Natural Supplements for Back Pain Relief

Updated on March 16th, 2020
supplements for back pain

Do you experience excruciating pain in your back when you try to get off from your office chair or couch? Back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide and one of the common reasons people miss work and go to the doctor. Back pain can affect people of any age for different reasons. Back pain symptoms include pain that radiates down the leg, muscle ache, and pain that improves with reclining.

An estimated 50% of working Americans complain of back pain at least one time in a year. In rare cases, if your back pain causes bladder or bowel problems, accompanied by unexplained weight loss, and numbness or weakness in one or both legs is essential to see your doctor.

At such times, supplements for back pain can be your buddy to help you to recuperate and alleviate the excruciating pain. Would you like to know more about these supplements for back pain? Read on.

Did You Know?

  • A study reveals that up to 80% of the total population experience back pain once in their lifetime.
  • Back pain is the 3rd common reason to visit a doctor after joint disorders and skin disorders.
  • Almost 10% of patients who visit the doctor cannot provide the reason for their back.

Supplements for Back Pain

Supplements for back pain can ease and relieve your back pain. Some of the effective supplements for back pain are listed below. Read on to explore the numerous benefits of, including omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, capsaicin, vitamin D, and nutritional and dietary supplements. Go ahead.

[Also Read: Relieve Back Pain with Natural Remedies]

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

rich omega 3 fatty acids

Increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids can help with inflammation and fight back pain. The two types of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)(1), reduce swelling and inflammation. Omega-d fatty acids especially improve bone health by increasing calcium levels in the body and thereby help to treat back pain, and various types of arthritis.

Research shows that both acids are effective in enhancing the immune system, especially DHA. Omega-3 fatty acids also help in the reduction of morning stiffness and pain in your back. Fish oil, nuts, and seeds are primary sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. The U.S. study states that the supplements of omega-3 fatty acids could reduce the incidence of back pain and eliminate the need for medications.

By using omega-3 fatty acids, the body generates certain chemicals that help control inflammation and help in regulating the response of the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids also influence the immune system and help in the treatment of arthritis.

Fish oil is the primary source of fatty acids. Fish oil is extracted from oily fishes like sardines and salmon. It is rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).


  • Consuming 2,000 milligrams of fish oil is beneficial to cure back pain. Capsules with at least 35-30 percent of DHA is suggested for back pain.
  • Flaxseed is also considered one of the right sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming 1000-1200 mg of flaxseed capsules and 1-3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil is beneficial for treating back pain.

2. Bromelain

Bromelain Benefits

Bromelain is an enzyme mixture derived from the juice, stem, and fruit of the pineapple plant. Bromelain is used for centuries and finds a long history to treat medical ailments, throughout south and central America.

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) primarily categorized bromelain as a dietary supplement and recognized as safe. Bromelain is used to reduce soreness in aching muscles and relieve back pain.

A clinical study claims that bromelain’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective treatment for back pain, soft-tissue swelling, and joint stiffness associated with osteoarthritis. Bromelain is also effectively used as a digestive aid for osteoarthritis.

Bromelain contains chemicals that interfere with the growth of tumor cells and slow blood clotting. Also, the bromelain(2) is used to reduce swelling and inflammation in nasal passages and remove dead skin skins from burns.

You can regularly consume 3-4 slices of pineapple for natural bromelain.


For reducing back pain, doses range from 80-500 mg per serving, for 2-3 times a day.

3. Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Glucosamine and chondroitin are compounds that naturally occur in your body. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, glucosamine is in fluid form around your joints and chondroitin in the cartilage surrounding your joints. Many of the people use it for chronic pain conditions such as lower back pain and knee pains.

The most crucial aspect of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements is that they are thought to help prevent or slow the degeneration of cartilage and help alleviate existing joint and back pain. Also, people have used glucosamine and chondroitin to treat inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, sports injuries, and long-term back pain.


Most studies have suggested that the typical dose for back pain is 500 mg of glucosamine sulfate for 3 times daily and 800-2000 mg of chondroitin taken as a single dose or in 2-3 split up doses daily up to 2-3 yrs.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D
Image: ShutterStock

When it comes to bone strength, the vitamin that comes to mind is Vitamin D. The deficiency of vitamin D is the primary cause for back pain and may worsen the condition if you already have pain in your back. Vitamin D supplements help maintain bone health in several ways. Vitamin D improves the body’s absorption of calcium.

Both back pain and bone pain are the sign of low levels of vitamin D in the blood. A study published in Pain Physician in 2013 found that severe back pain was associated with high vitamin D deficiency in people with lumbar spinal stenosis. Vitamin D supports cardiovascular health and lung function. The benefit of vitamin D also includes regulation of insulin levels and adding diabetes management.


More exposure to sunlight and vitamin D rich foods such as milk, and According to the office of dietary supplements, the daily dosage of vitamin D or RDA is 15 mg for most of the people.

