5 Best Pilonidal Cyst Home Treatment Remedies

Updated on February 3rd, 2020
pilonidal cyst home treatment

Do you experience this pain when you visit the washroom every time, but you are not able to make out where the pain is originating from? It may be a pilonidal cyst.

The pilonidal cyst usually initiates at the tailbone’s edge and causes discomfort and pain especially when you defecate. Sounds horrifying? Take no worries! This condition gets diagnosed in the initial stages can be cured at home. Read on to find more on pilonidal cyst home treatment.

What is a pilonidal cyst?

A pilonidal cyst is a structure like a sac that develops on the tailbone edge or coccyx edge where the buttocks begin to part. The cysts usually have brown hair and collect from the dead skin cells debris. Pilonidal cysts can either show symptoms like pain and inflammation or can be asymptomatic, i.e., you may not feel any discomfort or pain at all.

However, this condition is entirely curable. You can get relief from pain and pilonidal cyst itch with the pilonidal cyst home treatment with a few natural remedies which are as below. But before starting with the solutions, it is crucial for you to understand the symptoms, causes, and risk factors associated with pilonidal(1) cyst.

Signs & Symptoms

  • The affected area becomes tender to touch
  • Pain at the bottom of the spine
  • Pus drainage from the abscess
  • Swelling and redness in the affected area
  • Fever
  • Foul smell from the pus drainage


Pilonidal cyst causes include-

  • Sometimes ingrown hair penetrates the skin and causes the formation of a cyst around the hair which increases the volume due to the accumulating of skin debris.
  • Excessive pressure on the area also causes the creation of a pilonidal cyst.
  • Repeated trauma in the same area also creates an issue.

Risk Factors

  • Occupations which involve long hours of sitting contribute to being the foremost factor in the development of cysts.
  • People having a family history of pilonidal cysts is a contributing risk factor.
  • Those who have a lot of hair may develop cysts. If someone has a lot of hair in the cleft, they can go for hair removal to reduce the risk of cyst development.
  • Males are prone to developing cysts if they have a deep natal cleft.

There is nothing harmful about the disease; however, the pain may be a problem. To learn more about pilonidal cyst home treatment, scroll down!

CURE 1: Foods

There are a few foods and beverages, that could help you treat this condition, below is the list of foods that could help you with your condition.

1. Onion

onion for pilonidal cyst

Onion has numerous antibacterial properties which are quite efficient in curing the infected pilonidal cyst. Onion works well for pilonidal cyst home treatment as well.

How to use?

  • Place the slice of the onion on the area affected with cysts
  • Seal it in the same place with the help of a bandage
  • Change the slice of the onion every three hours


Onion) helps in providing relief to the condition by reducing the growth of ingrown hair and enhancing the hygiene of the area.

Foods to eat

These foods add roughage to bowel movements and ease its outflow.

  • High fiber-containing like green leafy vegetables, salad, etc.
  • Foods rich in protein like meat, fish, milk, etc.

Foods to avoid

These foods might cause constipation that can make the bowel movement difficult.

  • Processed foods
  • Fried foods
  • Spicy foods

[ Read: Natural Ways to Treat Cyst ]

CURE 2: Herbal Treatment

1. Black tea

black tea for pilonidal cyst

Black tea is a powerful pilonidal cyst home treatment. Black tea is also antibacterial and high on antioxidants.

How to use?

  • Take a used or fresh black tea bag
  • If the teabag is used, make sure to use it while it is still warm and if the tea bag is new, dip it for some time in warm water
  • Place the warm black tea bag on the affected area of the body and let it stays for about ten minutes
  • You can also use a green tea bag if you do not have a black tea bag at home
  • Repeat the same for about four times a day


It reduces the swelling and pain of the affected area. With its anti-inflammatory prophetess, it improves the condition of the area affected with the pilonidal cyst.


Do not use the high-temperature bag as it may damage the skin in the affected area.

[ Read: Home Remedies for Ganglion Cyst ]

CURE 3: Essential Oils

1. Tea tree oil

tea tree oil for pilonidal cyst

Tea tree oil(2) is rich in antioxidants which reduces the inflammation of the affected areas of the body.

