The Daily Routine for a Healthy, Fresh, and Clean Mouth

Medically reviewed by Dr. Giovanni Mazzei
Medically reviewed by Dr. Giovanni Mazzei on October 7, 2020
Health Director & Legal Representative
Updated on October 7th, 2020
Oral Hygiene Routine

It’s crucial to have a daily routine that keeps our teeth and gums healthy. Consider that nearly 3.5 billion people are affected by oral diseases, and untreated dental caries in permanent teeth is the most common health condition in the world.

These daily habits will also keep you from that uncomfortable sensation in your mouth when you wake up in the morning or the embarrassment of talking too close to someone.

Oral Hygiene Routine You Should Follow

1. Brush your teeth properly at least twice per day for 2 minutes each

This is the first, most important advice for oral health. Don’t skip brushing your teeth before going to bed. Do it after meals, like breakfast and dinner, ideally after every time you eat something but keep in mind that you should wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth if you eat acidic food. Here are some instructions:

  1. Brush your teeth in circular motions with a 45-degree angle pointed towards the gums and then use vertical strokes from the gums toward the teeth’ external surface.
  2. Brush the front, the back, and under (or above) your teeth.

If you can’t brush your teeth during the day, you can consume sugarless chewing gum.

2. Use the suitable toothbrush and toothpaste for you

We all have different mouths and sensitivities, so there is not a one-fit-for-all recommendation. In general, it’s advised to use an electric toothbrush because research has shown that it is more effective compared to the traditional toothbrush. 

It’s also a general recommendation to use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid damaging your gums and tooth enamel. Your toothpaste of choice should contain:

  • 1.000 ppm fluoride for children under 3 years old
  • 1.000 to 1.300 ppm fluoride for children between 3 and 6 years old
  • 1.350 to 1.500 ppm fluoride for adults

In any case, we advise you to ask your dentist for a specific recommendation tailored to your personal needs. 

[Read: Best Natural Toothpaste Recipes for Oral Health]

3. Use mouthwash twice per day

The benefits of mouthwash are enhanced after a full professional dental cleaning. 

Some ingredients in mouthwash to look for include:

  • Fluoride: it reinforces enamel mineralization and protects from tooth decay.
  • Essential oils: natural ingredients can be found in essential oils, such as menthol (peppermint), thyme and eucalyptus.

4. Floss with an interdental brush or dental floss, twice per day

Using dental floss or interdental brush decreases tooth cavities'[1] formation between the teeth by removing the residual food impaction.

5. Use a tongue cleaner

Using a tongue cleaner helps remove the remaining germs and bacteria from your oral cavity, which helps you maintain your fresh breath.

These are the most important daily habits that will keep your mouth healthy, fresh, and clean. 

[Also Read: How to Get Rid of White Tongue]

6. Use Oil Pulling

A traditional Indian practice called Oil pulling consists of swishing essential oil in your mouth before brushing your teeth for 5 – 20 minutes.

7. Eat healthy food and drinks

Having a healthy lifestyle and diet helps you maintain a clean and oral cavity. 

Increase your daily intake of proteins and fibers, such as green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, curly kale, okra, fish such as sardines, etc. 

A higher intake of calcium aids in mineralizing enamel tooth structure, for example, milk, cheese, etc. 

8. Avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco

It’s a widely known fact that high consumption of alcohol and tobacco (smoking or chewing) is the potential cause of severe diseases and damage to the overall health. Furthermore, they can cause bad breath, teeth staining, gum disease, and ultimately mouth cancer.

9. Visit a dentist regularly

The standard recommendation is to visit the dentist twice per year for a visit and professional teeth cleaning, which helps remove the plaque and tartar that can’t be removed without professional assistance.

About The Author:

Dr. Giovanni Mazzei was born in Cosenza, but grew up and studied in Rossano Calabria.He was Lecturer for the Hospital Medical School in Surgery of Oral Lesions.He holds the Certificate of Training in Management of Complex Dental Cases established by the Saint George Institute of Chicago.

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