The Ultimate Guide on Probiotics That Treat Rosacea

Updated on December 2nd, 2019
probiotics for rosacea

One of the most annoying and painful skin problems is Rosacea. Millions of people suffer from this skin condition worldwide. Studies(1) say that almost 16 million people in the USA are affected by Acne Rosacea or simply Rosacea.

Compelling research reveals that those who have lighter skin tone are more prone to develop Rosacea in their adulthood. Doctors generally prescribe antibiotics, creams, and lotions to control this problem. Some doctors also do prescribe probiotics for rosacea.

How Do Probiotics Work on the Skin

Probiotics Benefits

The way probiotics work on acne and rosacea is pretty simple. It enhances the overall texture of the skin.

When applied evenly, it settles on the skin and forms a protective layer and stops the skin cells from reacting against the microorganisms (bacteria and parasites) that thrive on the skin. This reaction of the skin cells against the microorganisms that are present on it is an immune system response that causes welts, inflammation, and redness on the skin surface. The probiotics help in tackling the bacterial interference, which in turn reduces the redness, inflammation, and the welts and makes the skin look much healthier and softer.

It is worth mentioning here that sometimes probiotics produce certain substances and chemicals that have antimicrobial properties. These have the potential to kill the harmful bacteria that can cause inflammation and redness.

Research indicates that when probiotics come in contact with the skin cells, they have a calming effect on the skin, helping it to react against the harmful microbes that create inflammation, welts, and severe redness. So this is how probiotics prevent Rosacea and acne from flaring up.

[Also Read: Home Remedies for Rosacea]

Best Probiotics for Rosacea That You Can Try

Many probiotics supplements are available in the market in the form of drinks, supplements, powdered form, capsules, face masks, face cleansers, etc. You can choose any from this wide range of probiotics products.

Probiotics supplements can be ingested daily, depending on your requirement. You can also add the powdered form available in the market to any food or water. As stated earlier, scientists have found out the goodness of probiotics that extend beyond maintaining the excellent health of the gut, like skin.

Some manufacturers use probiotics in their products as they have a positive effect on the skin. Much researches in this regard have been conducted and are still in progress.  Nevertheless, probiotic masks, creams, face cleansers, etc. have ventured in the market. In case you are suffering from Rosacea, then you can at least give it a try.

Studies have shown that species of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and even Bacillus coagulans can reduce inflammation that can cause rosacea by impacting the “Gut-Brain-Skin Axis” positively.


Probiotics Foods

Many experts suggest trying foods that contain probiotics instead of having supplements.  Some of the best foods that can be tried out are:

  1. Yogurt: It is made from milk which is fermented by good bacteria, mainly lactic and acid bacteria.
  2. Sauerkraut: It is made with finely chopped cabbage that is fermented by lactic acid bacteria.
  3. Miso: It is a fermented food that contains active bacteria that are good for the gut. Miso soup is tasty and healthy too.
  4. Pickled Cucumbers: Cucumbers are fermented in a solution of salt and water. Live, active cultures of good bacteria grow on pickled cucumbers and make them excellent for the gut and overall health.
  5. Cheese: (Gouda, mozzarella, cheddar, and cottage cheese)

Side Effects and Warnings

There are no known harmful side effects of probiotics for treating rosacea.  Probiotics, instead, are suitable for overall health. In some cases, probiotics can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, such as excessive bloating. Some people take yeast-based probiotics supplements.

For people taking such supplements, the most common problem can be constipation. Also, they might often feel dehydrated. So, if you face any such problem, consult your doctor.

Evidence That Proves Its Effectiveness

In a recent Korean study, the 56 patients with Acne Rosacea consumed probiotics drink containing lactobacillus daily. As a result, they showed improvement in skin health as the number of acne lesions count also reduced, and the oily texture of the skin improved in approximately 12 weeks.

In Italian research(2), people with acne were divided into two groups. Among these two groups, one group took probiotics daily, whereas the other group didn’t. The results were surprising as the group taking probiotics daily showed an overall improvement in their skin health than the other. group.

Going by the studies conducted and their outcomes, it seems valid that probiotics are an effective  remedy to treat rosacea. Probiotics have high medicinal values that treat the affected skin and restore skin health. Doctors are known to prescribe probiotics to help deal with skin issues. But before you start using it, or in a situation wherein you notice no improvement in skin health after the usage of probiotics, consult a  consult a physician or dermatologist.


1. Is Poor Gut Health Linked to Rosacea?

Yes, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is known to be linked to skin breakouts like rosacea.

2. Can Probiotics Worsen Rosacea Condition?

No, probiotics can help in reducing Rosacea and acne and not worsen it.

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