[Also Read: Magnesium for Back Pain?]

5. Turmeric


Turmeric is a yellow colored powder obtained from the roots of the turmeric plant. A chemical in turmeric called curcumin is effective in reducing back pain and swelling. Arguably, the most powerful aspect of curcumin is its ability to control inflammation. It blocks the inflammatory cytokines and enzymes. In scientific communities, one of the widely accepted properties of curcumin(3) is its ability to manage pain.

Traditional practitioners from India and China have been using turmeric supplements to treat lower back pain and arthritis. Long term improvement in pain and function was shown in patients with lower back pain in 2010 clinical trials using turmeric. It is also proved to be more effective in reducing pain and swelling as compared to diclofenac sodium.

These scientific results suggest that turmeric and its supplements are definitely on a short list of potent natural painkillers. Read on to know how much turmeric supplements one must consume.

It is generally used in the form of capsules as they are free of contaminants. You can add turmeric powder your food and milk daily for effective results.

[Also Read: Benefits of Turmeric for Back Pain]

Dosage Turmeric for Backpain:

For back pain, take 500 mg to 800 mg of curcuminoids in the form of three doses a day. You can also take 0.5 g to 1 g powdered root per day.

6. Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw

Devil’s claw extract supplements are derived from devil’s claw herb. These extracts are possibly useful for back pain. Taking the herbal supplements by mouth seems to reduce the lower back pain in many people. Devil’s claw contains iridoid glycosides a class of compounds that as effective anti-inflammatory properties.

An animal and the test-tube study shows that iridoid glycosides in devil’s claw suppress inflammation and ease the pain. Along with the anti-inflammatory properties, the devil’s claw shows potential as a pain reliever, particularly for lower back pain. Read on to know about the recommended dosages for back pain.


Doses of 600-2,610 mg of devil’s claw daily are used in studies for back pain. Consuming 50-100 mg of harpagoside, an active compound in devil’s claw is suggested depending on the extract concentration.

7. Capsaicin


Capsaicin is a primary ingredient found in chilies, cayenne peppers, and available in ointments and topical creams. The ingredient present in the creams and ointments warms the skin when directly applied to your lower back. Also, capsaicin blocks the chemical substance P, that is responsible for delivering the pain messages to the brain.

Capsaicin reduces lower back pain and a wide range of conditions, including sciatica nerve pain, gout, joint pain, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. A report published in the spine, evaluating the effectiveness of capsaicin and herbal therapies in people with low back pain, and concluded that capsaicin reduces pain more than a placebo. Keep reading to know how to use and how much dosage one much use for effective results for back pain.


It can be used as a gel, topical cream, or patch. Most products of capsaicin contain concentrations between 0.025 to 0.075 percent. It should be applied regularly three times a day.

Nutrition and Dietary Supplements

The simplest and easiest way to keep yourself healthy is eating a healthy diet with plenty of nutritional and dietary supplements that include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. The regular intake of nutritional and dietary supplements helps keep your body in perfect shape.

Generally, green leafy vegetable, berries, and fruits are rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. These supplements help fight inflammation and ease back pain. The daily consumption of certain minerals and vitamins can improve the treatment of sciatica. Vitamins C, D, B12, and minerals present in nutritional and dietary supplements reduce the pain and inflammation.


The magnesium mineral is called the “relaxation mineral.” Consuming magnesium supplements of 400-500 mg a day can relax muscles and reduce stress.

Supplements for back pain plays a crucial role in alleviating your back pain to some extent. The supplements such as omega-d fatty acids, turmeric, vitamin D, and devil’s claw extracts can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. The supplements for back pain are discussed wondrously and do not cause any harm to your body.

But talking with your health care provider or doctor before taking or combining supplements is vital before taking any type of supplement. However, if you still feel pain in your back region, it is best to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pain. Embrace the benefits of supplements for back pain and lead a pain-free life.


1. What Are the Other Natural Remedies That Can Be Used for Back Pain?

The easiest way to cure your back pain is through natural remedies. When pain relief medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen cause specific side effects, natural remedies such as yoga, mindfulness, and acupuncture can do wonders in alleviating the back pain. The natural remedies include using essential oils like lavender, peppermint, rosemary, and eucalyptus can relieve your back pain effectively.

2. What Are the Most Common Supplements Used for Back Pain?

The most common supplements to reduce inflammation and pain include Turmeric supplements (1000 mg daily), fish oil supplements (2,000 mg daily), capsaicin cream, and MSM (2,000-8,000 mg daily), an anti-inflammatory supplement that is high in sulfur to help rebuild cartilage.

3. What Are the Causes of Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain can be the result of certain diseases such as cancer of the spinal cord, sciatica, arthritis, kidney infections, or infections of the spine. The most common causes include injury to the spinal column such as facet or discs joints of the spine, soft tissue damage of the ligaments or muscles, and strain or tear to the ligaments or tissues supporting the lower back.

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