Probiotics for Gastritis: Does It Work?

Updated on December 9th, 2019
Probiotics for Gastritis

When it comes to gastritis, it could be either acute or chronic. One of the main reasons to cause gastritis in a human body is a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. Of course, there are many others like over consumption of alcohol, too much of smoking, etc. that could cause gastritis.

However, taking best probiotics for gastritis is one of the effective ways to improve digestion. The good bacteria in probiotics will help stop the spread of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

Some of the common symptoms of gastritis are:

  1. A burning sensation in the stomach
  2. Too much of burping
  3. Feeling like you just ate even after a few hours
  4. Nausea
  5. Vomiting

[Also Read: Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux]

How to Take Probiotics for Gastritis?

why you need probiotics

You can either consume whole foods that contain natural probiotics or could take over-the-counter tablets. However, if you are going for the over-the-counter drugs, consult your doctor first to get a proper diagnosis of what you have.

What Are the Whole Foods That Contain Probiotics?

There are a lot of probiotic foods that you can easily include in your everyday diet:

  1. Yogurt
  2. Miso
  3. Saukerkraut
  4. Cheddar, Gouda, Mozzarella
  5. Kombucha (A fermented tea)
  6. Kefir (Fermented dairy product)
  7. Traditional Buttermilk

[Read: Home Remedies for Gastritis]

What Kind of Gastritis Diet to Follow?

Gastritis isn’t caused by one factor or reason. There are, in fact, various kinds of gastritis. In most of the cases, gastritis is just caused by indigestion and will usually go away within a day. On the other hand, there are different types of gastritis which will lead to ulcers.

So first make sure what kind of gastritis you have to follow a specific diet. However, there are some common foods should and shouldn’t eat when one has gastritis.

What to Eat:

  1. High-fiber vegetables and fruits
  2. Whole foods that have probiotics such as yogurt, traditional buttermilk, etc.
  3. A lot of water
  4. Low-fat meat such as chicken and fish

What Not to Eat:

  1. Carbonated drinks
  2. Acidic foods such as tomatoes
  3.  Alcohol
  4. Deep fried foods
  5. Smoking

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Risks or Side Effects of Using Probiotics for Gastritis

As such, there are no grave risks of using probiotics; however, in some cases, probiotics could cause mild digestive issues like gas and bloat. Nevertheless, first, consult your doctor to get knowledge of your situation and what kind of treatment should be taken. Untreated gastritis problems could lead to some severe health issues like ulcer and stomach bleeding.

Preventing Gastritis Recurrence

Not all gastritis problems are caused by one factor. However, there are some precautions that you can take to avoid gastritis in the future.

  1. If possible, avoid alcohol else, reduce the consumption of alcohol
  2. Quit smoking
  3. Avoid taking over-the-counter pain medications
  4. Avoid spicy food

Other Home Remedies for Gastritis

1. Consume Raw Garlic/Garlic Extract

benefits of Garlic

There is a study(1) that found consuming raw garlic could help reduce the symptoms of gastritis. Take one medium size garlic clove and crush it. Now consume it. If you can’t eat raw garlic, then try mixing it with a teaspoon of peanut butter. The taste of peanut butter will dominate and mask the garlic flavor.

2. Green Tea With Manuka Honey

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties present in the green tea can significantly reduce the bad bacteria or Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. Also, the antibacterial properties present in the manuka honey can help fight infection.

[Read: Manuka Honey Benefits]

3. Essential Oils for Gastritis

Essential Oils

A study(2) found that the essential oils help in increasing the resistance of the human body to Helicobacter pylori. However, make sure you do not take essential oils directly. You should always use carrier oils like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, etc. to dilute essential oils before applying them on the skin or consuming internally.

Well, there is no doubt that probiotics are a great way to treat gastritis. However, regardless of the home remedy you wish to use to treat gastritis, know when to see a doctor. As said earlier, if untreated or mistreated, gastritis could lead to some severe complications such as ulcers. It is imperative to treat gastritis immediately to avoid such complications.

[Read: Home Remedies for Gastric Ulcer]


1. Can We Replace Traditional Medicine with Probiotics?

No, probiotics shouldn’t be used as conventional medicine. Seek medical attention before deciding anything for yourself.

2. Can We Take Probiotic Supplements?

Yes, you can. Probiotics are available in both dietary and supplements form.

3. For How Long Can Probiotics Be Taken?

You can take probiotics for two weeks. If you see no signs of improvement even after two weeks, kindly see your doctor immediately to get appropriate treatment.

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