Got Toenail Fungus? Use Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Ugly Toenails

Updated on April 1st, 2020
coconut oil for toenail fungus

Coconut oil for toenail fungus treatment focuses on the oil’s antifungal properties. The high concentration of Caprylic Acid (8 %) dissolves the mildew, by diffusing the cell membranes. Diffusion leads to the fungus breaking apart. Lauric Acid, another coconut oil component, provides an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial remedy to the infected area.

Lauric Acid converts into monolaurin which works as a fungus toxin. Nutrients found in coconut oil help heal the skin and nails, allowing for the curative remedy of the damaged skin area. Coconut oil for nail fungus is used both physically and consumed orally.

When consumed orally, it enhances immunity and fights infectious bacteria from the inside. Thus, oral treatment is both preventative and curative. Regular consumption of coconut oil can prevent the formation of the fungus by killing any buildup of microbes on the feet.

The topical application can be preventative as it keeps the feet greased, lessening the chance for fungal root to grow.

Bizarre Facts

  • Did you know a toenail fungus is an advanced form of athlete’s foot?
  • Did you know that some people use coconut oil for oral hygiene and the process is called “Oil pulling?”

How Does Coconut Oil Treat Toenail Fungus

Use Coconut Oil

There are three methods to apply the remedy on the skin directly. For the first method,

Method 1

  1. Make sure you buy extra virgin coconut oil as it is the more natural version of the product, containing a higher amount of required nutrients.
  2. Take a small amount of oil (preferably two teaspoons) and rub it on the area with the fungus.
  3. Massage the area deeply, covering the nails, nail bed, and surrounding area.
  4. Repeat the same process at least two to three times every day.

Method 2

The second method used for widely has the following recipe:

  1. Warm a small quantity (half a cup) of purified water.
  2. Add the oil to the warm water and wait for it to melt inside.
  3. Rub a small amount of this melted mixture on the affected area.
  4. Leave the mixture on the skin and allow it to get absorbed naturally by the skin pores.
  5. Apply the mix a couple of times (usually two to three times) every day.

Method 3

The third method is more effective. In this method, a bandage created for the direct application of coconut oil for toe fungus.

  1. Warm half a cup of purified water and make a mixture as per the method.
  2. Soak a bandage in the mix. Leave it for a couple of minutes to completely absorb the mix.
  3. Apply the bandage on the affected skin area.
  4. If you have a hectic work routine, prefer doing this at night before sleep. Night application will allow the bandage to stay on the affected area for a longer time.

Coconut oil can be mixed with other essential oil to make the treatment more effective and gain quicker results. Examples of such oils include tea tree extracts, clove oil, or oregano extracts. The aforementioned oils have powerful antifungal properties.

[Also Read: 10 Essential Oils for Toenail Fungus]

A combination of these oils can heal the fungus faster and provide quicker relief. A recommended blend consists of 8-10 drops of other essential oils for every two tablespoons of coconut oil.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments For Toenail Fungus]

Things to Keep in Mind

For all the above methods, it is essential to follow some simple tips:

  1. Before the oil or oil mixture application, wash your feet properly. Make sure that the affected nail is cleaned and has no dirt on it. This confines the fungus to its original area, stopping it from spreading.
  2. Trimming the nails will allow the oil to get absorbed deeper. Deep absorption increases the diffusion of toenail fungus membranes.
  3. If multiple nails are affected, wash your hands or change your gloves before each application to avoid the transfer of germs.

[Also Read: Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus]

How to Use Coconut Oil for Toenail Fungus?

coconut oil benefits

Oral use of coconut oil can be both preventative and curative for toenail fungus. Although the condition is painless, it could deform the shape of your feet(1). Coconut milk, from which the oil is created, has high amounts of saturated fats including Caprylic Acid, Linoleic acid, and Lauric Acid, all of which can reduce the inflammation linked with toenail fungus.

Consumption of coconut oil can also induce antimicrobial effects, which can fight the mildew build-up from the inside.

An effective oral consumption remedy consists of tea tree oil and coconut oil mixed with thyme, lavender, and oregano oils. Epsom salt and apple cider vinegar can be added to the mixture for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

The mix can be consumed with warm water every morning and evening, depending on the severity of the condition. It is essential; however, to consult a podiatrist before starting regular treatment through any method to ensure that any side-effects or adverse effects of the treatment are understood. In the case of pain and itchiness, coconut oil can be a source of relief(2).

The organic nature of the treatment along with the numerous coconut oil health benefits makes for toenail fungus an effective homemade remedy. There are no apparent side-effects of the solution, which makes it safe for use.

Moreover, the entire process is organic, with no artificial compounds being used. Multiple methods available for the purpose of the remedy makes it easier for people with diverse routines to use it. Thus, coconut oil for toenail fungus treatment can help a patient get rid of the condition gradually and without further damage.

[Also Read: Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Toenail Fungus]


1. How to Stop the Fungus from Spreading Further During the Treatment?

Focus on washing your feet and toes before the treatment. Moreover, if multiple nails are affected, clean your hands before progressing to the treatment of the next one.

2. Can I Drink Coconut Oil Directly for Toenail Fungus Treatment?

Yes- you can. However, mixing with other essential oils will increase its effectiveness and make it easier to drink.

3. How Can Coconut Oil Prevent the Rebuild of Fungus?

The usage and application of the oil after the initial fungus dissolution prevents rebuilding by fighting bacteria. Moreover, it keeps the feet dry. Damp conditions are a must requirement for the fungus to grow.

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