Top Herbs That Can Cure Sinus Infection

Updated on March 24th, 2020
herbs for sinus infection

Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection.

Humans Have Four Nasal Sinuses.

They are

  1. Maxillary sinuses(cheekbones)
  2. frontal sinuses(lower center of the forehead)
  3. Ethmoid sinuses (In between the eyes)
  4. sphenoid sinuses(bones behind your nose)

Sinusitis Are of 2 types

  1. Acute
  2. Chronic

Where acute sinusitis is caused by a cold and allergies which will be treated on its own and chronic sinusitis, which is caused by an infection lasts up to more than two months.

Sinus infection is very common, as more than 10 million cases are observed per year in India. Where babies are rarely affected, and young adults, adults, and seniors age 19 to 60 + are prevalent.

How Herbs Can Cure Sinus?

With professional treatment, different herbs for sinus infection are proved to be effective to cure sinus infections. All these herbs for sinus are not only chemical-free but also a natural and safe remedy treatment.

Use of different medicinal plants is a traditional but most effective practiced method in today’s era as herbal plants are consumed in modern practice by having it as a tea or in the daily diet.

[Also Read: Natural Remedies to Treat Sinus Infection]

Herbs for Sinus Infection

1. Astragalus


Why Should We Use?

Astragalus(1) is used to treat a wide variety of allergies, colds, cardiovascular diseases, and other conditions. It has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and now has become popular in India too. It strengthens the immune system and protects the body against bacteria and germs, which causes cold and fever.

Astragalus boosts the immune system, and it is suitable for people who get infections. It is a tonic which fights viruses. Anti-inflammatory effects are believed to prolong life and appear to be very safe id consumed appropriately. Astragalus root belongs to a group of a plant from the legume family.

[Also Read: How To Cure Aerosinusitis]

How to Use?

Astragalus can be found in many different forms such as capsules, liquid, powder, which can be brewed into teas. One can even boil the Astragalus to activate its compounds into the water.

There is no exact dosage, but it is recommended to consume 2 – 20 grams depending on how a body reacts and shows effects to an individual. High dosage can have side effects. It should be avoided if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or consuming particular drugs which aren’t high in power.

How Much to Use?

It can also be consumed twice a day if it’s taken in 2- 6 grams or less.

Do’s and Don’ts

Astragalus has considered safe it is a herbal cure for sinus infection, but for some, it might react differently. Most commonly noted side effects are diarrhea and other gastrointestinal effects. It can be risky for people with different health conditions such as diabetic patient, high blood pressure, or a person suffering from hypertension.

If it is reacted with other medications, it can behave oddly and might give inaccurate results. A cancer patient medication shouldn’t be mixed with this root. It is considered harmful if consumed with dietary supplements. It is essential to take precautions before entirely consuming it.

[Read: Essential Oils for Sinus]

2. Garlic

garlic benefits

Why Should We Use?

Garlic is a beneficial herb which is consumed by everyone nowadays. Simple home remedies that will make you save money and time on treating a sinus infection. Garlic(2) is an excellent source of manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, and calcium.

In WHFoods rating system, the sulfur compounds are responsible for overall health benefits that are found in Garlic. Many cultures around the world, a common home remedy for cold is Garlic. Its used as an ingredient in chicken soup or a raw crushed garlic drink is served.

How to Use?

If you can’t eat Garlic directly having it with food or soups or with other herbal combination can be best suited and viable way to consume it. Garlic with apple cider vinegar can be used as steam. Add 2 cups of water into one teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar, then boil it and remove the flame.

Now, crush four garlic cloves and add it to that water and finally, inhale this vapor and steam. Best way to use this herb for the sinus infection is if eaten raw for that chew properly and swallow it entirely. Only Garlic as an inhaler is a direct way to get rid of block nose and to get rid of mucous.

Put the raw garlic cloves in water. Let it soak for about 10 minutes. After that, you remove and crush them to make a fine garlic paste. Next, take this paste and keep it close to your nose and start inhaling deeply. You have to inhale deeply to get the garlic odor into your nose and thereby to reduce the infection. You should continue doing this method regularly to treat a sinus infection completely.

How Much to Use?

This depends on which way you want to use garlic as a cure, which is mentioned above.

But the best way to use this herb for the sinus infection is if eaten raw (4-6 cloves) for that chew properly and swallow it entirely

Dos and Don’ts

Indeed, Garlic is a herbal supplement which can be used for curing many diseases, but each has its effects and side effects. Before consuming it, the following factors should be considered.

  1. Increased risk of bleeding can happen as a side effect of garlic consumption. So, it is generally advised to consult your doctor while taking.
  2. Avoid taking if you have stomach problems
  3. It is safe to take Garlic in food amounts. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking Garlic supplements during breastfeeding.
  4. Garlic can bring down the blood sugar level. So, it is generally advised to monitor your blood sugar while taking Garlic with other anti-diabetic drugs.
  5. Also, Garlic has the ability to bring down the blood pressure level. So, it is generally advised to monitor your blood pressure while taking
  6. It is safe to take Garlic in food amounts. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking Garlic supplements during pregnancy.

Bottom Line

When you are diagnosed with a sinus infection, it is recommended to use herbal remedies for sinus infection to get quick relief. If consumed daily in proper proportional, these are the best herbs for sinus infection to avoid this problem in the first place.

Herbs for sinus infection offers simple, easy, and inexpensive home remedies which can be used to help as secondary treatment if you are already undertaking professional help.

There are several other methods too, but we should never underestimate the magical healing by our nature. The above-mentioned remedies can cure sinus infection effectively in a short span.  A healthy balanced diet is vital to healing the disease naturally.

[Also Read: Acupressure Techniques To Treat  Sinus Infection ]


1. Can a Sinus Infection Be a Reason for Death?

One in a million can probably die after viral sinus infection travels to a brain and cause blood clots if it spreads to the tissue of the brain, then you are at risk for seizures, brain damage or even death. It may spread to the eye socket, called an orbital infection which if untreated, can cause permanent damage.

If it is treated at an early stage, one can heal from the infection and avoid nastier results. Sometimes a person might feel that he/she is dying, but it can be the symptoms which ask for the immediate treatment. Death doesn’t occur directly because of the infection, but if the symptoms are ignored so further, it expands and damages internally.

2. How Can I Help Unclog My Sinuses?

If you want to unclog sinuses, make sure you drink plenty of fluids. It will help unclog your sinuses and hydrate your sinus-pressured self. You can also take suggestions by your doctor regarding your issue, or use a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer to keep your sinuses moist and make your nose unclogged.

Other sinus-infection treatment and prevention tips include not smoking, avoiding smoke, dusty and windy environment along with other pollutants that can enter and irritate the nasal lining.

3. Are Chronic Sinusitis and Asthma Correlated or Connected?

Medical practitioners have generally agreed that there is a connection between chronic sinusitis and asthma. Nearly a fifth of all patients diagnosed with chronic sinusitis also has asthma. The problem is compounded by the fact that one condition can increase complications in the other.

Lack of proper medical treatment can result in prolonged sinusitis, lasting months, or even years in some cases. The good news is that both chronic sinusitis and asthma are treatable and symptoms can be well controlled. For best results, the key is to treat both conditions aggressively.

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