Treat your bone spurs with essential oils

Updated on December 19th, 2019
Essential oils for bone spurs

Bone spurs (osteophyte) is the growth of the bone that forms on your joints. People usually picture it as something spiky or sharp when they hear about a bone spur. In reality, it’s just an extra bone attached to your joints.

You can treat this issue quickly at home using essential oils for bone spurs. Essential oils contain anti-inflammatory properties that not only help soothe the pain but also treat insomnia and anxiety in surgical patients (1).

They’re natural and easily attainable. Most people suggest massaging using essential oils in the area. Heel spurs, also known as a calcaneal spur, are notably more painful than other simple spurs.

It can cause stinging pain whenever you lift your feet. It’s usually because of calcium deposits building up underneath the heel bone. (2) There are home remedies you can try out to cure it using essential oils for heel spurs.

Essential Oils for Bone Spurs

1. Peppermint oil and Eucalyptus oil blend

Why does it work?

This essential oil blend of peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil has a cooling menthol effect. When applied to a warm swollen bone spur area, it can cool it down. Other oils like frankincense, lavender, and Marjoram contain anti-inflammatory properties. You may also use helichrysum, cypress, thyme, and wintergreen. Collectively, they all contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which prove beneficial for bone spurs.

How to use it?

  • Take four drops of peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and wintergreen oil. You may also add marjoram oil, cypress oil, helichrysum oil, and frankincense oil.
  • Add ten drops of coconut oil or emu oil.
  • Blend them well.
  • Apply it on the affected area and massage it smoothly.
  • After oils have applied, for a speedy recovery, cover the area with a plastic bag and warm towel to keep it warm.

How much to use it?

Apply this blend two times daily for about two to three weeks. If you do not see any results, you may consult your doctor for further treatment.

[Read: Get Rid of Bone Spurs with Natural Ways]

2. Lavender Oil Massage

Lavender Oil Massage

Why does it work?

Studies have proven the fact that lavender oil contains anti-inflammatory properties. (3) It is considered to be one of the best treatments for inflammation pain. It has features that can dissolve bone spurs and release stress and anxiety. Lavender oil helps you relax.

How to use it?

  • Take lavender oil and warm it up slightly
  • Massage the oil on the affected area to soothe the pain.
  • Make sure you absorb the oil on the area and moisturize it thoroughly.

How much to use it?

You may try this daily for over two weeks till you see results. It can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions to people allergic to lavender. In that case, do not continue using this. It’s best you consult your doctor before going through with this.

[Read: Get Rid of Heel Spurs with Natural Methods]

3. Rosemary oil massage

Why does it work?

Rosemary oil helps reduce joint inflammation and helps in relieving pain (4).

How to use it?

  • Take a fair amount of rosemary oil and warm it slightly on a mild flame.
  • Apply the oil on the affected area and massage it gently.
  • Absorb the oil entirely and moisturize it for optimum results.

How much to use it?

You can massage the affected area twice daily until you feel relief from the pain. However, if you do not experience any results, then you may consult your doctor for further treatment.

[Read: Home Remedies for Heel Spurs]

4. Rosemary and Flaxseed oil blend


Why does it work?

The blend of rosemary and flaxseed oil is beneficial for heel spurs. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, and flaxseed oil is an antioxidant. It’s anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory.

How to use it?

  • Take two to three drops of rosemary oil and three tablespoons of warm olive oil and mix them well.
  • Add rosemary-flaxseed oil mix in warm water.
  • Dip a cotton towel and wrap it around your heels to keep it warm.
  • Place a heating pad to keep the affected area warm.
  • Stay still for 30-45 minutes.

How much to use it?

You may try this three times in a week. Do not apply flaxseed oil for more extended periods; it can cause allergic reactions to the skin.

[Read: Bone Spurs Making Your Life Difficult? Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Them]

Side effects/prevention

There are no major side effects of essential oils. Having said that, make sure you have no allergies to essential oils you are going to use. For that, you can do a patch test or talk to your doctor for more information.

Essential oils are proven to be the most effective home remedy for bone spurs. They have anti-inflammatory properties that can help in relieving your bone and heel spur pain. They’re far cheaper than other conventional methods. You can obtain them from anywhere. However, some oils can cause allergic reactions when in contact with the skin. You should consult your doctor before trying them out. In case of extreme joint stiffness (which can be extremely dangerous), contact your doctor.


1. Are There Other Non-Surgical Methods for Heel Spurs Along with Essential Oils?

Yes, there are. You can try Epsom salt with essential oils. The magnesium sulfate in Epsom salt will give you relief from inflammation.

2. When to Consult a Doctor About Bone Spurs?

If you experience stiffness or swelling in your joints and you face trouble walking, you should see your doctor about it.

3. Are Essential Oils Safe to Use?

They can only cause harm if you’re allergic to the ingredients in it. It is recommended you perform a patch test before applying the oil.

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