Top 3 Easy DIYs of Using Honey for Burns

Updated on March 3rd, 2020
Honey for Burns

The use of natural products to enhance wound healing is a common practice in many parts of the world. There are a variety of natural remedies that are easily available to treat different health conditions of the human body.

Honey can be regarded as the best home remedy for burns. It is also used to treat different conditions of the skin, hair, body metabolism, respiratory tract problems, etc.

A number of researches have testified the beneficial effects of honey in controlling infection and promoting burn wound healing. Treating burns with honey can give you instant relief from the excruciating pain.

Honey is used as an adjuvant for accelerating wound healing in infected wounds, burns, and ulcers. It has also been used for storing skin grafts.

Honey possesses characteristics like viscosity, water content, sugars, antioxidants, a wide range of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, glucose oxidase, which produces hydrogen peroxide, and gluconic acid(1), which gives honey an acidic pH. This makes it one of the best remedies to treat burns and wound healing. When honey is applied to a burn, it keeps the wound moist, allowing for quick healing and minimal scarring.

Hydrogen peroxide is produced when honey is diluted, as glucose oxidase is inhibited in undiluted honey. This property provides most of the antibacterial activity offered by diluted honey.

The first thing to do is always to get the burnt area under cold water as fast as possible. Leave the burnt area under water for several minutes. This would immediately limit the damage and save you from further complications.

How to Use Honey for Burns

benefits of Honey
Image: ShutterStock

You should use honey to cover the whole burned area and also the area around it.

[ Read: Benefits of Manuka Honey ]

Method – 1

Apply honey stingily. Apply a decently thick layer of honey over the burned area. Wherever the burn is, try applying the honey at least for about ¼ inch thick.

Use Manuka Honey which has more antioxidants(2) and other nutrients. If you don’t find it, use the variant that is easily available for you. Then, spread the honey generously on and around the wound.

Once the spreading is done, take a clean bandage and cover the burned area completely. In a few days, your burns along with the pain will fade away.

Method – 2

Apply a mixture of Honey and ghee over the burned area. Use equal amounts of honey and ghee for preparing this mixture. After applying, keep the burnt area covered by tying a bandage to it. Keep this covered overnight.

Wash it with clean and cool water in the next morning.

Following this method for 2 to 3 days will heal your burn very quickly.

[ Read: How to Treat Chemical Burn ]

Method – 3

Mix 1 tablespoon honey to 1 tablespoon turmeric and prepare a paste-like mixture. Apply this mixture generously on to the burned areas and cover it by tying it with a bandage. Leave this overnight. Remove the bandage and wash it with clean and cold water the next morning.

Nutritional Value of Honey

One tablespoon of honey contains

Calories 64
Protein 0.06 grams
Sugar 17.25 grams
Carbohydrates 17.3 grams
Calcium 1 milligram
Iron 0.09 milligrams

[ Read: Essential Oils for Burns ]

Benefits of Using Honey

Treating burns with honey is very effective and the results are amazing too. The antibacterial properties heal burns faster. Honey does not have any side effects.

You can also use Honey-infused bandages for treating burns. Honey has natural antibacterial and wound-healing effects. Studies have found that honey reacts with the body’s fluids to make hydrogen peroxide, creating an inhospitable environment for bacteria.

In addition to being rich in antioxidants, honey also has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. Honey is also very effective in killing pathogens like E. coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which are causes of skin infections.

Did You Know!

Raw honey contains 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, and 5,000 enzymes. Minerals include iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and selenium. Vitamins found in honey include vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin. In addition, the nutraceuticals contained in honey help neutralize damaging free radical activity.

  • Apiculture, which is called beekeeping to produce honey existed from 700 B.C.
  • Honey was used by runners as an energy source in the Olympic Games in ancient Greece.
  • When raw honey is overly processed and heated, the health benefits are largely eliminated.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, a study conducted by researches revealed a wide variety of treatment qualities found in Honey.

After a number of trails on many patients who were subjected with honey as a wound dressing, it was observed that

  • Infections were not only cleared, but the wounds were protected from spreading bacteria
  • Honey was able to control and eliminate strong odors from wounds
  • Permanent scarring was dramatically reduced
  • Honey promoted anti-inflammatory activity

These are just a few examples of the healing wonders of honey. Using Honey is a very safe way to treat burns. All the healing properties of Honey help in faster healing of burns and also prevent bruises.

Note that Honey can be used to treat 1st and 2nd degree burns very effectively at home. But, if you have severe burns, talk to a doctor.

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