6 Poses of Yoga for IBS to Ease Your Bowel Movement

Updated on December 13th, 2019
Yoga for IBS

Yoga has become one of the most practiced types of work out because of its holistic benefits. This age-old boon of our ancestors can solve almost all the health issues. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be persisting trouble. The bloated stomach, uneasiness, and overall irritations are the consequences of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

This behavior of your bowels is a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and it often plays a spoilsport. If you are seeking a solution to IBS,  try yoga for IBS, you feel the change from inside.

About 25 to 45 million Americans are affected by IBS(1), mostly women. People have high chances of getting affected by it, either in their late teens to or in the early 40s.

IBS is known as a functional disorder(2) because the symptoms appear due to the changes in the digestive system’s functioning and not due to any damage to the digestive system’s tissue.

    1. Five Yoga Poses
    2. Two More Poses
    3. Points to Remember

Benefits of Practicing Yoga for IBS Treatment

Practicing Yoga for IBS

IBS can be a cause of embarrassment and irritability. Gut health is the core of health and well-being. Yoga is equivalent to massages that assist organs to function effectively. Yoga is a long-term solution for physical and psychological issues. Here we will discuss how practicing yoga can cure IBS.

Stress is one of the main consequences of IBS. Yoga poses ease your abdominal uneasiness due to IBS. Asanas relaxes your nervous system and sends a signal to your brain to slow down. Yoga can help you to endure the abdominal sensations caused by IBS. The abdominal cramps, bloating and pain are common symptoms of IBS. Yoga for IBS gives you the ability to control or tolerate these cramps.

Yoga can increase your awareness about all those activities which intensify the IBS symptoms. It can be an excessive intake of caffeine or alcohol or less consumption of foods with fiber etc., and all these can be the cause of the IBS. Yoga boosts your awareness and makes you contemplate on what you are eating.

Yoga heals from inside out. It is not a quick fix or an overnight solution. It boosts your immunity and relieves you from inside. Yoga slowly strengthens all your organs and overall digestive system. Some yoga poses for IBS gently squeeze and create pressure on the abdomen. These poses slowly and surely improve gut health. Twists and compression in the digestive tract after doing these poses release the tension of the gut area.

[Also Read: Treat IBS with Natural Remedies]

Five Yoga Poses for IBS relief

No one can happily accept and tolerate the symptoms of IBS. Constipation, bloating, pain, diarrhea caused by IBS can keep you irritated all day long. Yoga is a relatively better way to give you relief from IBS than pills and other available remedies. And the good news is if you are practicing yoga for bowel movement ease then be tension-free about the side effects.

Let us explore and talk about the best yoga poses for IBS:

[Also Read: 13 Natural Remedies to Treat IBS]

1. Ananda Balasana or Happy Baby Pose

Ananda Balasana or Happy Baby Pose

This yoga pose is famed for calming your brain and making you feel relaxed. Any beginner can practice this pose. This pose will stretch your spine and help press your stomach.

Lie down on your back and hug your knees close to your chest. Now widen up your knee-hip and stretch your feet towards the ceiling and above the knees. Stretch your arms to hold your feet. Your shoulder blades should touch the ground.

2. Parighasana or Gate Pose

Parighasana stimulates the abdominal organs and gently massages the guts. Regular practice of this yoga will increase your breathing capacity and digestion.

Kneel and keep your back and spine straight while looking ahead. Stretch your right leg out on the right side. Twist your torso over the right leg and lift your left arm. Your right hand should be on the shin of your right leg.

3. Pavanamuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose

If you feel bloated with gas, then try Pavanmuktasana, and you will be amazed by the result. This pose will help relax the spine and neck area after doing this yoga pose.

Lie down on your back and bring your knees close to your chest. Hug your knees with both of your hands. Now try to lift your head and touch the knees. This process will squeeze your stomach. This is one of the best yoga poses to relieve gas.

[Also Read: Probiotics to Treat IBS]

4. Ardha Matsyendrasana or Sitting Half-Spinal Twist

Ardha Matsyendrasana is a magical yoga pose as this pose is beneficiary for many organs at a time. This pose will stretch your spine. Also, your kidney and liver will get immense benefits from this pose. It opens your chest and your lungs get more air from this. You will feel the surge of energy after doing this yoga.

Sit in a cow-facing position pressing your right foot into the ground. Place the heel of your left foot beside your right hip. Place your right hand on the left leg and the left hand behind you. Repeat the pose with opposite hands and legs.

5. Ardhakurmasana or Child’s Pose

Ardhakurmasana or Child’s Pose

Ardhakurmasan improves the digestive system and eases bloating. This pose is very comforting.

Sit on the knees like doing Vajrasana, lift both of your hands over your head. Now slowly bend forward with both your hands. Your head and nose should touch the ground, squeezing your abdomen.

Apart from these Five Best Yoga Poses for IBS, there are Two More Poses which you can try:

  • Marjariasana or Cat Pose

Cat pose improves digestion and relaxes the mind. Stand on your knees and bend forward to touch the floor with both the hands. Keep your spine straight, then slightly turn it to see the roof.

  • Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

Through his pose, your entire upper body stretches, your chest expands, and the spine will feel an absolute pressure. This pose is great to solve constipation issue.

Lie on your abdomen and place your hands on the ground. Inhale and press the field with your palms while trying to lift your shoulders away from the floor. Your chest will also automatically be raised during the process. Always look forward during this.

Do not forget to continue your normal breathing during all the yoga poses. Do not force yourself if you experiencing discomfort or if you are out of breath. If you are experiencing pain in any part of your body, then do not continue. Changes and pauses after each pose are necessary. Your body needs rest as well. Holding each pose for 60 sec should be sufficient.

Points to Remember Before Doing Yoga for Treatment of  IBS

Yoga is undoubtedly good for your health. But there are few certain physical conditions which do not allow you to practice yoga. Your situation could worsen if you forcefully do this. Yoga for irritable bowel syndrome is for those who do not have the following issues:

  • Asthma: If you have asthma, then doing Cobra Pose and Gate Pose can be a challenge. Do not try this yoga if you have a breathing problem.
  • Hip Replacement: Any pose which needs you to twist your legs like sitting in cow pose, is not recommended if you have undergone hip-replacement surgery.
  • Knee Injury: Doing Child pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana is strictly prohibited if you have a knee injury. Practicing these poses will make your knee condition worse.
  • Spine injury: Spine injury is severe trouble. If you have a spine injury, then practicing Cobra Pose and Happy Baby Pose can be fatal.

Please talk to an experienced guide before practicing yoga during pregnancy. You need to understand your body before practicing yoga. Some Yoga poses may or may not be suitable for you. So, do not force your body if you experience discomfort.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome can trigger stress and emotional imbalance. Gut health is important for overall health. So, curing IBS once and for all is a prior need for a healthy life.

You may not trust the efficacies of yoga for IBS. And we are not asking you to trust us blindly. Try these poses mentioned above and see the result yourself. Yoga is a time tested process to heighten your awareness, boost your immunity, and heal your body at a natural pace. The effects of yoga are long term and lasting.

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