How Effective Is Tea Tree Oil in Curing Boils?

Updated on March 13th, 2020
tea tree oil for boils

Skin debris is really irritating and embarrassing. Whenever you see a pimple or acne on your face, you get panicked. These mainly occur at your face or hairline and cause immense pain. Usually, boils are the result of bacterial infection. It starts with pain and redness and then puss accumulates under your skin and forms a red lump.

Now, home remedies are really effective for such problems. Tea tree oil for boils is a great option to say goodbye to this problem and never get it back. Today, you will get to know about different facts about boils and also know how tea tree oil can cure boils quickly. Read on to know more.

Did You Know?

  • Antibiotics are not enough for stubborn boils. You need hot packs to heal them.
  • Boils are contagious as it is a bacterial infection. The fluid from the boil can spread it to others.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Treat Boils?

tea tree oil benefits

Boils are stubborn, and they are painful. As the puss accumulates under your skin, it turns into a red lump and causes irritation. If not treated early, the infection can spread further and damage the internal tissues and cause furuncle. To prevent the spreading of boil in other parts of your body and to cure those, you can take help from the tea tree oil(1).

[Also Read: Natural Remedies to Treat Boil]

Tea tree oil for boils is an effective home remedy that not only removes the existing problem but also prevents it from happening again. How to use tea tree oil to remove boil? Have a look-

1. Use It Directly

Here, you can follow certain steps-

  • Wash your face and the skin, surrounding the boil and pat dry.
  • Now, take two to three drops of tea tree oil in a cotton pad and put it on the boil
  • You can also put 2-3 drops of this oil on a bandage and wrap the affected area.
  • Make sure that the amount remains same always and it is only applied to the swollen area and the boil
  • Repeat step two to three times a day to get quick relief.

2. Tea Tree Oil with Oregano Oil

This can be the best remedy for boil as both the oil has antibacterial and antiseptic components. Mixing these two strong ingredients can remove your boils. Prepare the mixture and apply it regularly at least three to four times a day. Regular application will give you a quick result.

[Also Read: Health Benefits of Tea Tree Oil]

3. Tea Tree Oil with Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil benefits
Image: ShutterStock

Coconut oil works as a career of tea tree oil, and it keeps the tea tree oil on the affected area for faster result. Tea tree oil and coconut oil- both have antibacterial properties that work wonderfully in curing boils(2). You won’t need any bandage or cotton balls to keep the oil at its place. Follow the steps-

  • Take the same amount of tea tree oil and coconut oil in a tablespoon and mix both the ingredients well.
  • Now, wash the affected area with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Apply the mixture around 2-3 times a day on the boil.

Both the oil will reach deep and cure the boil and prevent further infection.

[Also Read: Home Remedies to Cure Boils ]

4. Tea Tree Oil with Almond Oil

If you are suffering from scalp boil, it will be difficult to cure it like any skin boil. As it occurs at your scalp, you can’t use any of the products as that can damage your hair. The combination of tea tree oil and almond oil is really effective to cure scalp boils. Here are the steps to follow-

  • Wash your scalp well.
  • Make the mixture of both these oils.
  • Part your hair carefully from the area of the boil so that the infection is exposed well.
  • Now, apply the mixture of the oil at the affected area.
  • Repeat step two to three times a day.

You can get the quickest and best result to get rid of scalp boils with this solution.

[Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Boils]

5. Tea Tree Oil with Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera benefits

Aloe Vera is a magical natural element that can solve any type of skin problems. When it is mixed with tea tree oil, it can effectively cure boils. How to use-

  • Get Aloe Vera gel in a teaspoon.
  • Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in it. Mix well.
  • Clean the affected area and surrounding.
  • Apply the mixture there and leave it to dry.

This remedy will help the puss to get dry and make it less painful.

[ Read: Essential Oils for Boils ]

6. Tea Tree Oil with Turmeric

Turmeric is well-known for its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, just like tea tree oil. So, mix both the ingredients and apply it on boils. You will get a faster result and also won’t face any further development.

Other Home Remedies to Treat Boils

  • Turmeric powder is effective for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to treat boils.
  • Castor oil is a rich source of ricinoleic acid that helps to reduce inflammation.
  • Epsom salt is also helpful in drying the pus and thus curing the boils.
  • Neem oil is another easy but strong remedy to cure boils for its antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties.

Side Effects of Using Tea Tree Oil

Usually, tea tree oil is safe for use, but often it can create utter dryness and itchiness if you use more than the recommended dose. Never use this essential oil more than two to three drops. If it causes irritation, always dilute it with water or carrier oils like coconut or almond.

Boils are quite common during puberty. But, you should not use it with lavender oil for young boys as it can affect the normal hormones in them. Besides tea tree oil for boils, you can also try over-the-counter antibiotic ointments, which can soothe your pain faster.


1. How to treat a boil with tea tree oil?

Dilute it with water or mix it with other herbal products, like aloe, coconut oil, etc. to reduce the effects of boils.

2. Is tea tree oil safe for boils?

Yes, it is. But, it may cause dry patches and itchiness. Go for a patch test and then apply.

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