Does Magnesium Help With Depression

Updated on January 6th, 2020
magnesium for depression

Over 300 million people across the world struggle with the scourge of depression on an everyday basis. The illness has assumed such gigantic proportions that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, it is currently ranked as one of the single largest contributors to the global burden of disease.

Although a number of psychological and pharmacological solutions have been devised to deal with depression, less than 10% of people are actually able to access such treatments. This is precisely why the usage of magnesium for depression has steadily begun to generate great public interest.

Considered to be a vital macro-mineral, Magnesium (Mg) is widely known to cure numerous physical and mental ailments. Being a primary electrolyte within the human body, it doesn’t just trigger multiple biochemical reactions but it also ensures that the various symptoms and consequences of depression can be managed in an efficient and effective way.

Moreover, by functioning as a cofactor for more than 300 enzyme groups, magnesium facilitates protein synthesis, regulates blood pressure, stimulates the neuromuscular system and thereby, helps ameliorate the malady of depression.

Being a complex mental ailment, depression is essentially considered to be a product of faulty brain chemistry, imbalanced hormonal production, and multiple external stimulators. With the use of magnesium for depression, the first two causes can be dealt with appropriately.

How Magnesium Helps to Deal With Depression

As a crucial macro-mineral, magnesium helps manage depression in a plethora of ways. These primarily include:

1. Relieving Anxiety & Providing a Restful Sleep

anxiety treatment

Using magnesium for depression has multiple curative effects. To begin with, it activates the receptors that are associated with the central nervous system’s GABA neurotransmitter, thus promoting prolonged cycles of completely undisturbed and restorative sleep.

This doesn’t just help keep the nerves calm but it also enables the patient to become clear-headed and fresh.

Furthermore, magnesium works on a cellular level to enhance the body’s energy by releasing increased ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) molecules. ATP powers the body’s metabolism which goes on to cure the symptom of excessive appetite loss or gain.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Depression]

2. Regulating Hormonal Levels

When magnesium’s depression dosage is taken in adequate amounts, it begins to correct the body’s fluctuating hormonal imbalances. The mineral accomplishes this feat by:

  1. Regulating cortisol levels, any increase in which can induce additional stress. Stimulating the release of different reproductive hormones like progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone.
  2. Controlling the production of insulin that leads to an enhancement of energy absorption.
  3. Securing the release of endorphins like dopamine which trigger a feeling of happiness and well-being.

Magnesium also fights depression with its anti-inflammatory properties as it creates a wall of protection around hormone-secreting glands. In the longer run, this ensures that all hormonal secretions remain smooth, consistent, and healthy.

[Also Read: Balance Hormones Naturally]

3. Alleviating Body Pains


Back Pain

Most patients suffering from depression tend to develop different types of body pains. These largely range from unobtrusive joint pains and back pains to grievous muscle aches and migraines.

In such cases, where depression has begun to manifest itself physically, the utilization of magnesium for depression can prove to be immensely helpful.

By inducing a sense of relaxation in the muscles, magnesium calms the nervous system and enhances the body’s immunity. This helps alleviate all forms of discomfort and agony.

[Read: Excercise for Depression]

4. Improving Cognitive Functions

A lack of concentration, inability to make decisions, and degradation of memory are the primary symptoms on the basis of which depression can be identified. However, with the usage of magnesium for depression, most of these can be entirely eliminated.

A proper dose of magnesium in the human body can promote ‘synaptic plasticity’. This basically means that despite all inhibitions, the brain begins to develop the capacity of dealing with all sorts of depressive episodes by modifying and rewiring its connections.

As a result, the patient’s cognitive functions are improved and their decision-making abilities become sharper.

5. Regulating Stress & Stabilizing Mood Swings

cure stress
Image: ShutterStock

Magnesium is that critical element which is responsible for the production and regulation of serotonin.

A chemical that receives and delivers cellular messages, serotonin, if not released adequately, can often cause high anxiety levels, increased stress, and extreme mood swings.

Nonetheless, taking the recommended magnesium depression dosage makes sure that this particular chemical is produced and circulated across the body in sufficient and wholesome amounts.

At this juncture, it becomes highly important to find out what is the ideal magnesium depression dosage that a patient must consume in order to manage their illness properly.

[Also Read: Herbal Remedies for Depression]

What Is the Ideal Magnesium Dosage to Cure Depression?

Depending on the type and severity of depression, the magnesium depression dosage can vary from one person to another. However, for most practical purposes, the ideal recommended daily allowance (RDA)(1) is:

14-18 years
410 Mg (M), 360 Mg (F)
19-30 years
400 Mg (M), 310 Mg (F)
31-50 years
420 Mg (M), 320 Mg (F)
51 & above
420 Mg (M), 320 Mg (F)

Nonetheless, it would be wise to consult your psychiatrist/pharmacologist and seek their precise prescription before you begin taking magnesium for depression treatment.

Did You Know?

Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression!

As per a study conducted by the Anxiety and depression association of America(2), more than 17.3% of adults (aged 18 or above) had faced at least one depressive episode in their lives.

This only goes on to validate the belief that the human body is an invariably complex machine. For it to run smoothly, it needs to synthesize various macro and micro minerals in abundant quantities.

One such vital mineral that casts an indelible impact on both the physical and mental faculties is magnesium.

When used as an anti-depressant, magnesium ensures that the patient’s symptoms are regulated, consequences are controlled and any active manifestations of the disease are neutralized in the best possible way.

[Also Read: Vitamins for Treating Depression]


1. How Much Magnesium Should I Take for Anxiety and Depression?

The total amount of magnesium for depression and anxiety that you should consume varies significantly from person to person. However, for an average healthy adult, a dosage of 420 Mg (for males) and 320 Mg (for females) is ideal.

2. Is Magnesium Good for Depression?

As an electrolyte that stimulates biochemical reactions, synthesizes proteins and regulates the flow of hormones, magnesium can work wonderfully in managing depressive episodes. Nonetheless, its use has to be supplemented by psychological treatment.

3. Where Do I Get Magnesium From?

Magnesium is usually available in a dietary format. You can simply consume Mg-rich foods like nuts, legumes, wholegrain, fish, and avocados. If this does not suffice, the consumption of Mg via supplements can also be considered.

4. What Are the Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency?

If your body is running low on magnesium, symptoms like nausea, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, weakness, and appetite loss are most likely to occur.

5. Does Magnesium Help Depression?

Yes, The use of magnesium for depression can go a long way in improving the patient’s brain chemistry, thus enabling them to control and eventually cure the disease.

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