Why is Turmeric the Best Solution to Reduce Inflammation? (+DIYs)

Updated on March 16th, 2020
turmeric inflammation

Do you know that inflammation is the root cause of most of the health problems? If you want to prevent arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, you should start by combating inflammation. Inflammation is the part of the body’s immune response, and itself is not a severe thing.

Any damage that occurs to the tissue, infection, and wounds would be unable to cure or heal without an inflammatory response.

But when the inflammation changes to chronic inflammation it can be a result of an infection, allergy, or autoimmune reaction. Are you wondering on how to treat inflammation with natural and home remedies? Well. Then check out these natural remedies of turmeric for inflammation which is considered one of the best spices to treat inflammation and pain.

About turmeric for inflammation

Everyone across the globe knows about turmeric and its benefits. Turmeric is a flowering plant of the ginger family and the most potent herb on the earth.

Turmeric powder is most likely the essential spice in many of the various dishes. Turmeric also gets used as a coloring agent in South Asian cuisines. The fabulous benefits of turmeric are primarily due to its phytochemistry.

The turmeric mainly possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that cure many of the diseases and skin conditions.

It also offers excellent antioxidants properties. These properties are due to the presence of compounds in turmeric, called curcuminoids like curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin that have various advantages for human health.

Many types of research have claimed that turmeric reduces inflammation, pain, and stiffness related to Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and also Bursitis. Let us continue to discover the comprehensive benefits and great natural remedies of turmeric for inflammation.(1)

Which type of turmeric serves the best to heal pain and inflammation and why?

The Kasturi turmeric serves the best to soothe pain and inflammation as it contains numerous pain healing properties like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-bacterial, and storehouse for antioxidants.

The Kasturi turmeric in combination with ginger can have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps to reduce the stiffness and pain caused in between the joints. Combining these two spices in one drink can give unexpected health benefits and relief from pain and inflammation.

How does turmeric treat inflammation?

Turmeric is a wonder tonic for treating inflammation. The curcumin present in turmeric works to trigger 30 different enzymes and proteins that work to reduce inflammation in the body.

Turmeric inhibits the action of tumor necrosis factor-alpha which is the primary mediator for inflammation. It also inhibits the functioning of nuclear factor-kappa b which is a significant influencer of tumor necrosis factor. It regulates the operation of many molecules present in the body along with inflammation causing elements.

Curcumin present in turmeric directly targets the COX and LOX enzymes that are another major causative factors of inflammation in the body. All the significant painkillers available in the market also caters to these enzymes. But as like other painkillers that cause multiple side effects like gastric build-up and digestive disorders, turmeric, on the other hand, is safe and good for the gut.

[ Read: Inflammation : Natural Remedies and Treatment ]

How to imply turmeric remedy for inflammation?

The pure Kasturi turmeric has remarkable effects on the inflammation and swelling.

1. Golden paste

Turmuric paste

How to prepare?

  • Take a teaspoon of turmeric
  • Mix one teaspoon of warm water and one teaspoon of milk
  • Make a thick paste, adjust the proportion of the liquids accordingly
  • Apply it over the inflamed area and rub gently
  • Wrap a muslin cloth over it and keep it for 2-3 hours
  • Wash it off with warm water and moisturize with any warm oil of your choice for extended results

This miraculous golden paste works wonders to reduce the pain and inflammation present in any specific area. Turmeric helps to ease the swelling in the cells and reduces inflammation whereas the warmth of water and milk helps to heal the inflamed tissues.

2. Ginger and turmeric water

How to prepare?

  • Take roughly chopped turmeric and ginger
  • Boil two cups of water and add the one teaspoon of chopped ginger and turmeric
  • You can also include 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Allow the mixture simmer for 5-10 minutes and then strain
  • Allow it to cool down for a few minutes
  • Include honey two teaspoons of honey

Consuming this regularly helps to receive optimum health benefits

3.Turmeric Tea

Turmeric Tea

How to prepare?

