Yogurt- An Effective Way to Cure Diarrhea

Updated on November 7th, 2019
benefits of greek yogurt

Yogurt for diarrhea helps in the effective prevention of diarrhea and the bad bacterial germs from the human body.

Probiotics refer to the lively bacteria that exist in yogurt and adequately contribute to the health conditions of human beings. In addition to this, probiotics contribute by inhibiting the growth and spreading of the bad bacterial germs in both the large as well as small intestines of the human body.

According to the University of Michigan of the U.S.A,(1) yogurt also supports as well as helps the immune system by improving the digestion process. Several kinds of probiotic bacteria can be found in yogurt but the most commonly used bacteria are Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.

Live Bacteria and Probiotics Prevents Diarrhoea

According to the census reports of New York State University, most of the probiotics and live bacteria help in preventing and minimizing the duration periods of diarrhea. It has been found that probiotics help in avoiding diarrhea which is caused by the bad bacterial germs.

The producers of yogurt utilize the live bacterial germs for fermentation of milk. After the periods of fermentation, it is processed and the bad bacterial germs are killed, completely. A lot of manufacturers add live bacteria after the processing part; however, some of the brands do not do that.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments to Stop Diarrhea ]

Artificial Sweeteners has an Adverse Effect on Diarrhea Patients

artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners in the yogurt have an adverse impact on diarrhea patients, which include problems like bloating and gas. These unpleasant side effects are likely to be created by the sweeteners, which cause indigestion.

The sweetener that often creates a problem is tagatose — a sugar alcohol, which is made from lactose. Yogurt contains less amount of lactose than milk but it is sufficient for triggering lactose intolerance symptoms in human beings. Few sweeteners create problems of bloating.

Yogurt containing fruits and fructose content can lead to digestive problems and can also trigger bloating

[Read: Home Remedies for Bloating]

What are the Most Common Sugar Alcohols?

The most common sugar alcohols are xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol. There are also existences of five other brands in this group such as lactitol, maltitol, erythritol, isomalt as well as other hydrogenated starch type hydrolysates.

Why Should you Use Greek Yogurt for Diarrhea?

Greek Yogurt is the best choice in yogurts; hence Greek yogurt for diarrhea patients has often been recommended by the experts. There is a difference between various kinds of yogurt as some contain fruit and flavor while others do not. But these facts do not have much importance.

There are other important factors which one should be aware of. For example—a person has to avoid taking milk while suffering from diarrhea. However, yogurt being a milk product can help in an effective way to prevent diarrhea.

The only thing should be taken into account is whether the yogurt has live bacteria cultures or not, and the Greek yogurt makes sure that it has those good bacteria in it.

[Also Read: Surprising Benefits of Greek Yogurt]

Greek Yogurt Eliminates Lactose

greek yogurt benefits

Diarrhea makes a person intolerant towards lactose. However, in the case of yogurt, this statement is not very true. Yogurt often helps the diarrhea patients to recover from the disease quickly and at times provides comfort as well.

However, while buying yogurt one has to select brands which contain good bacteria in it. These bacteria help in breaking down some lactose during fermentation and continue to convert lactose to lactic acid in both the intestines.

Hence, Greek Yogurt for diarrhea is regarded to be the best choice as it eliminates a huge amount of lactose-containing liquid and other ingredients from the milk.

Is yogurt good for Diarrhea?

Yogurt effectively cures diarrhea caused by bad bacteria. It restores the beneficial bacteria that your body flushes out with diarrhea. Yogurt helps in preventing diarrhea and this has been proved through research.

The main objective and purpose of this research were to determine and define the efficacies of domestic yogurt that is prepared with pasteurized milk on moderately dehydrated infants. Approximately 80 dehydrated breastfeeding children and infants(2) aged between six to twenty-four months, who were suffering from non-bloody as well as non-mucoid diarrhea have been studied for this research. The research-based study recommends proper and universal utilization of yogurt in acute non-bloody diarrhea.

Therefore, it could be seen that both Greek yogurt, as well as yogurt, prevents diarrhea and the spread of bad bacterial germs that initiate diarrhea. So, if you are suffering from diarrhea, don’t worry much! Just relax and have healthy food with yogurt, along with your medicine to recover soon.

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