How Can You Treat Yeast Infection Using Yogurt?

Updated on November 20th, 2019
yogurt for yeast infection

Otherwise known as vaginal candidiasis, yeast infections are common among women. It is characterized by the unusual growth of a fungus called candida in the urinary tract and vulva. It is estimated that about 75% of women get diagnosed for this condition for at least once in their lifetime(1).

A study(2) conducted in 2012 suggested that yogurt, in combination with honey, worked in curbing the multiplication of yeasts in pregnant women. Now, coupled with shreds of other evidence of similar nature, yogurt has gained a reputation as an effective remedy for yeast infection.

Read on to find out more about how it works, how to use it, its side effects, and the best yogurt for yeast infection.

How Yogurt Treats a Yeast Infection


Yogurt is a natural way to treat yeast infection. Well, there is no denying that there are various antibiotics to treat this. However, using them may also lead to some potential side-effects. It is one of the reasons due to which some women prefer to use natural remedies to using medicines for the treatment of yeast infection.

[Also Read: Treat Yeast Infection with Natural Remedies]

Studies show that yogurt is one of the best sources of Lactobacillus. The primary source of a  yeast infection is the unusual growth or the multiplication of a yeast called candida. This yeast is present in the gut, vulva, and urinary tract of the body along with other microorganisms. The problem starts when they outnumber others and start building up colonies in the parts of the body wherein candida is found.

Lactobacillus is a bacterium which also lives naturally in these areas along with other microorganisms. It releases hydrogen peroxide which kills candida and different yeasts. A healthy balance of this bacterium helps restore the balance of yeasts such as candida, thereby relieving a person from the symptoms of a yeast infection.

[Also Read: Benefits of Probiotics For Candidiasis]

How to Insert Yogurt for Yeast Infection

For treating a yeast infection, it is essential to keep the following things in mind:

  1. You should use natural and unflavored Lactobacillus.
  2. Refrain from using yogurt with a sweetener as it can aid the growth of candida, which is responsible for causing a yeast infection.
  3. Now, you can proceed to insert yogurt for the treatment of yeast infection. Insert a yogurt scoop using your fingers. Alternatively, you can also inject yogurt in a tampon applicator and insert it into the affected region.
  4. Freeze the tampon applicator with yogurt beforehand for cooling relief.

[Also Read: Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection]

Can You Eat Yogurt for the Treatment of Yeast Infection?

greek yogurt Benefits

Apart from inserting a yogurt-filled tampon, the other way to relieve the body of the symptoms of a yeast infection is to consume yogurt orally. According to studies, the presence of Lactobacillus in Yogurt benefits gut health. Also, it prevents the growth of yeast by releasing hydrogen peroxide. A study(3) advocates the use of yogurt in this manner. So, you can eat 100 to 200 grams of yogurt daily. You can add it either in your breakfast smoothies or meals.

Is It Safe to Apply Yogurt Externally or Take It Internally for Yeast Infection

Plain yogurt for yeast infection is the best option you can consider, among other choices. You will get the same benefits of yogurt by eating it, which you generally get by applying it externally. Before eating yogurt for yeast infection, it is necessary to ascertain that it is free from sugar. You need to follow this rule as the presence of sugar in yogurt can worsen the symptoms instead of relieving them.

Notwithstanding numerous studies on the use of yogurt for the treatment of yeast infection, additional studies are necessary in this regard. Most researchers believe more in-depth research can help establish the usefulness of this natural remedy for the treatment of yeast infection in a more obvious way.

It can be concluded that a yogurt is a safe option as it is a natural remedy for the treatment of yeast infection. It is, however, vital to make sure that there is no sugar in yogurt before consuming. Eating yogurt is believed to be more effective than using it by external means.

Though some studies advocate the use of this option in the treatment of a yeast infection, more studies are needed to establish the science behind yogurt in a transparent manner. It is recommended that you should consult a certified doctor before trying out this option to relieve the symptoms of infection due to an overgrowth of candida.

[Also Read: Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection]


1. How to Use Yogurt for Yeast Infection?

You can either consume it orally or insert it using an applicator.

2. Is Yogurt Useful for the Treatment of Yeast Infection?

Some research-based evidence suggests that yogurt increases the presence of Lactobacillus, which releases Hydrogen Peroxide. This kills candida – the yeast responsible for causing a yeast infection. So, yes, yogurt is effective in treating yeast infection.

3. Does the Use of Yogurt Pose a Risk to the Health of a Person with a Yeast Infection?

The side-effects of yogurt include bloating and intestinal gas. However, these are mild side-effects and do not constitute the risk of developing any complication. Consuming yogurt is believed to a safer option in comparison to using it externally to get rid of a yeast infection.

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