Supplements To Cure PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

Updated on January 14th, 2020

It is exciting to know that a disease like PCOS can be cured with holistic home remedies along with little medication under clinical evaluation, we can include supplements for pcos along with necessary home treatments to cure the disease. PCOS can be hereditary, or it can be caused due to excess inflammation in the body. One of the major causes of PCOS(1) is insulin resistance in the body.

Insulin is a hormone that is very important for our body cells, and it helps to control the sugar level in our body. When our body becomes insulin resistant, or insulin is not appropriately used by cells, that time sugar levels start increasing in our blood and producing extra insulin, which can lead to hormonal imbalances in the human body, and gives rise to PCOS. Increasing the level of insulin is a significant reason and symptoms to create a decease of PCOS.

In the hormone changes, estrogen and progesterone levels are lower than compared to normal, while androgen levels are higher than normal. Women with PCOS get fewer periods than women in ordinary because the male hormone interrupts the menstrual cycle.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a disease, ubiquitous among women which are detected mostly in their reproductive age. This disease mainly affects women’s health because of infrequent menstrual periods or excess male hormonal levels in their bodies. It creates several health problems and affects our daily lifestyle. This article tells about the supplements to cure PCOS in different ways and different remedies and some symptoms, causes, and details about how to decrease PCOS.


Abnormal menstruation, absence of menstruation, heavy menstruation are some menstrual problems created because of PCOS. A few other common symptoms of PCOS are obesity, acne or oily skin, dark patches of skin in folds and creases, depression, inappropriate male features, infertility, loss of scalp hair, or unwanted hair. 

The symptoms of PCOS can vary to every person. PCOS can be hereditary, or it can be caused due to excess inflammation in the body. One of the major causes of PCOS is insulin resistance in the body. Insulin is a hormone that is very important for our body cells, and it helps to control the sugar level in our body. 

When our body becomes insulin resistant, or insulin is not appropriately used by cells, that time sugar levels start increasing in our blood and producing extra insulin, which can lead to hormonal imbalances in the human body, and gives rise to PCOS.

Increasing the level of insulin is a significant reason and symptoms to create a decease of PCOS. In the hormone changes, estrogen and progesterone levels are lower than compared to normal, while androgen levels are higher than normal. Women with PCOS get fewer periods than women in ordinary because the male hormone interrupts the menstrual cycle. Some of the home remedies for Migraine are as follows.

1. Magnesium 

supplements for pcos

Why to use? 

Reducing the level of magnesium is the main reason for the people who are affected by PCOS symptoms. So it is necessary to take foods like magnesium increased foods. So that only the level of PCOS symptoms could be reduced. 

How to use? 

It should be necessary to increase the level of magnesium in our body with magnesium-rich foods like Almonds, Cashews, Spinach, and bananas. Fibrous foods can help combat insulin resistance by slowing down digestion. Intake of these food items can increase the magnesium level in our body(2) and lead to reduce the level of PCOS symptoms.

How much to use? 

Regularly take these items could be reduced the level of symptoms. Daily morning or at night taking these foods at a minimum level as the person wants to eat is sufficient to reduce the level of PCOS.

Do’s and Don’ts

Never to take too much magnesium content foods at night time.

[Read: Diet for PCOS]

2. Iron

Why to use? 

Some women with PCOS experience heavy bleeding during their period. It may lead to iron inadequacy. So that increase the level of iron content in the body using some food items can reduce the level of PCOS symptoms in the people affected by PCOS. It is the best supplement to PCOS also.

How to use? 

So it should be necessary to consume food like Eggs, Spinach, and broccoli in our regular lifestyle. Intake of these food items can reduce the level of PCOS. It is the easiest way to cure these symptoms.

How much to use? 

These food items can be taken weekly once. But with the doctor consultation, it can be taken twice or many times a week. This is the level of iron content that should keep on the body.

Do’s and Don’ts: 

But before the intake of iron-rich foods, it is essential to consult the doctor. Too much iron can increase the risk of complications.

[Read: Natural Remedies for PCOS]

3. Anti-inflammatory foods

Anti-inflammatory foods

Why to use? 

Adding food items in our regular food is better than taking medicines and other home remedies. Because it is a natural way and also it cannot create any effects in health conditions. It is the easiest way to prevent and cure the disease. It only cures the disease but also prevents and useful for health conditions. It improves the health condition as well as the disease.

How to use? 

