10 Home Remedies for Treating Thyroid

Updated on April 8th, 2020
home remedies for thyroid

The thyroid is one of the most vital organs in the body, present at the base of the neck. It secretes thyroid hormone, which regulates metabolism, growth, development, and other essential functions of the body.

However, due to certain conditions, the thyroid gland secretes excess or lower than necessary amounts of hormones. Excess secretion of thyroid hormone causes hyperthyroidism, and lower secretion of thyroid hormone causes hypothyroidism. 

Unexpected weight gain, feeling tired or lethargic, constipation, depression are some of the common symptoms of thyroid. Auto-immune diseases, medication, radiation therapy, and iodine deficiency are known as some of the causes of hypothyroidism. 

Most of the treatments or therapies are involved in bringing thyroid hormone levels back to normal. Health experts often recommend home or natural remedies as they help in naturally regulating the thyroid gland without any complications. 

Thyroid treatment involves getting your thyroid hormone levels normal, and there are many recognized home remedies for thyroid that can help you balance those hormones.

Why Home Remedies for Thyroid?

Some benefits of using home or natural remedies for treating thyroid are:

  • Minimal to no side-effects at all. 
  • Easy to incorporate into everyday lifestyle.
  • Regulates the thyroid gland and also treats related symptoms.

Did You Know?

Thyroid hormone regulates the body’s metabolism, and fluctuations in this hormone level can lead to lower metabolism and weight gain.

Home Remedies for Thyroid

These home remedies for thyroid can help get your hormone levels back to normal and help relieve stress.

1. Healthy Diet

healthy meal

A well-balanced diet can help you fight diseases, and thyroid is no exception. Eating healthy is one of the most effective home remedies for thyroid.

Eating healthy is not about giving up particular foods, though the lesser fried and processed foods you consume, the better.

Overeating of any one food, no matter how healthy it is, is always a wrong choice. Try to incorporate a variety of foods in your diet and add more fruits and vegetables. Colorful fruits like berries are rich in antioxidants, adding them to your diet is recommended.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Thyroid]

2. Minerals

A deficiency in any of the nine minerals that are necessary for producing thyroid hormone can lead to thyroid(1) problems.

These nine minerals include iodine, selenium, zinc, boron, copper, chromium, manganese, magnesium, and molybdenum. A supplement containing all these minerals would help balance the thyroid hormones. However, consult your doctor before starting so that you can avoid any complications associated with it.

3. Coconut Oil

Home Remedies for Thyroid

Taking coconut oil for thyroid has a lot of benefits. The wide-chain fatty acids in coconut oil can help increase your metabolism, thus bringing your thyroid levels back to normal. It can also help bring down your weight.

Try to include 2-3 spoons of coconut oil to your daily diet, either directly or by adding it to your favorite dish. While you could use coconut oil for cooking instead of your usual oil, unheated coconut oil has more benefits.

[Also Read: Benefits of Coconut Oil]

4. Essential Oils

Essential oils are a popular holistic treatment, be it for consuming or applying. These are also often recommended for regulating the thyroid gland and also the production of its hormones.

  • Frankincense oil: Its potent anti-inflammatory and skin healing properties make it an excellent choice for treating dry skin caused by thyroid. Just rub a few drops of the oil on the dry and flaky skin.
  • Lavender oil: Anxiety is a common side effect of the thyroid. Lavender oil, with its excellent calming properties, is the best way to relieve the anxiety and stress associated with a thyroid imbalance. 

[Also Read: Essential Oils for Thyroid]

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar for sunburn
Image: ShutterStock

Many studies have shown the benefits of using apple cider vinegar for thyroid since consuming it increases the Ph levels in the stomach. The acidic environment in the stomach helps in augmenting the benefits of the medicine. Thus patients do not have to take large doses of the medication to benefit from its effects.

6. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds aid in the production of alpha-linolenic acid, which helps in balancing the thyroid hormone levels. They also contain B12 and magnesium, which helps your body fight the thyroid symptoms.

Grind two spoons of flaxseeds and add to milk or fruit juice. You could grind more flaxseeds and store them in a glass jar for convenience. Try to consume the flaxseed powder at least twice daily to get its benefits. Also, try to use fresh flaxseed(2) and grind them rather than using a pre-grinded flaxseed powder.

7. Green Tea

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has been linked to weight loss in general and also is known to reduce the abnormal weight gain that is associated with hypothyroidism. Green tea also helps to increase the level of metabolism in your body.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea increases energy levels and aids in burning fat. Try to replace your afternoon tea or coffee with a healthier alternative, like a cup of green tea.

8. Vitamin B

Studies have shown that certain medicines have a positive impact on your thyroid levels. Thyroid imbalance can create a deficiency of vitamin B12 in many cases, so a B12 supplement can help you repair the damage caused by the condition.

However, check with your doctor before starting the supplement, and also to get a better idea of which supplement you need. Dairy products and red meat are some of the best foods that are rich in B12.

[Also Read: Supplements For Thyroid]

9. Ginger

Ginger contains potassium and magnesium, which can treat hypothyroidism and its symptoms.

Grate an inch of ginger root and add it to a cup of hot water. Let it steep for some time, then add a few drops of honey and drink the tea. Try to take this tea 2-3 times every day for the best results.

10. Walnuts

Walnuts benefits

Walnuts are not only a rich source of omega-3s but also contain iodine, which can help improve the iodine deficiency caused by thyroid imbalance. It makes walnuts one of the best home remedies for thyroid.

You can add some walnuts in your daily salad, or if you’re craving something more flavored, you can also add it to smoothies or brownies. 

[ Read: Herbs for Thyroid ]

Just taking a handful of walnuts as a snack can help too. But don’t add too much walnut to your diet, as excess walnut intake leads to weight gain. A handful of nuts 2-3 times a week should be sufficient.

  • Managing your overall health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing thyroid abnormalities.
  • Not getting your thyroid hormone levels back to normal can have serious health effects, and so it is imperative to treat thyroid as soon as possible.

Bottom Line

Many people are opting for natural treatments for various disorders, and for them, the benefits of home remedies outweigh any disadvantages it may carry.

But, sometimes, you may need more care than what a natural treatment can give you, so always check with your doctor before opting for any natural treatments. Also, make sure to consult your doctor and check for any allergic reactions or interactions these natural remedies can have on your treatment or medications.


1. How Often Should You Screen for Thyroid?

Once you reach the age of 35, it is recommended to do a screening for thyroid every five years. This is not a fixed number, though, and depending on your health condition, your doctor may advise you to get screened more regularly.

2. What Are the Risk Factors for Thyroid?

Many things could cause thyroid, but the two primary risk factors are your age and sex. The chances of developing thyroid increases with age. Also, women have three times more chances of developing thyroid than men, according to a study.

3. How to Diagnose Thyroid?

A blood test, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), is used to determine thyroid levels and diagnose hypothyroidism.


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