  • Take one tablespoon of turmeric, four cups of water, and one teaspoon of raw honey or raw lime juice
  • Boil the water for a few minutes
  • Put the turmeric into the steaming water and intensify it for 5-10 minutes
  • Strain the liquid and add honey or lime juice before drinking the turmeric tea
  • You can also add grated ginger instead of honey
  • Consume it thrice a week for best results on pain and inflammation

Benefits of turmeric tea:

Turmeric tea has many natural advantages. Hundreds of studies state that curcumin that is an active compound in turmeric fights inflammation.

The curcumin presence in turmeric tea is said to possess anticancer effects. The turmeric when consumed can reduce swelling, inflammation, and itchiness caused by heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric tea boost immunity in your body to a large extent.

4. Turmeric and olive oil

How to prepare?

  • Take one pinch black pepper powder, one tablespoon of turmeric powder, and 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil
  • Mix olive oil and turmeric powder to a glass of warm water
  • Mix black pepper powder too
  • Keep stirring the mixture till the ingredients get thoroughly mixed
  • Consuming this on a daily basis helps to relieve inflammation in the knee joints

Benefits of turmeric with oil and water:

Extra-virgin olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is an abundant source of anti-oxidants. It can reduce the inflammation caused due to arthritis and bursitis.

Research suggests that oleic acid that is the primary fatty acid in olive oil which reduces levels of important inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein.

It contains an anti-inflammatory drug called oleocanthal that has been shown to work similarly to ibuprofen. Black pepper has piperine that significantly increases curcumin absorption. The combinations of turmeric for inflammation is the easiest and best way to cure inflammation.

5. Turmeric Milk

Turmuric milk

How to prepare?

  • Put one teaspoon turmeric powder into a glass of milk of your choice
  • Heat the milk gently and add a teaspoon of honey to it
  • Serve hot and drink with slow sips for added benefits

You can have any milk of your choice like cashew milk, almond milk or any other non-diary milk. This remedy serves the best when had at night. Turmeric has tremendous anti-inflammatory properties which on combining with milk works greatly. This remedy is also beneficial for relieving stress and tension and imparts a sound sleep when consumed at night.

6. Coconut oil and wild turmeric

How to prepare?

  • Take 1/2 cup of coconut oil
  • Add five tablespoons of wild turmeric powder to the bowl containing coconut oil
  • Stir well and make it as a paste of thick consistency
  • Apply this paste on the inflamed area
  • Let it dry and rinse it off within a few minutes

Benefits of coconut oil and wild turmeric:

Coconut oil is the best home remedy to heal inflammation and pain at no cost. It has the potential to reduce pain and swelling in joints and muscles. A study suggests that virgin coconut oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

These properties are due to the presence of high levels of lauric acid that helps to reduce inflammation. The turmeric and coconut oil can be the best natural home remedy for you to heal and cure inflammation in the joints and muscles.

  • Always make sure you use only fresh veggies and fruits for remedy preparation and also make sure that you wash them before use. Because rotten fruits and veggies might contain bacteria and fungi which can make the condition even worse. Boil the water to consume and not burn your tongue.
  • Large amounts of turmeric consumption might lower the testosterone levels in male and can decrease the sperm movement if consumed orally. Hence, the turmeric must be used in with caution in people who try to have a baby.
  • Don’t add more amount of turmeric into the smoothies and turmeric tea as it causes stomach upset. It can stimulate the stomach to produce more amounts of gastric juices that lead to discomfort.
  • Consuming more turmeric might make blood sugar level too low. It is recommended to consume less turmeric into the diet for low blood sugar patients.

Turmeric has awesome benefits and properties to heal inflammation. There is no doubt about that. The natural methods and home remedies on how to use turmeric for inflammation are discussed and are wondrously beneficial and leave no side effects on the body.

[Read: Serious Side Effects of Turmeric ]

It is not a big deal to heal inflammation if you follow these natural remedies and exercises regularly. Follow these natural methods and treatments genuinely. While following these remedies make sure you keep the word of caution in mind to get useful results. However, if inflammation and allergies still persist and become more painful over the time, make sure to consult with a physician.

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