Include anti-inflammatory foods such as turmeric, ginger, onion, green leafy vegetables, and pomegranate in your daily diet. Such a diet can help lose weight, and also improve blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, hormone levels, metabolic syndrome and other conditions that women with PCOS. 

How much to use? 

Ginger could be added at the minimum level on tea and take at early morning. Turmeric and onion could be added in every food item as much people want to add. At least one Pomegranate has to be taken regularly.

Do’s and Don’ts :

Taking these food items regularly can give a fast remedy. And it does not need doctor consultation. 

[Read: Vitamins to Fight PCOS]

4. Chromium and Zinc

Why to use? 

Reducing the level of minerals is a major cause of PCOS.  Zinc is used to remove unwanted hair growth and to improve alopecia(3). So that adding the minerals like Chromium and Zinc is a better supplement to reduce the level of PCOS symptoms.

How to use? 

Chromium and Zinc-rich foods like Broccoli, Grape juice, Turkey breast, English muffin, Potatoes-mashed, Green beans, Red wine. Intake of these food items can be reduced the level of PCOS symptoms. 

How much to use? 

Based on the age of people, the level of intake of these food items can be varied. Consult a doctor for a better solution.

Do’s and Don’ts : 

Don’t take too much Chromium and Zinc food items to cure PCOS. Because they are minerals. Minerals should be inadequate levels in our bodies.

5. Adaptogen herbs 

Adaptogen herbs 

Why to use? 

To balance hormones in our body, taking the herbs is the best solution to increase the level. Hormonal changes are a major factor to increase the symptoms of PCOS. So that taking adaptogen herbs is necessary to improve the health conditions.

How to use? 

Some adaptogen herbs are used to cure PCOS symptoms, and these are, Ginseng, Holy basil, Ashwagandha, Astragalus root, Liquorice root, Rhodiola, Cordyceps mushrooms. These herbs are available in normal shops. It can be added to every food item.

How much to use? 

Adding one or two herbs in the intake of food items. The level of adding herbs is based on the level of food. Suppose the food level is maximum use more than 3 leaves to get a better solution for PCOS.

Do’s and Don’ts :

Herbs are used to reduce the symptoms of PCOS. But it should be added at the minimum level. Other than adaptogen herbs, some of the herbs are used to reduce the level of symptoms. But it should be consulted with the doctor.

[Read: Yoga for PCOS]

6. Inositol

Why to use? 

Other than the foods and herbs and some natural remedies medicines also used to cure PCOS. It is also used as a good supplement to PCOS. The reason for going behind the treatment of medicine is that it cures the disease faster than natural remedies. Most of the time it can not give any side effects to the person who uses medicines. So that it can cure the disease like PCOS fastly without any effects to the health condition.

How to use? 

This is a group of nine naturally occurring vitamin-like compounds that are present in many foods. There are two types of Inositol are, Myo-Inositol, D-chiro-Inositol, or a combination of the two. But Inositol contains more concentrate on B vitamins. It helps to improve insulin resistance in our body to rescue PCOS. 

How much to use? 

These are vitamin tablets. It could be taken with the prescription of doctor consultation. 

Do’s and Don’ts:

It should not be taken without consultation with the doctor.

Before taking any medication, Doctors advise several tests to know the level of the disease. The doctor may recommend the seven tests like Periodic checks of blood pressure, glucose tolerance, and cholesterol and triglyceride levels(4), Screening for depression and anxiety, Screening for obstructive sleep. 

[Read: Essential Oils for PCOS]

After checking all those complications and tests, the supplements should be taken to cure the PCOS. Now there is no curable medicine for PCOS, but it is possible for women to decrease this by taking a healthful food and natural remedies, diet and physical activity. Maintaining health and eating foods rich in proteins and low levels of carbohydrates can be of great help in PCOS. 

Few supplements to cure PCOS in both natural ways like food, herbs and also medicines used to cure PCOS have been mentioned. PCOS is 100% curable, with adequate knowledge about the supplements available and making a few changes in our diet can be useful in curing this disease.


1. Is PCOS Curable?

Currently, there is no cure to discover, but it can be decreased through some remedies. And also, some treatments are available for women to get pregnant.

2. Is PCOS That Serious?

It is a health issue that can mainly affect 1 in 10 women of the time to get pregnant. PCOS is ubiquitous nowadays, and it is treatable.

3. Can PCOS Lead to Cancer?

PCOS increases the risk of some types of cancer. Some research has shown that the inside lining of the uterus may be higher for women with PCOS than it is for women without PCOS.

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