Cassava Leaves – An Energy Booster And A Natural Healer To Many Diseases

Updated on March 11th, 2020
Benefits Of Cassava Leaves

If you are looking for one ingredient to take care of all your health, skin, and hair problems at once, you need to try Cassava leaves. A fair warning, it can be poisonous too. Don’t get nervous; the way it benefits your health and skin is beyond your imagination. (Here are the Benefits Of Cassava Leaves)

Cassava is one of those foods when consumed rightly; it can be very beneficial but is known to be poisonous because of its ingredients. Cassava is used to prepare food by adding it to potatoes or other green vegetables. The richness in protein makes it stand out from other leaves.

Nutritional Facts

The nutrition values of cassava leaves.

  • It is a rich source of protein. It consists of Arginine, Lysine, Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine. It has ten times more protein content than its roots.
  • It is low in calories and doesn’t hinder a weight loss regime.
  • It is rich in fiber and carbohydrates.
  • Vitamin C is present in this leaf in large numbers.
  • It also contains Vitamin B that helps repair DNA.

Health Benefits Of Cassava Leaves

  1. The leaves are a rich source of iron. This factor makes it a must-have for pregnant women and those who are anemic. It has a high amount of Folate and is also rich in Vitamin C.
  2. These leaves contain a protein called ‘the lysine’ that fights against kwashiorkor, a condition caused due to deficiency of protein. You should remember to wash the leaves thoroughly before consumption as the presence of cyanogenic glucosides in it may result in eyesight loss or even cyanide poisoning(1).
  3. The properties of the leaves help to reduce fever. It can also reduce headaches caused by external factors.
  4. Consuming it everyday heals blurred eye vision. It also helps in restoring your appetite. If you have just recovered from fever and don’t feel like eating, adding this to meals will help to increase appetite.
  5. The leaves have analgesic properties(2) that help in treating arthritis and reduce inflammation in the body.
  6. It is a one-stop, natural, and harmless remedy to treat worms.
  7. Using it for skin delays the aging process of the skin.

Cassava Leaves Recipe To Follow

1. Recipe To Reduce Fever

You need

Grounded cassava leaves, Cassava root.


Boil the roots and the leaves in one liter of water. Add about 80 gms of the stem and 400 gms of cassava leaves. Once the water is reduced to half, let it cool down. This recipe helps in bringing down the body temperature.

2. Recipe For Diarrhea


You need

4 cups of water, 7 cassava leaves.


Boil the leaf in 4 cups of water until the water quantity reduces to half. Once cool enough, strain and drink it to reduce diarrhea.

3. Recipe To Treat Rheumatic Diseases

You need

150 gms of cassava leaves, ginger root, salt, and lemongrass.


Boil water and then add the leaves, root, and lemongrass. Reduce to a simmer for 30 minutes until the quantity decreases. Now, add salt in it. Use it daily to treat and prevent rheumatic diseases.

4. Recipe For Healing Wounds

Healing Wounds

You will need

Paste of Cassava leaves, Aloe Vera Gel.


Crush a few leaves using mortar pestle and mix with Aloe Vera gel. Apply this paste on wounds regularly to heal wounds.

5. Recipe For Blurred Eye View

You need

cassava leaves, garlic, and some salt.


Wash the leaves properly and put them to boil. Add garlic and salt and use this as a salad to accompany rice. Consuming the leaves every day improves vision.


Cassava leaves contain a substance called hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous, and hence, it must be washed and, most importantly, thoroughly cooked. Once boiled, the acid disappears. The water in which it is boiled should be discarded. The leaves are otherwise safe to be used for consumption.

This leaf is not like any other leaf. Adding it to your daily diet will help to notice the changes its benefits have to offer to your body. The richness in Vitamin C and the other minerals help in the overall functioning of the body. Other than boosting your immunity, it can also be used as an alternative medicine to treat many diseases.

Also Read:

Benefits of Mango Leaves

Benefits of Hibiscus Leaves

Benefits of Guava Leaves


1. How Can I Cook the Leaves?

Firstly, clean the leaves thoroughly. Now, heat a pan and add water to it. After that, add the leaves and put them to boil for ten minutes. Then reduce to a simmer for another 5 minutes and turn off the flame.

2. Can I Die If I Eat Cassava Leaves?

Yes, if you eat it raw. And if consumed without boiling. Boiling it kills toxic ingredients like linamarin, lotaustralin, etc.

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