Benefits of Grapeseed Oil for Facial Skin

Updated on April 14th, 2020
grapeseed oil for face

Grapeseed oil is a by-product of the wine making process. This oil seeps out from the seeds of grapes when they are pressed using special equipment. Grapeseed oil (1) has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and antioxidant properties. It also moisturizes the skin with its rich vitamin E content and makes the skin soft and elastic. Furthermore, grapeseed oil is high in omega-6 fatty acids, (2) which makes it highly beneficial for the heart if used for cooking.

Grapeseed Oil Benefits for Skin – How It Works

grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil offers multiple benefits to the skin. Here is how it works to provide acne-free beautiful skin.

1. Vitamin E and Vitamin C Make Skin Soft

Studies on grapeseed oil (3) have shown that this oil improves the elasticity of the skin and makes it soft and supple. It works by improving the moisture in the skin, nourishing the skin cells, and providing the goodness of vitamin C and vitamin E.

2. Antioxidants Even out the Skin Tone

Grapeseed oil contains an antioxidant known as proanthocyanidin. This is a powerful antioxidant that works on the skin tone when used consistently. Research (4) has also shown that grapeseed oil can improve the signs of melasma. This is a condition caused by hyper pigmentation of the skin.

3. Antibacterial Properties Take Care of Acne

Grapeseed oil has proven antibacterial properties that take care of acne outbreaks. As already mentioned, grapeseed oil attacks the bacteria hiding in deep pores and flushes them to treat acne, revealing clear skin.

4. Grapeseed Oil Protects Against Sun Damage

Grapeseed oil’s powerful antioxidants protect the skin from sun damage. The antioxidants absorb the UV rays to keep the skin healthy and damage-free.

[Read: Grapeseed Oil for Hair]

Uses of Grapeseed Oil for Face

Grapeseed oil can be used to:

  • Moisturize the skin
  • Tighten pores
  • Reduces signs of ageing
  • Reduce the appearance of scars
  • Remove makeup
  • Protect skin from sun damage
  • Improve skin tone

How to Use Grapeseed Oil on Face

Grapeseed Oil for Acne

Grapeseed oil beauty routine is a very simple process. First and foremost, you need to invest in a bottle of good quality grapeseed oil. If you don’t know which oil to go for, ask a skin specialist. Grapeseed oil on skin shows great results when used twice a day. You can use it right after you get back home from a day out in the sun and pollution.

  • Start by cleansing your face. Wash your face thoroughly with your preferred face wash.
  • Dry it thoroughly with a clean towel.
  • Take several drops of grapeseed oil in your palms and gently massage it on the face.
  • Wash your face and pat dry.

Do not wash off the oil immediately allowing it to seep in. Grapeseed oil quickly gets absorbed in the skin without making it look oily.

If you feel like your skin is too dry and you need more moisturization, repeat the above step. Your skin will feel hydrated and fresh. You can repeat the process in the morning to get better and faster results. You can also mix grapeseed oil with other essential oils like lavender to make your skin extra soft and to enjoy a relaxing experience.

[Read: Grapeseed Oil for Acne]

Other Benefits of Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is also a great remedy for dandruff. It also helps by loosening the dead skin on the scalp and moisturizing it. Furthermore, vitamin E in grapeseed oil moisturizes the hair and strengthens it from the root.

Grapeseed oil is lightweight, so when it is applied on the hair, the hairs do not stick together and look shiny and fresh. You can use two tablespoons of the oil on the head and gently massage it on the scalp.

This oil is also a natural remedy for baldness. It contains linolenic acid, which is believed to stimulate hair growth. Grapeseed oil is also effectively used as a carrier oil for aromatherapy. When mixed with other ingredients, it helps in managing chronic stress.

[Read: Grapeseed Oil Benefits]

How to Use Grapeseed Oil Safely?

  1. Make sure to perform an allergy test before using grapeseed oil. Apply grapeseed oil to a small patch on your skin and wait for 24 hours. If there’s no reaction, you can use grapeseed oil.
  2. Do not use grapeseed oil if you take blood-thinning medications. Talk to your doctor about your inclination, and he/she may be able to suggest an alternative.
  3. Grapeseed oil may be unsafe for you if you have any blood conditions. Wait till your treatment is over and talk to your physician before using grapeseed oil.

Closing Thoughts

Grapeseed oil is an inexpensive and effective remedy for everyday skin problems. You can use it directly or by mixing it with other oils to enjoy a skin that’s clear and glows. Grapeseed oil is also beneficial for hair and works wonders for the heart when used in cooking.


1. Can You Leave Grapeseed Oil on Your Face Overnight?

Yes, you can leave grapeseed oil on your face overnight. It gets absorbed in the face quickly, and the longer it stays on the skin, the better!

2. Is Grapeseed Oil Better Than Olive Oil?

Yes, grapeseed oil is better than olive oil. It is light and has a high burning point, which makes it healthier than olive oil.

3. Is Grapeseed Oil Good for Your Lips?

Yes, grapeseed oil is good for your lips. Spread a few drops on your lips before bed and wake up to soft and supple lips.

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