be applied for relief from a flaky scalp, or even scalp psoriasis.

Sweet almond oil for hair has been used in Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for ages.

Rubbing a small amount of almond oil on the scalp increase blood flow to the area, introducing powerful skin antioxidants to the skin on the scalp.

[Read: Witch Hazel for Hair]

Ways to Use Almond Oil for Hair Growth

Topical Ways

Almond oil can be applied directly to the hair. Small amounts need to be rubbed in between palms before application. If one looks to increase softness and shine, it is essential to study the ends of the hair. Massage the oil into the hair shaft and leave the oil on after styling it. Almond oil can also be used as a hair mask for conditioning.

Mix 2 parts coconut oil at room temperature with 1 part sweet almond oil, along with creamy, conditioning agents like avocado. Applying this hair mask to clean, dry hair and letting it dry for 40 minutes, give your hair a good rinse after that.  It can be used as a beauty rinse.

If you’re looking to swap the skin and hair products for natural, non-toxic options, almond oil is the right choice. Almond oil is less expensive as against commercial hair moisturizers and does not contain harmful ingredients. It has a multipurpose beauty purpose when used on skin and hair. Almond oil is also used as a moisturizer for sensitive skin, and it can be combined with essential oils for the perfect hair mask.

[Read: Health Benefits of Almond Oil ]

Oral Methods

Some experts recommend using almond oil for hair growth as an oral supplement in capsule or liquid form.

It may impact hair health by assimilating proteins, minerals, vitamins, and other micronutrients into your system. Almond oil is a multifaceted product used as natural nourishment for your hair. Almond oil is a nutty-tasting oil that adds value to dishes. Unrefined almond oil should not be tried for cooking, though. Refined almond oil can be used in the kitchen. It is more heat tolerant and less costly than unrefined oils.

To use unrefined sweet almond oil for hair, try it as a salad dressing, a nutty flavor to meals, or even over pasta dish as a seasoning.

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Precautions and Side Effects

Almond oil is generally safe for those who need to use it on the skin. Those with a severe nut allergy should not use almond oil on the hair (or orally, for that matter). Almond oil can trigger a severe reaction if it triggers an allergy. Don’t put almond oil on the hair before heat styling, The oil heats up around hair follicles and can burn the scalp or hair shaft.

Use almond oil to increase shine and strength. Active nutrients in almond oil for hair growth can make your locks stronger, shinier, and softer. It is also gentle for the scalp and smells great. This versatile oil can be the perfect natural beauty product. It promotes excellent hair quality, acting as a natural emollient and source of protein for hair strands. Whether you choose topical or oral methods, this exotic oil makes an excellent addition to your beauty kit.


1. Is Almond Oil Good for Skin?

Almond oil is also excellent for skin health. Almond oil contains vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients, which add a shine to your skin and make your skin glow.

2. What Is the Best Way to Use Almond Oil?

Almond oil should be used topically for the best results. Although some beauty experts suggest oral ingestion to be just as effective, the research to support this is minimal. Topically, almond oil, especially the sweet variety, can be added to the carrier or essential oil, which adds to the lubrication for your hair.

3. Can I Be Allergic to Almond Oil?

Almond oil allergies do occur, although, for most individuals, this oil is not an issue. Almond oil allergies can result in severe reactions, and not just the usual hives or inflammation. Check with your doctor regarding any allergy testing you may need to undertake before opting for a patch test.

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