Your One-step Guide Towards Wet Dreams And How To Stop Them

Updated on April 2nd, 2020
how to prevent wet dreams

Wet dreams are involuntary semen ejaculation for men and vaginal discharge for women while they are asleep. The causes for frequent wet dreams are identified as erotic dreams, commonly known as sex dreams, and continue for most people throughout puberty and in later stages of early adult years.

Wet dreams or nocturnal emissions are not as rare as one would think. They occur among 38% of teenage boys. Many people find it difficult to navigate these issues. Here are some remedies that you can easily use to get rid of wet dreams.

Learn how to avoid wet dreams with the following remedies:

Cure 1: Foods

1. Fenugreek Powder

Fenugreek Powder

Fenugreek powder is primarily known to be a spice used in many traditional Indian dishes. However, some of its lesser-known benefits also include that it helps balance the level of testosterone in men. It’s coolant-like properties also help in boosting testosterone levels in men(1) and benefit sexual health.

How to Use?

You can make fenugreek juice by taking about 1-2 tbsp of freshly ground fenugreek and add it to water. If you can’t stand the bitterness, try mixing a spoonful of honey or celery juice to improve the taste.

Have one serving of this juice during the night right before you go to bed. Having one cup every day should cool down your body and reduce frequent wet dreams.

2. Garlic and Pomegranates

If you’re wondering how to stop nocturnal emissions, try consuming garlic and pomegranates. A major component of garlic is allicin, which helps in reducing inflammation in the body and cooling it down. Pomegranates, on the other hand, improve blood circulation and hence regulate the amount of blood in your genital areas, thus restricting unwanted emissions.

You need to consume raw garlic with a glass of water before you go to bed. The taste can be pungent, but it is quite effective. For pomegranates, you can either eat the fruit or blend to make juice.

Chewing about three cloves of garlic before going to bed should be enough. And drinking about one tall glass of pomegranate juice is recommended.

3. Onions

onions health benefits

Onions have several aphrodisiac properties(2) that increase blood flow to the pelvic areas and reduce wet dreams.

Include raw onions in your daily meals or salads, or simply eat some salted slices alongside your meal

How Much to Use?

Do not eat them excessively. If eating raw, eat only a few pieces as a side to your main meal. For salads, about less than half an onion shall suffice.

[Read: Effective Ways to Control Maladaptive Daydreaming]

Cure 2: Herbal Remedies

1. Sage Tea

Sage tea is a herbal cure known to relax nerve cells and induce fast sleep. It lowers the body temperature and thus helps in having a peaceful sleep.

You can easily make sage tea by extracting leaves from the plant and then mixing it with boiled water, sugar, lemon juice, and some honey.

Drink one cup of sage tea approximately 30 minutes before going to bed ensuring the tea works to help your body cool down.

2. Bottle Gourd Juice

Bottle gourd increases cell production in the body, which in turn promotes blood circulation and decreases frequent wet dreams.

This natural remedy can be crushed into making fresh juice. You can even use bitter gourd juice externally by mixing it with sesame oil and massaging it on your scalp.

Consume one glass of bottle gourd juice before going to bed. It relaxes nerve cells, and hence by the time you go to bed, chances of having wet dreams are lowered significantly.

[Read: Effective Natural Ways to Treat Insomnia]

3. Mineral Pitch or Mineral Wax or Shilajit


Shilajit is a herb known to boost testosterone levels in men(3) and thus helps in stopping or reducing nocturnal emissions.

Add some shilajit powder to a glass of milk and drink this daily before going to bed.

One glass in a day should be enough, although some people consume more than one due to its other health benefits.

Alternative Methods That You Could Try:

  • Avoid eating excessive amounts of spicy food.
  • Keep exercising on a regular basis.
  • Wear comfortable and clean clothes while sleeping.
  • Take a cold shower at least once a day.
  • Refrain from watching pornography before bedtime.

[Read: Excellent Snoring Remedies To Sleep Better]

Closing Thoughts

Wet dreams can be an utter hassle for many people, but it is a completely natural process. The only important thing to keep in mind is to stay in touch with your own body. Also, having a healthy conversation with your partner can ease the situation.

Consulting a doctor or therapist is also a possible solution to navigate your problems.


1. Is It That Only Sex Dreams Lead to Nocturnal Emissions?

No, not necessarily. It depends on every individual and what they find arousing. Sometimes, the only act of having your genitals against the bed can trigger wet dreams.

2. Do Wet Dreams Reduce Sperm Count or Affect Immunity?

Both of these are false. Wet dreams mostly result due to the accumulation of old sperm in the testicles for men and is a natural way of the body to release it and induce the formation of new sperm.

3. Is It Abnormal to Have Wet Dreams After Puberty?

It is rare to have wet dreams after adolescence or puberty. Although not abnormal, it’s different for different people, and if you are still concerned about the frequency of your nocturnal emissions, consult a doctor, therapist, or counselor regarding your condition.

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