7 Pain-Relieving Herbs for Arthritis

Updated on January 7th, 2020
herbs for arthritis

Feeling a joint pain now and then is very common. We usually ignore it but do you know that this can be an outcome of arthritis? Arthritis is becoming a new age epidemic because of our lifestyle, lack of physical activities, and diet problem. Here, we will discuss the herbs for arthritis. We will try to talk about a few of the best herbs for arthritis.

Quick Facts

  • According to an estimate(1), almost 300,000 kids and 54 million adults have arthritis.
  • The number of female patients is higher than male patients.

Herbs for Arthritis

1. Aloe Vera

benefits of aloe vera

How to Use?

The best thing about aloe plants is it can be grown in pots, backyards and in fact as an indoor plant too. Cut one leaf from the aloe plant and gently peel the outer layer. Now you can see the transparent and thick gel found inside.

Now carefully take the gel using your fingers; else, you can squeeze it.  Before using it on your joints, take a patch test, and see if there is any reaction. If not, then cover your joints with the gel.

Precaution: You can try Aloe Vera juice as well in a moderate way. But never try consuming Aloe Vera gel. Aloe Vera gel is meant for external use only. Consuming it will cause diarrhea.

How Much to Use?

Since you are using it externally on your joints, you can use it twice a day regularly.

Why Use?

Aloe Vera is becoming popular as an alternative medicine because of its nutritional value and healing property. It is great to use Aloe Vera for arthritis because it is rich in anti-inflammatory properties.

It can soothe joint pain and does not have any side effect. It is full of complex sugar, and this complex sugar makes it the “healer herb”. If someone is talking about the natural herbs for arthritis, and not mentioning aloe Vera, then the list is incomplete.

[Also Read: Natural Remedies for Arthritis]

2. Boswellia

Boswellia Benefits

How to Use?

You need the gum part of the Boswellia(2) tree to cure your arthritis. The gum resin is extracted from the bark of the tree. Try to apply fresh gums on the joints. If the tree or the fresh gum is not available, then you can go for Boswellia tablets which are readily available.

How Much to Use?

If you are using the gum, then you do not need to worry about the dosages. But if you are taking tablet or capsule, three tablets of 300 to 400mg tablets are enough for an adult.

Why Use?

Boswellia is also known as frankincense. People are using Boswellia for arthritis from ancient time. It is famed as an alternative medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties. Boswellia herb can block leukotriene, a substance that attacks the joints. Leukotriene also increases the probability of autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

It can prevent cartilage loss, as well. According to a study conducted in India, Boswellia starts functioning within seven days and slows down the pain and stops cartilage damage within three months.

[Also Read: Health Benefits of Boswellia]

3. Cat’s Claw

How to Use?

The bark and vine of the cat’s claw are required to treat arthritis. You can buy tablets, tea bags, capsules, and liquid as well. Read the ingredients used carefully. You need to avoid the products which contain tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids.

You can take the extract from the bark of the dried stem. But the tree only grows in the Amazon rainforest area so it can be rare to get.

How Much to Use?

The daily dosage of Cat’s Claw should be 250 to 350 mg. If you are opting the extract option, then the dose can vary from 20 to 350 mg. Divide the total dosage into two to three dose throughout the day. It is not meant for one-time consumption.

Precaution: If you are taking any blood thinner or anti-hypertensive pills, then do not consume cat’s claw. It can cause vomiting, dizziness, and lower blood pressure. It is strictly prohibited for people suffering from tuberculosis.

Why Use?

Cat’s claw is a useful herb for arthritis. It is anti-inflammatory and can reduce swelling caused by arthritis. This herb has its legacy and dates back to the legendary Incan civilization. It also contains anti-oxidants which combats the inflammation-causing free radicals.

4. Bromelain


How to Use?

According to studies, to get the result, one needs to combine Bromelain(3) with other two substances known as rutin and trypsin. Trypsin is a type of protein, and rutin is a substance found in buckwheat.

These combination product needs to be consumed orally to reduce pain and inflammation. People also combine Bromelain with turmeric and devil’s claw to fight arthritis pain.

Precaution: If you have an allergy to pineapple, then avoid Bromelain. Bromelain is also known to cause diarrhea. It is a complex enzyme. So it will be a good idea to consult with your doctor before you start taking it.

How Much to Use?

The combination should be as follows:

Bromelain 90 mg
Trypsin 48 mg,
Rutin 100 mg

An adult person should take two tablets thrice a day.

Why Use?

Bromelain is a group of enzyme which can be found in pineapple extract. It is anti-inflammatory and can reduce pain effectively. Bromelain is known for improving knee flexibility of people who have arthritis. It triggers the production of certain substances in our body, which can stop inflammation and the pain caused by it.

5. Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw

How to Use?

The supplement should be taken between meals for best results. These devil’s claw supplements are readily available. People say that its effect usually is felt after 16 weeks of consuming it.

Precaution: If you are pregnant or suffering from ulcer or gallstone, then devil’s claw is not meant for you. You may choose any other herb for arthritis. If you are taking any blood thinner or antacids, you should avoid taking devil’s claw. It can increase heartbeat rate, affect diabetes, and upset stomach as well.

How Much to Use?

An adult should take the extract of devil’s claw from 2 to 1.5 grams. You need to divide the total dose into three small doses to consume regularly. If you are taking a combination supplement, then consult with your doctor once. Try to take the supplement for at least two months at a stretch.

Why Use?

Devil’s claw can relieve pain and stop inflammation effectively. It is also known for lowering uric acid levels and gives relief from gout pain. Devil’s claw contains harpagoside, which can prevent inflammation.

[Also Read:  Foods for Arthritis Treatment]

6. Flaxseed

How to Take?

You can consume the whole seed, or try flaxseed flour. Apart from that, flaxseed oil and capsules are also available. Here are four different methods to add flaxseed in your daily diet:

  1. Take 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed and mix it well into cereal, oatmeal, and smoothies.
  2. You can sprinkle ground flaxseed on your salad. You can try it in vegetable, tuna, egg, and chicken salad.
  3. Toss your daily boring pasta with flaxseed oil.
  4. Take equal part of olive and flaxseed oil, and coat the vegetables before baking them.

How Much to Take?

If you are taking the flaxseed flour, then 30 grams or 1 ounce is enough. If the flaxseed oil is suitable for you, then take 1 to 3 tablespoons.

Why Take?

The seeds of flax tree are high in omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid). It can lubricate the joints and decrease the joint stiffness as well. It also lessens joint pain.

7. Ginger

Ginger Benefits

How to Take?

Ginger is a tasty herb and can be added in your daily meal. Here are some different ways to take ginger:

  • Ginger is an integral part of Asian cuisine; you can check some recipes and include it in your diet.
  • Add powdered ginger to sandwiches, pasta, and even simple boiled vegetables.
  • Ginger tea is very soothing, aromatic, and delicious. Add peeled ginger root or grated ginger in boiling water. Let it soak for 3-3 minutes. You can consider adding honey and lime juice for some added taste.
  • You can add grated ginger root into stir-fries or soup.
  • Ginger syrup can revamp your cocktail or any drink.

If you do not like consuming ginger for arthritis directly, then there are many ginger supplements available. You can choose any of them.

How Much to Take?

If you are considering ginger tea, then 4 cups of tea shall be sufficient enough. The ideal amount is 255 milligram per day. Excess consumption of ginger can cause diarrhea.

Why Take?

Ginger root is being used as Asian medicine for centuries. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which is useful to treat arthritis. Ginger can effectively suppress inflammation-causing molecules or leukotrienes.

It is also an excellent pain reliever. It is helpful for both degenerative arthritides such as osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis. Ginger also contains compounds like shogaols and gingerols, which are anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.

[Read: Ginger to Treat Arthritis]

Arthritis is not the end of your life, and it is curable if you take to treat it on the right time. These natural herbs for arthritis can decrease the pain, prevent swelling, and trigger the cure from its core. You need to make these herbs for arthritis a part of your daily meal to get the benefit. If you take them with pills, the treatment will be faster.

Also, these herbs do not have any side effects if you take them moderately. However, remember to always consult with your doctor. if you are taking a particular medicine or you are pregnant. These herbs mentioned above are full of immunity-boosting compounds. Try them and get rid of those joint pains forever.


1. What Are the Symptoms of Arthritis?

Arthritis symptoms usually start from a regular type of pain. But you will feel the pain specifically in your joints. Gradually daily activities can seem like a challenge.

The affected joints become stiff and swell. You can notice redness in your joints as well. It will be difficult to bend the joints with time. The range of motion will decrease as well.

2. How Are Herbs Taken?

There is no single way to take herbs. Different herbs are taken in different ways. First of all, you can try herbal teas and infusions. If the particular herb is available as a flower, leaves or stem, then tea and infusion is the best option.

Apart from that, the concoction is another way to take herbs. Here you need to boil the mixture of herbs for a longer time than tea. You can try herb extracts, flour, and oil as well. And last but not the list, you can go for herb supplement.

3. Which Herbs That Can Help Get Relief from Arthritis Pain?

We have already mentioned the significant herbs for arthritis. Apart from them, there are few more herbs which can be useful for arthritis pains. They are Black Currant Oil, Borage Oil, Evening Primrose, Pine Bark, Rose Hips, Turmeric, Thunder God Vine and Valerian,turmeric for arthritis pain etc.

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