How to use?

  • Dip the cotton ball in the oil and apply it on the affected areas
  • Seal the cotton with a band-aid on the affected area
  • Let it rest for a few hours
  • Repeat the same three times a day


With its antibacterial and antifungal properties, tea tree essential oil dries up the cyst and reduces the chances of pilonidal cyst bleeding. It also helps to develop the tissues in and around the pilonidal cyst.


If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the oil with any carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil. And secure the band-aid properly.

[ Read: Natural Remedies for Chalazion Cysts ]

CURE 4: Home Remedies

1. Aloe Vera Gel

aloe vera gel for pilonidal cyst home treatment

Aloe Vera Gel works on combatting viral and bacterial infections.

Also Know: How to Get Rid of a Bacterial Infection

How to use?

  • Mix the freshly extracted Aloe Vera gel with castor oil
  • Dab the blend on the skin with the infection
  • Let it stay for about an hour
  • Rinse it off with regular water


Aloe vera provides relief to a lot of skin conditions and soothes the inflammation on the skin caused due to the cyst. It also alleviates the swelling of the cyst and the surrounding area along with other numerous benefits.


Castor oil has an overpowering smell and is very strong on the skin. Hence, to avoid any discomfort take a patch test before using this remedy if you have sensitive skin.

[Read: Refreshing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice ]

CURE 5: Natural Treatment

1. Hot and cold compress

hot and cold compress for pilonidal cyst home treatment

Both cold and warm compresses help in increasing the flow of blood in the body and around the cyst which speeds up the healing of the cyst. It also helps in reducing the swelling and inflammation on the affected area of the body.

How to use?

  • Take the water in a bowl
  • Dip the towel in the pot thoroughly
  • Remove the sheet and wring it thoroughly to remove the excess water from it
  • Place this towel on the affected area for about fifteen minutes
  • Follow the same steps for both types of compresses
  • Repeat the same three times a day

Other than these natural remedies for pilonidal cyst, there are few other home remedies that are useful in treating pilonidal cyst.

[ Read: Ways to Treat Sebaceous Cyst ]

Other Natural Remedies

  • Apply a paste of baking soda on the cyst.
  • The application of castor oil and coconut oil helps. Continue to do it on a regular basis with proper massaging.
  • A honey and cinnamon paste is relieving for the cyst.
  • You can also go for an Epsom salt bath.
  • Consume black tea or green tea for alleviating pain.
  • You can go for garlic and onion paste or juice application for relief from the pain of the cyst.

Let ‘s have a look at the many precautions and safety measures to be aware of the side effects that may come your way. It is a necessity to move ahead with the various home remedies of pilonidal cyst home treatment(3).


  • Always dilute the essential oils before using them on your skin
  • Take a patch test at the back of your hand before applying anything on your face or body.
  • Always dilute apple cider vinegar before ingesting and application
  • If you are pregnant or have a kidney infection or problem, do not use essential oils without consulting a doctor as they may be harmful and give you an allergic reaction
  • Wash immediately if any of the products stings or causes a burning sensation
  • Before taking a hot water compress, check the temperature of the water to test the suitability of the skin

Pilonidal cysts are quite common than we imagine. Some of the pilonidal cyst home remedies may take about a week to show the result.

However, you need to hang in there and continue following the solutions on a regular basis. In no time you will see that you have relieved the problem of pilonidal cyst. Along with these remedies, it is important to work yourself towards a healthy diet and lifestyle.


1. Is a pilonidal cyst dangerous?

This condition is not that serious, as in most cases, this is asymptomatic. However, if it turns into an infection, it poses a serious threat and should be treated immediately

2. Can pilonidal cysts be cancerous?

There are very low chances that this could happen, However, it is possible if the cyst is chronically infected and isn’t treated properly. There are slightly elevated chances of developing skin cancer.

3. What happens if you leave a pilonidal cyst untreated?

In most cases, this is not serious, hence the body in itself treats it. However, if left untreated, it could cause skin cancer.

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