5 Incredible Natural Ways to Treat Bed Sores

Updated on March 20th, 2020
how to treat bed sores naturally

If you are confined to your bed or bound to be on a wheelchair, you are at a significant risk of encountering bed sores. They can be painful and cause infection as well. If you want to know more about how to treat bed sores, here is a list of natural remedies to follow.

What Are Bed Sores?

Bed sores are also known as Pressure Ulcers(1). These are injuries to the underlying tissues and the skin which result from prolonged durations of applying pressure on the skin.


  • Swelling
  • Tenderness in the skin
  • Changes in the color and texture of the skin
  • Pus-filled draining


  • Constant pressure on one body part
  • The friction of skin with bedding or clothing
  • Shearing

What Are the Different Bed Sore Stages?

There are four stages namely.

Stage 1: The sore is like a bump on the skin.

Stage 2: The skin over it breaks and form an ulcer.

Stage 3: Sore deepens and damages the tissue beneath.

Stage 4: Wound deepens and reaches till muscles and bones.

How to Treat Bed Sores at Home?

1. Egg White

If you are searching for how to treat bed sores, you have to the right web page.

How to use?
  • Apply egg white on the affected areas of the body in an even layer
  • Let it stay for as long as you can
  • Wash off with regular water after it dries up
  • Do the same two times a day


egg whites for bed sores

Egg white helps in the regeneration of scarred tissues and assists in treating the bed sores efficiently. It enhances the healing process of the bed sores

Best Foods to Eat

All of these are rich in iron which is helpful

  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Beans
  • Green leafy vegetables

Foods to Avoid

These products slower the healing process of the bed sores

  • Sugary products
  • Processed foods

2. Aloe Vera Gel

Wondering how to get rid of bed sore with aloe vera gel? Aloe Vera Gel has incredible anti-inflammatory properties and enhances the wound healing process of the body.

How to use?
  • Scoop out fresh Aloe Vera Gel with a spoon from the leaf of the plant
  • Apply it over the affected area to form a thin layer
  • Let it rest for about half an hour
  • There is no need to wash off
  • Repeat the same two times a day


aloe vera gel to prevent bed sores

It helps in alleviating the inflammation of the bed sores quickly.


Use only freshly scooped Aloe Vera gel and not the one who gets chemically processed.

3. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is an excellent option to treat infected bed sores.

How to use?

  • Add six drops of lavender essential oil to 15ml of coconut oil or shea butter to maintain a carrier base
  • Mix them well to make an oil blend
  • Apply the blend on the affected area and cover with a gauze
  • Let it stay for a few hours
  • Wash off with clean water


lavender essential oil to cure bed sores

It has antimicrobial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties which help in the reduction of bed sores and prevents the bed sores from getting infected. It is one of the best essential oils for bed sores.

[Also Read: Lavender Oil Benefits]


Make sure you dilute the essential oil before applying it to your body. Take a patch test at the back of your hand to make sure it does not sting and is suitable for your body.

4. Vinegar

If you want to know how to treat bed sores with vinegar, then read on. Vinegar is one of the best home remedies for bed sores.

How to use?
  • Add one tablespoon of vinegar in one cup of water
  • Mix them well to form a uniformed solution
  • Apply it on the affected areas of your body and let it dry
  • Wrap the area with gauze and let it rest
  • Repeat the same two times a day


vinegar to get rid of bed sores

Vinegar contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties due to its content of acetic acid. These properties of vinegar help in treating the bed sores and prevent them from coming.


Make sure you do not apply vinegar on any open cuts or wounds. Always dilute vinegar before using it on your body.

5. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt bath works as an effective home treatment to cure yourself soothingly.

How to use?
  • Add one cup of Epsom salt in your bathtub
  • Fill your bathtub with warm water
  • Soak yourself in the water for about thirty minutes
  • Pat dry
  • Repeat the same once every day


epsom salt bath for bed sores

If you are looking for how to treat bed sores then you have come to the right place. Epsom Salt restores the pH balance of your skin which helps in curing the bed sores quickly. It also anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the swelling, pain and inflammation of the affected area of the body.


Do not soak yourself in the saltwater for more than thirty minutes as it may cause excessive dryness. Do not forget to moisturize.

Bottom Line

These natural home remedies and tips on how to treat bed sores which have been mentioned above in the article will not only reduce inflammation and discomfort but also decrease the chances of the occurring of bed sores again in future.

However, these remedies require you to have patience as they show their results. Maintain a regular follow up with these natural remedies and make sure you continue with them as long as the problem of bedsores persists.

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