Benefits of Grapeseed Oil to Get Rid of Acne

Updated on April 16th, 2020
Grapeseed Oil for Acne

Grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of wine grapes. It is also commonly known as the byproduct of winemaking. During winemaking, when the grapes are pressed, what’s leftover is the seeds. Although there are several methods of oil extraction, cold pressed method is considered to be the best for cosmetic purposes.

Grapeseed oil is loaded with ingredients that make it a perfect remedy for a lot of skin-related problems. However, not many studies have been conducted to show the benefits of grapeseed oil(1) for acne or any other skin problems. But, theoretical benefits are enough to make it a hot favorite in the beauty industry.

Also, the ingredients found in grapeseed oil, such as omega fatty acids and vitamin E, have some substantial research that goes in their support and makes them a potent remedy for skin problems. Therefore, it can be safe to assume that grapeseed oil can also provide the same benefits for the skin as its ingredients.

Did You Know!

  • There has been an Iranian study that shows the benefits of grapeseed oil in improving insulin and inflammatory resistance in women dealing with overweight.
  • Grapeseed oil is a healthy option for cooking. For stir-frying or sautéing on medium heat, grapeseed oil can prove to be a healthy option.

What are the Benefits of Grapeseed Oil for Acne?

Grapeseed Oil benefits

Linoleic acid—a type of omega-6 fatty acid—is considered to be highly efficient in reducing the occurrence of clogged pores and thus, treating acne. Grapeseed is loaded with linoleic acid, which, for obvious reasons, makes it an effective remedy against acne problems. It also contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.

This means grapeseed is also an effective way of keeping breakouts in check. To fight acne(2), grapeseed oil can also be used as a carrier for other acne-fighting oils such as tea tree oil. Furthermore, the presence of vitamin E in grapeseed makes it an effective way of fighting acne scarring.

Grapeseed Oil and Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins or OPCs

Antioxidants are essential for a healthy body. One such antioxidant, which is crucial for healthy skin, is oligomeric proanthocyanidins or commonly known as OPC.

It is found in grapeseed oil, and it helps in neutralizing the free radicals in the body. This, in turn, helps in clearing the acne. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory properties of OPC can also work wonders in preventing breakouts.

The use of grapeseed oil can also slow down the aging process of the skin by clearing the acne and maintaining the overall health of the skin.

[Also read: Natural Treatments For Acne]

Interesting Facts about Grapeseed Oil

  1. Omega-6 polyunsaturated fat can be found in the highest quantity in grapeseed oil. These oils are essential for the healthy functioning of the brain and boosting several other systems in the body. However, regulating the consumption of grapeseed oil is extremely important.
  2. Grapeseed oil can give a high boost to the immune system in the body since it is loaded with vitamin E. Some additional benefits of vitamin E can be lowered cholesterol levels and reduced risk of cancer.

How to Use Grapeseed Oil for Acne and How Much to Use?

When using grapeseed oil to treat skin problems, you don’t have to dilute it with any carrier oil. However, it is vital that you do a patch test before you apply it on your face. To do the patch test:

  1. Apply a minimal amount of grapeseed on the inside of your underarm.
  2. Now cover this area with a bandage.
  3. Look for signs of any skin irritation or rashes for the next 24 hours.

[Also Read: Oregano Oil for Acne]

If you don’t see any skin problem arising, grapeseed oil is safe to be used elsewhere. However, if you notice skin-related issues, wash off the area with cold water, and discontinue the use.

Once you have tested the grapeseed oil and it is safe to use, you can start using it as a topical treatment for your skin problems. Many people prefer using grapeseed oil as a night serum, but there is no reason why you should limit the use to night time only.

The only reason why it is picked more often as a night treatment is that it can work on your skin and give it an excellent tone and texture while you sleep.

[Also Read: Benefits of Using Fish Oil for Acne]

To use grapeseed oil:

grapeseed oil for dry skin

Take about three to four drops and rub it on your palms.

Now slowly start massaging your face with these oil-laden hands. Reach for the forehead, jawbone, cheeks, under eye area, and the neck. Be gentle and massage in an upward motion. If you feel that the oil is drying up in your hands, you can add 1 o 2 more drops and continue with the massage.

Grapeseed oil contains linoleic acid, which balances the natural oil production of the skin. Thus, it is considered to be safe for all types of skin. No research shows any negative impact of grapeseed on a particular skin type. However, if you have some doubts, talk to your dermatologist before start using the oil

Grapeseed oil, although theoretically, has the potential to be an effective remedy against acne. However, the results will depend widely on the type of your skin and the kind of breakouts you are having.

[Also Read: Essential Oils for Acne]

If the results don’t show even after 3 months, you must consult your dermatologist. Under his guidance, take up other treatments or alternative remedies that can help you get rid of the acne.

If you don’t wish to switch to medicines, you can always talk to your dermatologist and chalk out a plan that concentrates more on the traditional natural remedies.

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