How Can You Make Your Own Salt Enema?

Updated on March 31st, 2020
saltwater enema

Saltwater enema is used as a detox or one of the methods for treating constipation, bloating, and detoxifying the colon. The Saltwater flush itself supposedly aids the colon in purging old fecal material and toxins from the body, and it is thought to be safe overall. It is reasonably easy to prepare Salt water enema.

There are a lot of benefits to it, including a similar composition such as the body’s sodium composition, etc.

Benefits of a Saltwater Enema

1. Aids in Relieving Constipation


The Saltwater flush helps the colon to purge out fecal material and toxins from the body. It is usually safe for everybody. Another kind of warm Salt water enema is  Epsom salt enema, which is similar to a regular salt water enema but is rich in magnesium, which is more effective in relaxing bowel muscles and relieving bowel disturbances.

2. Safe for Prolonged Use

A Salt water enema does not draw water in or out of the colon, so it is also an excellent solution to use when a more extended period of retention is desired. Since a Salt water enema can be retained for more extended periods, it is also beneficial for softening old fecal impaction(1).

[Read: Way to do an Apple Cider Vinegar Enema]

3. Comparatively Safer and Easier to Use

These are usually the least irritating option as it mimics the body’s sodium concentration. These are majorly used as they have the ability to expand the colon and mechanically promote the release of waste from the body. Salt water enema for hydration improvement is a good idea as well.

4. Easier to Make

Salt water enema recipes are not very difficult to prepare at home. You just need two tablespoons of sea salt and 2 liters of warm filtered water. Mix well until the salt is dissolved. Administer and retain in the rectum for as long as possible, or up to 40 minutes.

This type of enema is done on an empty stomach, typically as the first thing in the morning. It may be administered in the evening period, too, but the person should have an empty stomach. You can make a homemade saline solution by adding two teaspoons of table salt to a quarter of lukewarm distilled water.

Another method involves sea salt, warm water, and lemon juice to improve the taste. Consume the mixture as quickly as possible on an empty stomach.

[Read: Detox your Body with Homemade Enema]

How to Use Salt Water Enema?

The enema should be administered appropriately in order to avoid complications and related problems. Firstly, you must have an enema kit that includes a vessel, warm water, and sea salt. Optionally, lemon juice can be added. Some other steps which need to be followed are as follows:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry it.
  2. Slide the clamp on the enema pouch until it is pinched shut.
  3. Fill enema bag/injection and tubing with a lukewarm saline solution.
  4. You should remove the protective cap from the end of the tubing and lubricate the tip with a water-soluble lubricant.
  5. After that, insert the end of the tube into the rectum about 3 inches or one finger-length. Remember, do not force enter it.
  6. Slide the clamp to open the tubing.
  7. Place the bag approximately 12-18 inches above the rectum.
  8. The water should flow swiftly. The rate at which it will flow can be adjusted by changing the height at which the bag is kept. You can lower it or raise it according to your convenience. Another way to alter the rate is by moving the clamp. In a situation where the water flow is restricted and can’t reach the rectum, the tip might be blocked with stool.
  9. You need to remove the tip and wash it properly with water and soap. After this, take the tip and place it right where it was. You can keep giving the enema but take note of whether cramps are occurring or not. If that happens, you need to restrict the water flow for some time by the above-mentioned method. Stop the process for a while before you continue giving yourself an enema.
  10. Use all the solution from the bag(2).

[Read: Epsom Salts Enema for Constipation]

Side Effects

The method and way of injecting the enema also plays important roles as improper methods can lead to injury or infections in the anus, rectum, or colon. The use of saline water enema may possess specific side effects.

  • They may range from simple dehydration to severe heart-related problems. The consequences include dehydration, electrolyte imbalance leading to some other issues such as weakness, numbness, spasms, confusion, seizures, convolutions, and even wider consequences such as changes in the blood pressure and heartbeat.
  • It may also be noted that people with high blood pressure problems or heart disease or any other related problems must try to avoid saline water enemas and colon cleansing. It is also recommended to avoid such cleanses during pregnancy, lactation, and children.


Saltwater Enema is considered as one of the easier and feasible methods of cleansing and detoxifying the body. It also helps in relieving bowel problems such as constipation. These are usually the least irritating option as it mimics the body’s sodium concentration. Saltwater enema recipes are not very difficult to prepare at home.

Therefore they can be easily made at home and used. However, like everything, this also possesses specific side effects such as electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, numbness, etc. to more serious problems such as increased blood pressure and heartbeat. So make sure to consult your doctor before performing this at home.


1. Is It Okay to Use Enema Every Day?

Enemas must be used only in cases of medical problems and when it is required severely. It is not recommended to use enemas every day because they can lead to more severe complications along with constipation.

2. Are Water Enemas Safe?

You must understand that enema is safe and has generated good outcomes, but still, there can be several risks. Doing it at your home can be a bit risky. If the enema isn’t administered in a proper way, then it could cause life-threatening chemical or physical issues to your colon or rectum.

3. Can Enemas Hurt Your Kidneys?

Yes, it is usually said that people with kidney problems should avoid saline water enemas due to the risk of electrolyte imbalances and other related complications.

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